Recensioni per
Two Much
di Varda

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Recensore Master
04/03/13, ore 19:44
Cap. 6:

Renée sembra affascinata dal giovane conte, come darle torto? Non capisco perché lei conosca già il palazzo, magari ha a che vedere con François.

Recensore Junior
03/03/13, ore 10:39
Cap. 5:

Ok... Mi piace leggere capitoli brevi, ma pieni d'azione e con un bel cliff-hanger sul prossimo capitolo! Una sola cosa: si dice per caso rifoderare un'arma? Non sono sicura se sia un typo o meno...

Recensore Master
01/03/13, ore 18:00
Cap. 5:

Renée si imbatte proprio nel conte in modo inaspettato, lui sembra davvero un bell'uomo; la ragazza non nasconde la sua natura coraggiosa neanche in abiti femminili.

Recensore Master
01/03/13, ore 11:48
Cap. 4:

Ritornare alla vita di un tempo non è facile né piacevole per la povera Renée, anche se dimostra una forza fuori del comune; la zia sembra abbia intuito qualcosa negli occhi della nipote.

Recensore Veterano
01/03/13, ore 04:02
Cap. 4:

Hello! Again! ^ ____ ^, Renee has made a request to his aunt, who I think may be dangerous, she wants to meet the Count Reynaud to thank for their help with his family, and ask about his uncle, but what will be the intentions of the man, be selfless , or perhaps innocently in love with the girl, now Renee has promised that on his return to tell him all her aunt, not dangerous, as it will take, but she already senses something, he sees as his niece changed, does not have the manners of a delicate and demure lady, I hope the next chapter, thanks for sharing ^ _____ ^:

Recensore Veterano
27/02/13, ore 22:31
Cap. 3:

Hello! Again! ^ _____ ^, Renee feels really guilty about the fate of his family, now that I think back will stay, maybe just go back to Paris to arrange your floor and go home, this will not please their friends, especially Athos, but the real reasons know only the Dartagnan, as he knows his secret, and react to Athos, now who is this Count Reynaud, who play in the future role of Renee, a possible rival to Athos, but for this would have to discover the truth, will appear as the father of Francois ally, perhaps Renee took a drastic decision?, which escaped years ago, I hope the next chapter, thanks for sharing ^ ______ ^.

Recensore Master
27/02/13, ore 11:30
Cap. 3:

Le cose stanno davvero messe assai poco bene, ma Renée non è il tipo da arrendersi facilmente, forte anche della vicinanza di François che la veglia dall'alto certamente.

Recensore Veterano
26/02/13, ore 04:17
Cap. 2:

Hello! like this? ^ _____ ^, A new chapter, even something short, I like Renee, somewhat confused, she is interviewed with her aunt, apparently sick after what happened, but apparently loves Renee and hurt his disappearance, the whole conversation the girl, who after their escape from a junk promised, this family demanded compensation for damage and dowry, unable to pay the sum and a slump, the family finances were affected, is found lacking, the sumptuous luxury and family fortune, there was nothing, to hear that Renee could not but feel guilty about his misfortune, his aunt expected her to stay permanently, but I do not want that Renee , but his family is actually good, she escaped years ago for something, now try to force her to marry again?, to regain his fortune, or will she take the initiative to pay for their suffering, I hope the following chapter, thanks for sharing ^ ______ ^.

Recensore Master
25/02/13, ore 20:20
Cap. 2:

La povera Renée ha trovato un quadro deprimente al suo ritorno, a causa della vendetta del suo ex promesso sposo; ma conoscendola come una ragazza forte, aiuterà sua zia a rimettere in piedi la tenuta, e forse potrebbe pure andare a cercare lo zio ed il cugino in America.

Recensore Master
19/02/13, ore 17:09
Cap. 1:

Cosa è accaduto di tanto misterioso nella vecchia villa di famiglia di Renée? E' coraggiosa ad essere ritornata, ma forse dovrà affrontare qualcosa che è venuto fuori negli anni della sua assenza.

Recensore Junior
19/02/13, ore 08:45
Cap. 1:

Yay nuova fic! Dopo S.Valentino arrivano sempre nuove ffs in questo fandom!... Chissa' come mai... Questa intro mette un sacco di curiosita' e si rifa' un po' al romanzo di Dumas. Chissa' cosa sara' successo in quella villa e come staranno i suoi zii... In bocca al lupo per questo nuovo inizio dunque!

Recensore Veterano
19/02/13, ore 02:59
Cap. 1:

Hello! like this? ^ _____ ^, Is a pleasure to greet him, his story is very interesting, what happened after Swiss Aramis met his past and this led her to want to go back, back to being Renne even it out for a weekend, but to find that everything has changed, your family will be fine, let her return to her life of a musketeer, one thing is certain, you should not reveal his secret, but really do not want to re-marry her by force, it is best I see a Athos / Aramis, a romance of our favorite couple, that happens now, I congratulate you on this first chapter, I hope soon the next, thanks for sharing ^ ______ ^.

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