Membro dal: 08/01/16
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Giuls, Modena.

Amo molto parlare di niente. E’ l’unico argomento di cui so tutto.

Liceo Delle Scienze Umane.

Chicken fillet is my favourite word for boobs.''


To be honest, I don't think I'm the best role model in the world. I'm pretty immature sometimes.''  
''I think I've changed a little bit. I don't know whether it's for the better or for the worse at the moment. I've settled into a different mind frame now... being a bit wilder maybe!''

'' That's the amazing thing about music: there's a song for every emotion. Can you imagine a world with no music? It would suck. ''

''I always have bows in my hair, that’s my little thing. The thing about bows is that they can be quite boyish, like a bow tie. A typical outfit for me is baggy jeans and a little crop top, and a big bow!''

''I’ll admit, I never wanted to be in a band, then, in X Factor, they put me in this group and it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.''

“There is only one you. You should embrace anything that you don’t like about yourself because that’s individual, and that’s you.”

''I used to write it on my wall at home. I’m quite happy and I like ‘peace’ and that kind of thing. Whenever I say it, it just makes me feel better.''

"Come fai Louis?" chiese di getto levando le mani dal viso "Come riesci a sopportarlo?!" continuò "Come puoi sopportare il fatto che dei bambini così piccoli muoiano, tutti i giorni, per cose che altrove si potrebbero curare, per cose che altrove non avrebbero contratto!" sputò fuori in un fiato.
"Sapendo che ho dato il massimo" rispose il più grande fissando lo sguardo azzurro in quello verde di Harry "Sapendo che anche io, come loro, ho lottato"
Autore: someonelikecris | Pubblicata: 14/04/13 | Aggiornata: 07/08/13 | Rating: Rosso
Genere: Angst, Drammatico, Romantico | Capitoli: 17 | Completa
Tipo di coppia: Slash | Note: AU | Avvertimenti: Contenuti forti
Personaggi: Altri, Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson
Categoria: Fanfic su artisti musicali > One Direction |  Leggi le 165 recensioni