Recensioni per
Una vita al bivio
di lady lina 77

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Recensore Veterano
01/05/12, ore 14:17

Ciao^^ Sono finita qui per puro caso, e la tua storia mi ha colpito fin da subito. È una fanfiction ben articolata e molto scorrevole. L'ambientazione che hai messo mi È piaciuta un sacco...:) L'idea di vedere D'Artagnan con tre figli mi ha divertito,perche' non rieso a vedercelo come padre. L'ambientazione principale si basa sul paring Athos/Aramis che io adoro..:) Spero che aggiornerai presto..:) Ciao..:)

Recensore Veterano
05/03/12, ore 19:28

Grazie per la dedica mi ha fatto un piacere immenso!!

Finalmente ricompare Athos! E adesso ci lasci così, a cuocere a fuoco lentissimo nell'attesa di scoprire cosa succederà tra quei due! MALEDETTA!!! ;)

Posso solo immaginare che ben presto si apriranno le ostilità e che chiarirsi non sarà poi tanto facile...

Recensore Veterano
05/03/12, ore 08:51

Hello! like this? ^ ____ ^ Together today, I was thinking about his story and then the chapter again, the calm before the storm, Aramis lay down to children, calm down and then was thinking about a solution to return them to their house without being discovered, First take the best decision, write a letter informing the captain what happened, but I leave the captain how the children would return to Paris, she thought the captain would send Dartagnan, but it occurred to him that he would not be available without further wrote the letter and sent his servant to Paris, the captain as he read the letter of Aramis was happy to hear from her and that was fine, the children learn that twist of fate you were in your hands relief, but now had a problem. Dartagnan was not only had confidence in Athos, but he knew how bad it could react to the news, decided to risk and appeal to their duty of musketeers, Athos entered the captain's office, sat down and waited patiently for instructions, Captain told all he knew of children who were rescued by an old friend, his mission was to go for them, bring them home immediately, but Athos demanded to know the identity of the hero, the captain hesitated, but finally said, he did not expect the backlash of his best man, it took time but as he could appeal to their duty musketeer Athos could only think of the damage Aramis him when he left without saying anything, I guess she was a woman But maybe there was more, he did not dare say I knew his secret, was content with his friendship and to be near her, Athos is very hurt, as will react when he returns to see Aramis, when you see that she does not hides her true sex, especially living alone, alone I can think to smooth things over between them, which at the time you reach Athos, Aramis again this fighting alone against the three bandits, is a question to clarify the point, of the reasons that Aramis was afraid to tell the truth to Athos, Athos is his hatred of women?, the next chapter promises a storm, I hope the next chapter soon, thanks for sharing ^ _____ ^.

Nuovo recensore
05/03/12, ore 03:30

I agree with Athos... why was he bypassed as the next Captain? Maybe D'artagnan is no longer a boy in the story but Athos sure is a better choice!

Anyways, the story is really great! Whooohoo! I can't waity for them to meet again!!!

Recensore Master
05/03/12, ore 01:02

La resa dei conti doveva arrivare, prima o poi, ed ora è il momento; certo sarà un momento difficile sia per Athos che per Aramis rivedersi, la missione sarà solo la scusa che utilizzeranno per trattarsi con freddezza; non mi aspettavo la gelosia di Athos nei confronti di D'Artagnan, ma è dovuta sicuramente all'idea di rivedere Aramis; sono ansiosa di assistere a questo incontro memorabile!

Recensore Junior
04/03/12, ore 21:39

wow! quindi finalmente sappiamo totalmente il perchè del disappunto e dell'enorme tristezza di Athos... non solo per l'aver perso il suo migliore amico...HIHIHI!!
lui sa bene chi è in realtà Aramis e da quello che lasci trasparire per lei nutre ben altro che amicizia...
non vedo l'ora di scoprire fuoco e fiamme che scaturiranno dal loro incontro dopo ben 10 anni.
e scommetto che ne vedremo delle belle visto che Athos non è particolarmente felice di rivederla
bel capitolo scorrevole e interessante che ci apre ad uno scenario che accende tutta la mia curiosità
aggiorna al più presto che puoi

Nuovo recensore
18/02/12, ore 05:18

Hello, ladylina,
and a new chapter full of action, and revelations of what Aramis has done for the past ten years!!! Chief of village, and refused all wedding proposals...LOL... is this because she left her heart in Paris, with a certain dark-haired comrade-musketeer??? LOL...
Those kids are very clever, and the twins had to be able to escape, being the children of d'Artagnan and surely having the courage of their father... and as Louis grew up alongside them, of course he's brave too, even if he is kept in the Palace...
And I'm so happy that those bandits were stupid...LOL...LOL... and then bump into Aramis, thinking it's "only a woman"...He he he... fools!!!

And now, after the "interrogatoire" and that Aramis truly knows that these kids are who they claimed to be, what is she going to do???? Will she go back to Paris??? Send a letter to her friends to tell them that the children are safe with her, and that she'll be returning to Paris with them??? Will she return as musketeer Aramis, or as Renee??

Update soon, and thank you for yet another great story!!

P.S. I'm happy to hear that you'll find also the time to update "con la nebbia nel alma", I also like that ff of yours very much, and look forward to find out what Grethel will do now that she's in Paris, to get d'Artagnan back, and when she finds out that this same d'Artagnan is the son of the man that apparently murdered her father... Grazie mille!!!

