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L'orrendo foco
di GaiaTon

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Recensore Junior
17/08/12, ore 23:01

Brutta, la vedo brutta la situazione. E adesso cosa vuole il Cardinale da Athos? Ero tutta tranquilla a godermi il lento, ma inesorabile, riavvicinamento di quei due e adesso quello lì si mette in mezzo?! Ma non aveva niente di meglio da fare?! Ora sono preoccupata: Milady è ancora viva (quindi ancora perfettamente in grado di far danni), Athos è ancora suo marito e non credo che il Cardinale, venendo in possesso di una simile informazione, perderebbe l'occasione di usarla a suo vantaggio.
Che ansia!

Recensore Veterano
16/08/12, ore 12:53

No, dico sul serio!
Anche qui non ti smentisci mai, sei veramente la maga dei discorsi! Mi piace terribilmente come sai gestire le situazioni, ti assicuro che mi sono immedesimata in Aramis e arrossivo io al posto suo davanti alle avances di Athos!
E certo che lui è proprio bravo a corteggiarla: sa che parole usare per colpirla dritta al cuore ed è terribilmente sexy...
E sei anche riuscita a mettere dentro quella parte di Rochefort! Cicala proprio a pennello, ben fatto!

Il finale mi ha lasciato senza parole! Accidenti, ora sì che sono curiosa, sono veramente sulle spine, cosa vuole il perfido Richelieu????

Ribadisco ancora una volta che man mano vai avanti con i capitoli, e più migliori, ancora complimenti!

Recensore Veterano
03/08/12, ore 04:45

Hello! like this? ^ ____ ^, A difficult chapter, Aramis, this is your new home, she is studying the documentation of your property, but it was a simple Musketeer with basic amenities, feels it is too much for her alone, but have to think that the title requires, Porthos is with her, try to give you ideas as well not be alone, he knows that this shattered inside, all her friends have gone to visit his home, then came Dorothee, she makes jokes about his new title, Aramis blushes are not used, Dorothee use as an excuse to see the take on her new dress for the dance, as well as gifts for makeup and a maid to look at, but Aramis and had everything ready, you said he followed his advice to send to her dress, this had to be worth the lady would dance with the prince, but she knew it was an excuse to talk about Athos, she takes to tell it's a beautiful young woman who must take advantage of its charms, but modestly, Dorothee says she sees as been crying for him, they sat down to talk, Aramis told him about the night before with Athos, Aramis term when his story seemed more tired and sad Dorothee not know how to help young, his mind seemed that she had retired to the convent, she studied the situation, I ask that Aramis was what hurt him most of all, she replied that he was married to Milady and did not he also in the treatment like that woman, that he wanted her to pay for all damage, Aramis wept tears of anger, when he recalled the hatred and contempt of Athos, Dorothee asked if that was all that there that night, told her that if she was not alive in the arms of the man, Aramis in disbelief at the question, began to recall that night of love, the woman asked if I knew?, Aramis wonder what, to understanding began to mourn, Aramis, Athos did not think he loved her, but Dorothee asks if he said it, Aramis said their actions say no, but swears he loves Athos, Aramis confesses he has no love, only bitterness, which only has forgiveness for him, for his offenses, the lady said that only sees the bad instead of good, replied Aramis upset that there were few mistakes, which is soft Dorothee with man, that Athos does not see the man who fell in love, Dorothee says he will never be perfect because it is a human, try to think Aramis but only think about how it was with Francois, but they do not compare and can not compare to Renee and Aramis, you she says, to leave the past and look forward, Dorothee speaks of the good feelings of Athos by it, retrieve the medal for Aramis, she tells him if he asked her to intercede for him, the maiden spoke indignantly to the indictment, the women said they knew how stubborn it is when it gets an idea, but they believed in the sentiments of Athos, also that it was worth fighting for this man who loves her, Dorothee said he has lived as a man , it's time to live and think as a woman, she has to struggle with their own weapons for him, but confessed that Aramis is afraid of being hurt again, each time you create to be happy, everything falls apart, no longer wants cry, try to comfort Dorothhe but tells him that's always going to happen, she was a warrior who does not surrender, they demonstrate, Aramis felt indignant at the thought of having to flirt with Athos, Dorothee said he did not have to do that, but I had to let the man conquered again, but Athos would not have an easy task.

