Libri > Good Omens
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Autore: LadyTallulah    06/02/2024    0 recensioni
"Beyond Celestial Pages: A Love's Infinite Odyssey" is a poignant love story between Aziraphale, now an archangel, and Crowley, the demon, following the events of Good Omens' second season. Aziraphale is compelled to return to Heaven, but their bond is unbreakable. The bookstore, once the angel's sanctuary, becomes the place where Crowley endlessly awaits the return of his beloved. Amid ethereal waits and celestial promises, the story unfolds as a love that defies the barriers between Heaven and Hell, safeguarded within the pages of a magical place.
Genere: Drammatico, Fantasy, Romantico | Stato: completa
Tipo di coppia: Yaoi | Personaggi: Aziraphale/Azraphel, Crowley
Note: nessuna | Avvertimenti: nessuno
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The next morning, Aziraphale woke up with the warmth of Crowley beside him. The sheets carried the scent of their shared passion, and the library seemed to echo with the remnants of their love promises.
Gently, Aziraphale kissed Crowley on the forehead. "I must return to Heaven, my love. The Parousia is approaching, and we must prepare for the final battle to protect not just our love but also the Earth."

Crowley woke up slowly, his golden eyes fixed on Aziraphale. "Protect the Earth? How?"The archangel got up from the bed, donning the white robe of the archangel bestowed upon him. "The forces of Heaven and Hell may wreak havoc during the Parousia, and Earth will be caught in the crossfire. We must find a way to safeguard humanity and our love. Our love is powerful, Crowley, and it can be a beacon of hope in these tumultuous times."Crowley rose, determination in his eyes. "We won't let them harm the Earth or our love, Aziraphale. We'll fight together."

Aziraphale smiled, touching Crowley's face affectionately. "You are my beloved demon, and I am your archangel. Together, we can face anything and protect what truly matters."They prepared for battle, aware that their love would be an unstoppable force not just for themselves but for the Earth. The library, with its ancient books and the atmosphere charged with magic, became the headquarters of their resistance against the celestial forces threatening to tear them apart and harm the world they cherished.

As Heaven and Hell prepared for the Parousia, Aziraphale and Crowley strengthened the bonds of their love, ready to challenge every obstacle and protect the Earth from the impending chaos. The final battle approached, but in the embrace of Aziraphale and Crowley, there was certainty that love would triumph over every adversity. With the promise of a future together and a commitment to safeguarding the Earth, the archangel and the demon faced their destiny, ready to defend their love and the world with every fiber of their being.And so, among the pages of celestial history, Aziraphale and Crowley's library became a symbol of hope, a place where love could defy the forces of heaven and hell, and where eternal passion would light the way to a new destiny for both them and the Earth.


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