Storie originali > Poesia
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Autore: VeganWanderingWolf    20/07/2018    0 recensioni
esattamente come dice il titolo. di demoni e di altre chimere. è una raccolta (ognuna per sé). ed è nonsense (come mio solito). ovvero: qui e là il "senso", "significato", "interpretazione", o come meglio credete chiamarlo, è sfuggente, inafferrabile, sfaccettato (potenzialmente all'infinito).
Genere: Poesia | Stato: in corso
Tipo di coppia: Nessuna
Note: nessuna | Avvertimenti: nessuno
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- Questa storia fa parte della serie 'Nonsenses'
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.it said.



the wolf said my name

while I was falling for nothing

I opened my eyes and it was there

the demon said

it's always a beginning and an end


the crow was crying

calling all souls on the storm

I closed my eyes to make the sprint

the wind said

it's always a twirling inside out and then again


the black lioness was walking calmly

and the desert seems to have no end

I lie to remember and to forget

the gold sand said

there's nothing which can last forever, and ever


the snake was singing a lullaby

and the jungle was dreaming about blueish mist

I sleep the poison away

the spiral said

it's a circling around the nothigness, where we come from and return to


the fox was trotting her way

and the traces draw a drowning in the mudd

I smoke to breathe my sight in the blindness

the wood said

there are stories to tell, and others which aren't need to be told


the horse was running wild

and right through the precipice, forward and back

I bungee-jumping all the scars and I am here and there again

the elastic spirit said

we can not die for so little, 'cause we fought worse and we won


the bird of the morning exploded

and the days were smuggling with nights in an only their game

I smile like I ever really know how the trick works

the moon on fire said

something runs in my blood, so that don't really have to understand

[so that I know without having to understand]

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