Aramis is not supposed to want to disappear from the lives of their friends for the damage?, Everyone knows that is a countess, you know where you live, unless Athos?, This will be a blow to, Porthos is always with her, Dorothee kept his word, he was talking about Athos, Aramis to give him a chance, Aramis finally told him how you feel and what a pity, but Dorothee tells you forget everything and start again, you see Athos with other eyes, but that will not be easy, she is flirty, feminine, to attract it, that try to conquer it, maybe make him jealous with other men during the dance, but Aramis is afraid that hurt again, Dorothee you question what would the musketeer, she says to fight and win, is what has to Aramis, but also can not forget the resentment she feels for him she has forgiven him once, when he was cruel, then I love him Now again I have to forgive has hurt twice, does not want to hurt a third time, but deep down she loves him, that's why it hurts, and will behave in the dance, a chapter will be very Interestingly, the art of seduction between musketeers, or conquer a musketeer in one night, a game of cat and mouse, where Athos will be the mouse, well one one, the man has cried for his beloved, but I still think it would be good if you're pregnant, I hope the next chapter, thanks for sharing ^ ____ ^.

Recensore Veterano
02/08/12, ore 23:02

Accidenti, questo è quello che io chiamo antipasto...non riesco veramente ad immaginare cosa dovrà fare Athos per riconquistarla: lei è una testona da medaglia d'oro! Ti giuro, ho una fame incredibile di sapere come sarà questo ballo...e Athos dovrà fare di tutto per restare il solito freddo, impassibile distaccato Athos mentre cercherà di riconquistare io scommetto che lui saprà come fare e che ha parecchie frecce al suo arco!


Recensore Junior
02/08/12, ore 19:10

ci voleva la madame per smussare gli angoli di Aramis e farla ragionare.. più che altro per evitare che si faccia suora!
domandone.. ma a quei tempi, visti che le ultimogenite senza dote andavano in convento dovevano necessariamente anche essere vergini? no, perchè se è così mi sa che Aramis deve cambiare vocazione visto che faceva la porcellina già ai tempi con Francois.
un ultima cosa..
se per questo capitolo hai tirato fuori una frase di Carrie per il prossimo, visto che Aramis farà la civetta che ne dici di inserire qualche frase di Samantha?
voglio vedere se riesci a trovarne una appropriata ma mi sa che è impossibile a meno che... indovina cosa ho pensato che gli farai fare????? mamma che scioglilingua!
baci baci

Recensore Junior
02/08/12, ore 18:34

“Certe volte mi chiedo se io non abbia amato un’idea più che una persona che credevo di conoscere intimamente”.
Ecco, credo che questa frase sintetizzi con chiarezza i tormenti di Aramis: lei non ha dubbi sui suoi sentimenti per lui, ma teme che il suo cuore possa essere fatto a pezzi di nuovo, che lui non la ricambi come dice, che sia stato tutto frutto di un'illusione. Aramis desidera lasciarsi andare, ma allo stesso tempo ha una gran paura di farlo: a questo punto bisogna vedere cosa avrà la meglio tra il suo amore e la sua paura. Io incrocio le dita per i due testoni!
Fortunatamente Dorothée si sta rivelando più una figura materna che un'amica per Aramis e la sta aiutando a guarire sia nel corpo che nell'anima.
Ora spero che le cose volgano al meglio.

Recensore Junior
29/07/12, ore 19:52

ah! che bello!
io di solito la domenica la odio, o perchè lavoro o perhè francamente non so cosa fare!
invece oggi, visto che il sabato sera l'ho termitato alle 5 del mattino, mi sono svegliata tipo alle 17,30, poi ovviamente ho cenato( o fatto colazione a seconda dei punti di vista)mi sono fatta una pasta sfiziosissima( gamberetti, zucchine e pesto) il tutto accompagnato da un superbo greco di tufo poi, così, ho acceso il pc e leggo questo spettacolare capitolo! non l'ho mai detto ma...che bella domenica! grazie!
ci voleva un evoluzione del genere brava aspeto con ansia il seguito
baci baci
(Recensione modificata il 29/07/2012 - 07:52 pm)
(Recensione modificata il 29/07/2012 - 08:01 pm)

Recensore Junior
29/07/12, ore 11:58

Ciao, scusa se non ho scritto prima, ma non potevo. Ti dico solo una cosa, mi hai fatto piangere. Grazie per le emozioni che mi fai provare ogni volta che ti leggo.

