Recensioni per
Two Much
di Varda

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Recensore Master
09/04/13, ore 12:10
Cap. 1:

Complimenti per aver reso questa Aramis una donna non dura e nemmeno ossessionata dal suo passato amore.Mi pare una ragazza che ha appena finito una missione e vuole un po' riposarsi.
è bello anche leggere del rapporto che ha con i suoi colleghi anche sè, mi sembra che ancora ,il suo piccolo segreto non sia stato scoperto.
Bazin è presente ,fa sempre piacere leggere che la presenza dei personaggi del libro.
Una storia scritta bene e mi dispiace iniziarla solo ora a leggerla.L'avevo sempre sotto al naso e non me ne sono mai accorta.
Sbadata che sono!

Recensore Master
08/04/13, ore 22:25
Cap. 12:

Chi può mai essere il futuro marito di Evangeline? Non deve essere un granché a giudicare dall'opinione di Renée.. vorrei tanto sapere anche qual'è la questione urgente di cui François vorrebbe parlare a Renée.

Recensore Veterano
08/04/13, ore 20:40
Cap. 12:

Hello! like this? ^ ____ ^, Renee finally took the ball like Cinderella, Francois as any gentleman escorted her and dance with her, but as the host had duties, he had to leave her alone, when Evangeline Renee saw almost make a mistake, it is assumed she does not know. But Aramis if she knew fix the error, when Renee left alone, Evangeline accompany him, but only because I wanted to know what Aramis allegedly told her, about that was when a young man came to the dance, the host introduced him to Renee as her future husband, when Renee saw it, could not believe it, well it seems that finally makes its appearance Athos, Renee is shocked, not only to see his partner there, but also by the confession of the young, but if she is engaged, because so much interest in Aramis, that flirting?, who feel Renee, his companion told him never had a girlfriend, unless it was committed, but now the problem is that it does not recognize it, plus it will be presented as the sister of his partner, is going to happen, I think this commitment is a master plan and Athos, who were already working time, to know the dealings of the count, I hope the next chapter, thanks for sharing ^ _____ ^.

Recensore Veterano
30/03/13, ore 05:27
Cap. 11:

Hello! like this? ^ ____ ^, Aramis has taken over your home, with the money they gave him, sent his aunt to the baths to help their health, after repairing the mansion command to recover a little of its luster, was so busy time went fast, Bazin returns with its orders, the captain's letter was not very encouraging, and found a complication she did not expect an invitation to Aramis by the young Evangeline, had to come up with an explanation for the decline the young Musketeer, Bazin now reminded him that he had to start with his arrangement for the party, Aramis had attended several parties of the court, but always as a musketeer, but now had to attend as a lady, his arrangement would take hours, years ago that she is not used to so much attention to him, he began to think, in your life, in your future, there was no reason to continue as a musketeer, could again make a family woman, had to make a decision and this event could be a test to decide, finally, the sleeping woman in it for years, had resurfaced, was ready to be again an object of desire, an ornament, a trophy?, what kind of characters will be invited to the party?, Aramis dare to play two roles?, it gets interesting, I hope the next chapter, thanks for sharing '^ _____ ^.

Recensore Master
29/03/13, ore 21:31
Cap. 11:

Renée non ha dimenticato come si comporta una gran dama nonostante gli anni passati da moschettiere; avevo indovinato su Evangeline, pare abbia una cotta per Aramis!

Recensore Master
27/03/13, ore 13:11
Cap. 10:

Il conte ha davvero un comportamento assai sospetto, temo poi che abbia riconosciuto Renée; invece, credo che la contessina Evangeline si stia innamorando di lui (non è difficile.. ho sempre preferito che il bellissimo Aramis fosse un uomo, nelle fic!); non so se andare al ballo vestita da dama sia una buona idea.

Recensore Veterano
26/03/13, ore 20:56
Cap. 10:

Hello! like this? ^ ____ ^, Aramis finally appears before the count and collect what is yours hopefully, things start to get complicated and appears soldier's instinct, Francois has a sister who apparently was delighted with Aramis, this in turn decides to attend to dance, he wants to do research on their business afond in America who are your partners?, dancing alone in the find, but not get into the lion's den alone, Bazin sends Aramis to Paris with several errands, a letter to the captain being reported and report what you are doing, a letter to the tailor, asked to do a dress for a lady, but I think things are going to complicate one that not only is Renee at the ball, I think they will invite Aramis, double trouble, and the other, when Aramis arrived, the Count was with someone else, I can think of that was with the Count de la Fere?, if I am correct and the captain was eyeing this count and Athos sent to investigate?, so it may be that Athos is in dance, will meet with Renee and Aramis?, or I'm wrong, I hope the next chapter, thanks for sharing ^ _____ ^.