Recensore Master
18/02/12, ore 00:51

Chiedo scusa per il terribile ritardo, ma ho avuto problemi di linea per giorni (e non so se siano finiti ancora del tutto..); però appena ho potuto ho letto il tuo nuovo capitolo; il destino chiede il conto ad Aramis, proprio quando si era rifatta una vita tranquilla e soddisfacente; è stato bello sapere che si è fatta rispettare in un'epoca in cui per una donna era difficile farsi avanti, è bello che sia stimata da tutti i suoi nuovi concittadini, e stia bene; ma non ha dimenticato il passato, e il passato è tornato a farsi avanti, forse la riporterà indietro, chissà; bellissimo il crescere delle emozioni dentro il suo animo, al sentire gli echi del suo passato che tornano.

Recensore Veterano
15/02/12, ore 22:53

Lo sapevo, lo sapevo! :D

Ma adesso mi hai messo addosso una curiosità folle: che cosa cavolo succederà quando si incontreranno tutti nuovamente???

Recensore Veterano
14/02/12, ore 03:42

Hello! how are you? ^ ____ ^, By order of the chapters I've been waiting, the three little demons were able to escape from his captors, worthy sons of his father, to his good fortune (of which not Aramis, for it is bad) are rescued by Aramis, crooks thought they had no problems, big mistake, the children were amazed by the woman, she fights like his father and is beautiful, but three opponents were very tricky, thanks to Aramis children could be victorious, and at her house, the children were neat, Aramis finally interrogated, because three men wanted to hurt children?, your instinct as a soldier was alert and observe the appearance of small, fine clothes, good manners, were sons of nobles it was easy to figure out what happened, but where they were and who his parents were, Aramis asked these questions, when was the first answers, she did not believe them, he asked again but with more personal questions, each answer made her feel increasingly more ill, his past was presenting to her children lived in Paris, who was once her home, one of the children was the crown prince, the other two were sons of his best friend Dartagnan, had to return to the little to their homes, but as without encountering the past, but without being discovered her secret, that it was a problem, the children knew it was a woman and her name "Aramis", two things that never fit, I've gone round to this problem and the only thing I can think is that it should go directly to Captain Treville, you can go with no problems at night and leave the children.

Aramis has adapted to his new life was not easy at first, but the people of the village has accepted, to the extent of naming chief, thought I'd best not be noticed, but also their duty as musketeer not allowed sit still, she is a very busy person and even that has had several offers of marriage, she just wants her Athos, as a reunion with friends, I think these thugs are not going to be so quiet, they were defeated by a woman, she can ask the children not mention it but were so impressed that they will not fail to mention the woman in man, the chapter that follows is very exciting, I'll be waiting for your update, grace for sharing ^ ____ ^.

Recensore Junior
13/02/12, ore 00:05

AHAAAH ma qui si scatenano tante situazioni!!
Innanzi tutto la piu' o meno plausibile situation pipi', dove anche i piu' cattivi criminali devono fermarsi, poi l'ammirazione di Julie per Aramis, poi Aramis donna ormai adulta che se la vede con dei bambini, scatenando sia un po' del suo istinto materno, sia la valanga di ricordi di un passato ormai lontano... E' un punto di vista del tutto nuovo ed abbastanza plausibile. Poi i 10 anni riflessivi di Aramis lontana, sembrano fare riferimento anche un po' alle novelle :P

Recensore Junior
12/02/12, ore 23:19

complimenti bellissimo capitolo!!!!
fantastici i bambini! piccoli geni all'opera!
bella anche la scena dell'Incontro con Aramis me l'immagino bella e combattiva sotto la pioggia che corre incontro ai bimbi...bellissima!

adesso chissà cosa farà!
ovviamente deve riportare i bambini dai loro genitori ma ovviamente rimane la paura di rivedere i suoi vecchi compagni che non ha avuto il coraggio di salutare 10 anni prima quando è sparita senza dare spiegazioni... perfettamente comprensibile la sua reazione.

posta presto il prossimo capitolo che voglio vedere Athos! wow!

Recensore Junior
12/02/12, ore 18:45
Cap. 3:

che pesti quei bambini
in due capitoli hanno fatto più danni che una persone normale nell'arco di una vita!
no! è esagerato! però sono davvero delle mine vaganti e infatti si sono messi nei guai!

meglio per noi perchè con le loro marachelle faranno in modo di far incontrare di nuovo Athos e Aramis...

sono curiosa di vedere la reazione che susciterà il loro incontro... sopratutto come reagirà il moro visto che da quello che hai scritto mi è parso di capire che a lui la presenza del suo amico biondo manca parecchio!

ciao alla prossima!

Recensore Veterano
08/02/12, ore 15:38
Cap. 3:

che piacere che sei tornata!
Posso vagamente intuire che i malvagi rapitori faranno un brutto affare e incontreranno un moschettiere biondo di nostra conoscenza? ;)
Mi rendo conto che per riprendere la trama devo tornare a rileggermi i capitoli, almeno sarò pronta a tutto ciò che verrà!
Per il momento: buona scrittura!

Recensore Veterano
08/02/12, ore 07:33
Cap. 3:

Hello! is a pleasure to meet you! ^ _____ ^, You are cruel after so long, I'm still waiting for the bitter chapter of the encounter between Aramis and his friends, as well as how those demons managed to escape, especially as they found Aramis, when she knows who they are not to hesitate to bring them back to Paris, the logical thing would be left at the door of the venue and not be present, get out fast, but when questioned about how safe they returned, they will say that a blonde woman dressed man!, they will come running for her, waiting for the reaction of Athos after ten years, can not forgive himself for not confessing that he knew her secret and not tell her he loved her, I'll be waiting for your update, thanks for sharing ^ ____ ^.