Recensore Veterano
28/07/12, ore 15:31

questo capitolo è bellissimo .....athos è relmente pentito di aver trattato e mentito a ramis credo che lei non lo perdonera molto facilmente almeno che.. non intervenga qualcuno ho trovato molto bella crudele (per la risposta di lei ) la parte in cui lui crede che aramis potrebbe portare un suo figlio,

Recensore Veterano
28/07/12, ore 03:50

Hello! like this? ^ ______ ^, A very intense episode, sad r time is revealing, Athos has remained away from his friends, his state of amino increasingly worse, he preferred to dine alone, but that night that someone wanted to try the sour taste of deceit, betrayal, humiliation and pain that the person she loved had caused him, Athos was surprised to see Aramis, she said she drank from the "Goblet of Truth," said Athos would not deny anything that she asked, Aramis blame him now it was late, she followed him tortured, made to drink vinegar, made reference that a good wine that does not care, is spoiled as feelings, Athos felt sad and guilty to see how was bitter, Aramis asked him to tell his story, but now the musketeer was jealous when he saw her hand in a ring with the coat of arms Montsorot, a ring belonging to Francois, Aramis tells you has always had with her, but never saw him, he did not saw it, that Aramis never took off the gloves?, Athos finished his story, he hoped the verdict of Aramis, she blame the why never spoke with truth, only he did not want to make her suffer, but it is entirely in the worst way, plus all the things he said when he learned that she was a woman, his insults, his offenses, his accusations, Athos wanted to apologize, it was not his intention, I just wanted to forget, Aramis said it was just an oversight?, Athos said there was no comparison, he married a bad woman, he was embarrassed, not to forget that woman, Aramis was angry and jealous, but he told Francois that his love was pure, if he were not dead, she would be happy with it, but Athos, his love was a joke, a lie, change by deception, in Athos then turn it over to Aramis, if Francois had been as Milady?, I would have done it?, she had not thought of that, he was wrong, but thought that there were other alternative, Athos said he felt humiliated, unworthy of his family, said the marriage was not legal, at least not for him, he did not want that woman, he was a slave to that woman, Aramis thought it was the opposite with Francois, she was his widow, Aramis is felt badly wanted to mourn, but a new wave of rage attacked her, she told Athos that all the hatred he felt for this woman I download it, that the wounded, Athos said he wanted to, she was furious saying no was true that he wanted to download it, Athos, with his heart in his hand and said he loved her, that she was his reason for living, always loved, but was afraid of being hurt, Milady saw it, Athos began to mourn seeing that he could not soften his heart, just shed a tear Aramis, saying she thanked God for allowing him to see when he thought he would die, she lifted up and asked to leave, walking Athos never thought he would not love, he had lovers but only used them, no I mean nothing like Aramis, when the woman discovered her friendship became love, but he was dying when he saw her again at the ball, could not talk to her, Aramis thought the man walking just it does not seem that he had insulted for months, this was now a beaten man, sincere, quiet, guilty, but could not forgive his insults their pain, Athos told him the day he was to dismiss it, to go in search of criminals, he said he would, he was to draw strength from it to leave, he was happy when she returned his kiss that night, completely surrendered, Aramis returned to remonstrate, when Dorothee is home and home of Porthos, if that was the way to show your great love, these tortured times the insults, she said it was cruel, Aramis was infuriating, she began to cry and mourn, Athos did nothing, let it be unburdened, she said each word mentioned by Milady, he asked if he believed, was jealous of Aramis know that he was attentive to his wife in bed, while she had only contempt, Aramis said he could not forgive, not to try to make you feel guilt, to throw herself into his arms, she remembered what he suffered in prison because of this woman, who only think he kept alive the thought of its heat, but when survived and was free, he never went to see her, she told poor Porthos, Athos was that no one who cared, was uncontrollable Aramis, Athos wanted to hug her but I knew it would be dangerous, blame Athos she accuses him not to forget his wife, but she does drink vinegar and use the dead boyfriend jewelry, Aramis furious accusing him of wanting to deprive her of her memories, she said nothing just wanted to hug her, after a silence Aramis said that after the prince's hunting It would forever Athos could not lose, he turned to apologize, but she refused, Athos could not bear more, Aramis challenge you to a duel, but said Athos would not lift up sword against her, if she wanted to get through he did, he finally approached the retained Aramis against the wall, she knew she could not against him, wanted to kiss her, she asked trying, Athos said he loved her, she awoke love, she just wants hide his love in his hatred, that only he could replace his lost love, I could never forget that night, Aramis said that night was nothing, she ran from him, Athos said no, they were one soul, the was crying, but I try to loosen Aramis, the strong embrace, he apologized, she did not move, was tense, then a thought crossed the mind of Athos, he is anxious, Athos told him the love tonight intensely, as if the night was off, he said that if she was pregnant he would be delighted, because he loved her, wanted to kiss her but Athos Aramis did not move, she ran from him, Aramis gave him the answer he did not expect, she said that after years as a musketeer could not have children, Athos is broken, she turned to anger, said it was just a bed, there was nothing between them, even using their real name, Athos tried to convince her that his love was true, but she said she could not love someone, the betrayed, the offense, did not know him, did not know who he was, Athos was desperate to prove he loved her, to forgive him for the damage, he was crying Aramis mourn but also wanted to stand, she just shrugged, gave the back and left, leaving Athos suffering from pain.