Recensore Veterano
21/03/13, ore 01:28
Cap. 9:

Hello! like this? ^ _____ ^, Aramis told the truth to Bazin, this understand the great responsibility that you were giving, I accept without hesitation, now they go for money to help her family, her aunt asked to accompany her to the baths but Aramis he says he can not because the earl invited to the dance, now have to get a dress, I think it will be very interesting day of dance, Aramis aunt says that since he came back, the joy in the house also return , this will put the young start thinking about staying home?, to repair the damage caused, thought of leaving his life as a musketeer?, I hope the next chapter, thanks for sharing ^ ______ ^.

Recensore Master
21/03/13, ore 00:49
Cap. 9:

Renée è astuta ed intelligente, ma farà bene a mandare sua zia il più lontano dal castello il prima possibile, anche lei non è stupida; il conte è ambiguo, al ballo succederà qualcosa, ma Renée rischia di venire smascherata se vi prendesse parte nelle vesti di suo fratello.

Recensore Master
16/03/13, ore 13:09
Cap. 8:

Il giovane conte è troppo attaccato a Renée, temo che capirà il suo segreto; non riesco ad immaginare cosa lei voglia fare per la sua famiglia da Parigi; il ballo sarà un'importante occasione, credo.

Recensore Veterano
16/03/13, ore 05:45
Cap. 8:

Hello! like this? ^ ___ ^, Aramis was escorted to his house by her new gentleman who soon find out if there was a love rival, she denied there was anyone, but unconsciously she hides her feelings, saying that no one, hearing this the young, soon secure another meeting, invited her to a party at his castle, Aramis doubt it has to return to Paris, you can not go back and forth, could be dangerous, asks for time to respond, says the send his brother Aramis, when alone Bazin asks his brother, Aramis going to have to tell all, the party will be in a week, I will be a long time when your friends see a strange attitude in Aramis, I wonder if by chance someone else will attend this event, as going to get a dress in time, I hope the next chapter, thanks for sharing ^ _____ ^.

Recensore Veterano
07/03/13, ore 04:45
Cap. 7:

Hello! like this? ^ ____ ^, Renee met with the Count, this gave him news of his uncle and cousin, good and bad, the first was that by going to the New World, had managed to recover a small fortune, but the bad news was that there were riots in the lands where they lived, communication was lost, she appreciated the information, when Count wonder Renee's aunt, said this of his poor health, the earl recommended thermal baths, she thanked the interest, but confirmed that this was a luxury they could not afford, Count then informed him that his relatives had sent a part of Fortune wins in the new lands, Renee questioned why he had not sent him e informed his aunt before, this woman said she was sick to receive the shipment, that his son had just returned from her trip, she was offered at that time to be the sent, stressing that the young count the escort, but referring the previous attack, he refused, preferring not to risk the young, the young doubting the intentions of the man, immediately mention the arrival of his brother Aramis, the man accepted, the next day Aramis return to collect gold, like Renee, I have my doubts because he had not sent the gold, but also the fact that he could not ever mention it, but I see Aramis riskier linked to Renee, can bring problems later or tangles also mean that it will to reveal all to her aunt, I hope the next chapter, thanks for sharing ^ _____ ^.

Recensore Master
07/03/13, ore 01:10
Cap. 7:

Il conte non mi convince del tutto, se non si possono avere notizie come fa a dire che la ribellione si è placata? Credo che Gaston nasconda a Renée qualcosa di importante sulla sua famiglia, lei ha fatto bene a inventare la storia del fratello; vedremo come finirà.

Recensore Veterano
05/03/13, ore 07:59
Cap. 6:

Hello! Again! ^ _____ ^, Renee was surprised to learn that this young man was the earl, believing that he was older, but the young man was just as surprised to learn that she was the missing niece of Baron D'Herblay, was curious to know who made both years, he accompanied her to his castle to be interviewed with the boy's father, Renee wanted to ask the whereabouts of his uncle and his cousin, in the main hall the young would retire to find his father, but he promised in the end, would accompany her back to his house, saying he would not accept a refusal, the girl had no other to accept, but where was this count hidden, because apparently she did not know, in the past was not a suitor, the guy is persistent, is making their fight, after meeting such a handsome, how long to stay with her ​​aunt, I think the comparisons are going to start when I return to Paris, I hope the next chapter, thanks for sharing ^ ___ ^.

Recensore Veterano
05/03/13, ore 07:51
Cap. 5:

Hello! like this? ^ ____ ^, Renee earned him his aunt, as the day they met Francois, was riding alone is released, trying to remember the sites of his youth, but forgetting is not dressed as Aramis, nor had his sword, but if you like a lady, easy prey for muggers, only with a dagger he knew very well used, tried to defend two rascals, who tried to steal, then a knight appeared, Renee not used to being the damsel in distress had to accept the help, because as explain the two types have downed herself?, at the end like a lady had to thank his rescuer, but he had to be cautious, to reassure the gentleman showed up, was Count he was going to see, apparently count will be a worthy rival to Athos, is a gentleman, good swordsman and handsome, but has the smallest detail, to be called just like his great love, a salient point, the race will be tough by Renee's heart, I hope the next chapter, thanks for sharing ^ _____ ^.