My congratulations on this chapter, Athos is miserable, does not know how to retrieve the love and confidence of the woman who claims to love, rather than his life, he swears he has loved since long ago, but when she discovered that she was , felt trapped, not wanting to get caught by a woman, Aramis also saw in the way of their hatred desquitar Milady, without considering the consequences, long after Aramis Athos decides to look for to give you an explanation, the had made her feel guilty for lying, but now also known to keep a secret, feel anger, for his hypocrisy, the judge, accuse and condemn, to Aramis was like going to lose her love, she had forgiven him once, when treated with contempt, but never lost hope that he loved her, when the cell was thought only, to see him again, but when it was available on the repudiation, but now can not give forgiveness, wound This time is bigger, you know he had his reasons for secrecy, but he trusted her, had to be destroyed a second time for Milady, she loves him but is too hurt, now more than ever clings to the memory of Francois She knows that he loves, watching as suffering. Athos the ice man was crying for her, Aramis tells him going after the ball forever, Athos feels to die, do not know what to do, can not lose, it makes a last effort to melt your heart, tries to seduce her, but not left Aramis, Athos finally senses that something happens, he thinks she is pregnant, is it possible?, a way to hurt him Athos would deny this, but would be more logical, he opens his heart, is not defended, you know that deserves contempt but hopes his forgiveness, she did not change my mind, it was leaving the man with the bleeding heart with a doubt, after this meeting and will be able to ask for a dance , how will you achieve your forgiveness, still jealous of her boyfriend, but she realized that she is jealous of Milady, it would be good Aramis really is pregnant, she loves him but is waiting for something from him, that neither she knows Aramis has to think, can not allow Milady away with it, this woman wants to destroy, and he is succeeding, will allow it to go to hell with the trump card?, must show that love, which are happy and they will have a son, that Athos will be the happiest man in the world, I hope the next chapter, thanks for sharing ^ ____ ^.

Recensore Veterano
27/07/12, ore 15:27

Effettivamente questo capitolo è un "tantino" straziante, tragico, melodrammatico, forse anche leggermente ripetitivo in alcune parti...
Ma comunque, le intenzioni dei personaggi sono esplicite: Aramis ha avuto una reazione più che comprensibile, mentre Athos, su di lui ho qualche perplessità (forse è un po'troppo remissivo per i miei gusti...)
Speravo tanto in un aiuto più "concreto" di Madame, ma invece...
Tu lo sai che io ti sto aspettando al varco, vero? E sono proprio curiosa di sapere come ne verrai fuori...

Recensore Junior
27/07/12, ore 15:05

Questo capitolo è talmente bello che non posso proprio mantenere il mio proposito di commentare solo alla fine.
Seguo questa storia quasi dall'inizio, ma devo confessarti che a dispetto dello stile impeccabile, dell'ottima introspezione e dell'accuratezza della trama, la crudezza dei primi capitoli mi aveva quasi spinta a lasciar perdere la lettura: in pratica per me l'avvertenza "non per stomaci delicati" è come un'insegna luminosa che grida "stai alla larga". Poi, tuttavia, i suggerimenti di citosol, che mai mi hanno delusa, e il tuo modo di scrivere, mi hanno convinta a resistere ancora un po' ai fortissimi toni cupi dei primi capitoli... e ne è valsa la pena! La storia mi ha catturata e col passare del tempo il magone sta scemando.
Visto il tempo che ho lasciato passare dall'inizio del tuo lavoro pensavo di contattarti solo sul finale per un parere complessivo, ma di fronte ad un simile capitolo mi è assolutamente impossibile aspettare. Sono una convinta sostenitrice della coppia A/A, ma quando hai fatto capitolare Aramis tra le braccia di Athos senza che prima i due si chiarissero ho temuto che lui, anche in questa storia, l'avrebbe passata liscia e Aramis gli avrebbe perdonato mesi di sofferenza senza batter ciglio: immaginati quindi il mio stupore e la mia soddisfazione quando, trovando questo aggiornamento, ho letto di Aramis che muove ad Athos tutte le critiche e le osservazioni che da tempo desideravo che gli opponesse! Che soddisfazione! Non fraintendermi, spero sempre nel lieto fine per loro due e non desidero che lei si "vendichi" per ciò che lui le ha fatto passare, ma dopo tutte le vigliaccate e le cattiverie che lui le ha riservato in questi mesi, quando lei era più che mai ferita e vulnerabile (un comportamento assolutamente indegno di chiunque, anche di un uomo che tanto, a sua volta, ha sofferto) trovo giusto non solo che i due si chiariscano, ma anche che Athos si assuma pienamente la responsabilità e le conseguenze delle sue azioni. Che soffra ancora un po', solo allora lo riterrò degno del perdono della sua bella e dei suoi amici!
I miei più vivi complimenti per questa storia, non vedo l'ora di leggere il seguito!

Recensore Veterano
27/07/12, ore 13:47

Niente harakiri ma purtroppo anche niente figaccioni. Solo lavoro e pazzia da tenere a bada senza esserne investita a mia volta.
In questo capitolo comincio a fare dibbrutto il tifo per Athos, anzi Aramis si comporta da vera strozetta. Sì. Sono di parte. Lui, povero, ha spalancato il suo cuore, non è rimasto nient di segreto, più di così non può dare. Speriamo solo che lei si smolli un pochino e si lasci corteggiare da lui. Dai, ogni volta che pronuncia la parola "moglie" o che pensa a loro due insieme nei bei tempi che furono, ribolle! :) questo fa decisamente ben sperare, anche se posso capire perchè lei cerchi di fare di tutto per evitare che Athos noti qualsivoglia turbamento...

Incrocio le dita come non mai!

Brava, ottimo capitolo!

Recensore Junior
25/07/12, ore 22:32

certo che Athos è proprio disperato se va a chiedere aiuto all'amica di Aramis ( perchè diciamolo... la sciura ha preso a cuore la sua mancata nuora!)
adesso c'è il ballo... e la domanda tormentone sorge spontanea... accetterà Aramis di danzare con il morettone o gli rifilerà un sonoro sganassone?????
secondo me accetta.. se non altro per non suscitare malelingue indiscrete tra i nobili pettegoli e lì gli dirà " mi dispice per te ma, io me ne vado nella mia nuova proprietà! sono solo cavolacci tuoi"
Coraggio Athos! vedrai che prima o poi ti perdona anche se dovrai fare un luuuungo percorso per riconquistare la tua bella!
sono impazzita ormai perlo direttamente con i tuoi personaggi!

Recensore Veterano
23/07/12, ore 11:12

Hello! I hope this good ^ ____ ^, an exciting chapter, Athos wait until the person wanted to see came, he ran to meet him behind the palace of the captain, when he stood before her the greeting politely, Dorothee greeted him but it seemed weird to see him in There, she asked if he had heard the cardinal or king, Athos referred to her as a lady because she was single, but he said it was not that kind of thing I wanted to talk with her, the musketeer said he needed to talk to she quietly of a case, the lady was curious to know what topic I wanted to talk, I encourage you to pass, when they would start talking, Dorothee made clear its position, would not be a hypocrite, everyone knew of his relationship with the captain, so I asked him to tell Mrs. Athos direct amazement at what was worthy addition, he understood why Aramis and she understood, The greeting, sat down and began to explain the reason for his presence, he wanted that Dorothee him the favor to return the medallion to Aramis, Athos sack the jewel in his pocket to show it, but quickly opened it, pulled something from inside and put it in his waistcoat, then handed the jewel to women, the I look with emotion, Athos told the story of the jewel, with jealousy mention the name of his rival, he said the night of his arrest was stolen, but a few days ago the recovery of things one of the executioners Aramis, the Musketeer said he could not return the medallion to Aramis, because it would be distasteful to her, I feel the pain Dorothee man, she asked if any of your friends could be worth it, Athos said maybe but lacked the touch of the lady, moreover, that Aramis would accept it better if it came from, Dorothee accept, but he said he saw his jealousy, Athos confessed that he was jealous of anyone who was near Aramis, since he has not seen in three weeks, with astonishment he was told that it should not take more, the prince's ball was near, Athos said he knew, he was responsible for the safety of the prince in the next few days, but he could not talk to Aramis that she does not want to see or speak, he can not do anything if she does not want, Dorothee asked if Aramis is made difficult?, the musketeer said she is by his fault, that if she refused to see him, just can respect their decision, the lady was indignant, as was possible for the best night of the year, was not with his beloved, Athos said it was unworthy of asking a dance to it, Aramis would pair the prince, as she would accept the invitation by a Musketeer, plus she would reject, Dorothee bothers you wonder if it was a proud and presumptuous fool, he replied that the two, the lady told him to lose a fool then, the worse it would be heartbroken, upset Athos the comment but under the head, said he would do anything for Aramis, the lady said it was just promises, fura would do for her, but had the confidence to tell about his past, who preferred to hide, Athos tried to justify himself, saying that she was fragile and would not hurt, did not think to badly, you blame it deemed Dorothee Aramis bad, she needed to know that she hoped that she was not like any other, Dorothee chided him for underestimating the Young said Athos made a bad judgment, the lady said it was prejudice, Aramis walked away when he learned she was a woman, she came to Athos offered him, the man confessed that he had made many mistakes, but did not know how to repair their relationship, Dorothee told to be patient, now with an air of understanding the lady said it would help, but they only had until the execution of criminals to repair the damage, Athos, Porthos was said to make peace with him, I tell him the same, Dorothee said Porthos just wants to see his friends happy, did much to Aramis, Dorothee said she would deliver the medallion to Aramis together with a letter, but she did not know who delivers it, Athos thanked him for their help, he would retire when the lady told him he was right, Aramis would pair the prince, but one could ask Dorothee dances to it, and Aramis and Athos could be free to approach her, Athos arose for leave when the woman asked how he got the lock of hair Aramis?, Athos started, thought he had hidden without being seen, he replied that I take the scissors of the executioner, was surprised he wanted her mint , Dorothee wonder where it was now, said Athos where he was always near his heart.

Athos finally decided to return the medallion to Aramis, with all his heart ache for weeks has not seen, was all I had of it, apart from hair recovery, but pride would not approach her, Dorothee realized of what he suffered and knew what he was suffering from Aramis, his male pride would cause you to lose the woman he loved, without thinking that you broke my heart to her, besides being jealous of the past of Aramis, not shown to be worthy of her forget the one man who has loved, Dorothee decided to make Cupid, she will help you get closer to Athos, Aramis, Doothee will deliver the medallion, but I think he will say that Athos Recuero for her, in addition to the detail of the lock of hair, Aramis and accept it easier, knowing that if he loves to help serious layers of Athos to kidnap the day of dancing, and know that time is against him They have been estranged for three weeks, Aramis and is well on his arm?, the day of the dance will be a great day, be the first time that Aramis will see elegantly dressed like a lady, in addition to his first dance with Athos, she wants something, he fears he will reject, as Aramis react, he must not give up, I hope the next chapter, thanks for sharing ^ ____ ^.