Recensioni per
L'orrendo foco
di GaiaTon

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Recensore Junior
17/06/12, ore 22:16

non so se cantare l'alleluia....certo,ovvio che la storia sta andando per il verso giusto,ma ora leggere lo sfogo di porthos mi ha fatto sorgere un dubbio....non so più per chi tifare!!!!!
bella dai!più la storia s'ingarbuglia più è entusiasmante....non è che mi devo aspettare un trinagolo,vero?certo,come dice renato zero,la geometria non è un reato,però insomma.....un po' di pace per questa poverina di renée!non credo sopporterebbe molto bene vedere i suoi amici litigare!^^

Recensore Veterano
17/06/12, ore 10:31
Cap. 18:

Hello! like this? ^ ____ ^, A beautiful chapter, when they reached the barracks Athos was taken to the infirmary where he was treated when I finish the doctor, all went to see him, Aramis remove the hidden layer, Athos was pale, he made his report to Captain, when I finish the captain was very worried, he said that everyone was in danger, ordered the palace to step up surveillance, as Athos is wounded, take precautions, he ordered that Aramis would stay in the barracks, the house was not safe, Aramis worry about Dorothee also did not feel comfortable in the barracks, no longer belonged there, and Porthos Dartagnan could go home, Athos was ordered to rest and heal, the captain said to Aramis that security could not leave his room until he was a more appropriate list, also said he would wear men's clothing, that would train in the fencing so that it could defend, the captain gave the last orders, Athos and Porthos had to sleep would monitor the door, the captain was happy to have them all together in the barracks again, Aramis is left alone taking care of Athos, was happy to be around, I watch him as quiet, as was pointed out in the hall of the palace, wished there were lasted more contact with him, but remembered his abuse, his words that hurt, what their true feelings, she thought he did not know, Aramis began studying every feature of his face, every detail, and then be able to translate what in a drawing, you remember the man, a future filled with loneliness, she returned to reality when Athos moved, he moved the sheets leaving his bare chest, she looked at him with desire of kissing him, loving him, he could not the look of your body, but she said no again and again, could not betray his love for François with unrequited love, she began to compare the love of two men, which had not and would not recalled when François surrendered to the great love she felt, she would just deliver a love as worthy as his, she loved Athos knew him for years but now I met ignorant one side, one side evil and cruel, treatment to be tender at times, but knew him well, he was a seducer, deceiving women to fall into her charms, he was doing that to her?, was punishing?, she repeated that no, not asked him why he thought maybe I could be happy again starting a new life with dignity, with the gift of the queen, her thoughts were cut with the arrival of Porthos, brought dinner for everyone, they helped to Athos sit, Porthos served the dish gently to Aramis, Athos was jealous to see the intimacy between them, that's what helps heal Aramis?, Dartagnan brought his belongings from the house, Aramis would quickly hide the wallet, but the Gascon curiosity was stronger, he asked if he could see something, Aramis refused, but asked her drawing Porthos, Aramis could not refuse anything to the giant, she sought the drawing, Athos looked upset to hear this, but Porthos said his drawing was better than him, Athos, Aramis looked at funny, but said nothing, then came the captain, hours later asleep in his room Aramis, Athos had slept all afternoon, had no sleep so after some hesitation was to Aramis's room, saw his profile, he approached he saw her curled up with his hands in the chest free gloves, the beautiful hands that were recalled, Aramis revealing moved a leg, Athos I look at what was beautiful and healthy I did not know how to say their feelings Aramis after his reprehensible conduct, he wanted to apologize, he was sorry, but to say he had sworn not to love women, recalled when he saw her in the palace, how beautiful she was in a dress , then when the subject was attracted, I wanted to hug her, but only became a mad desire, he took with strength not to let her go, then chewing harshly against her on the stairs he felt lost when I take her hand, after he had the desire to have it, just thought of touching it, put the knife to touch his chest, he felt that she needed all those months, was now safe since it was removed from the whitewashed, until he had to remove it from the flames, could not deny it was seven years of living together, needed it, was part of it, could not stop thinking about the words she said, he thought Aramis said that, thinking it was another, but if she loved him well, and did not say so for fear of his reaction, he does not forgive, he was a coward, rose from her bed, then I look at the table, saw Aramis oblivion folder, I was curious to see if there was a picture of him, he hesitated but look for the drawing, was thrilled when I found I could not believe how perfect was his heart beat fast, turned the drawing was the title of the work, began to search more, found the other designs, mouth, back, hands, eyes, did not understand all the details of memory, engraved in the heart of Aramis did not know how I had seen him without realizing it, she needed while accurately draw it on paper, he could not believe, behaved like a fool, he was almost weeping with the excitement of her feelings, pro was upset by recalling the story of Dido and Aeneas, and keep all went to sleep, if he thought she loved him despite everything he did, had to relax stop wanting to be with her, he remembered the feel of her soft breast, her lips, fell asleep in the morning Aramis woke up next to him was dressed as a man, he saw that she was drawing, he moved and she reacted, she was asked how he said it s good but trying to see what I drew, she got up and keep everything said the doctor would come, she gave a book to not be bored, but I take Athos did not release her hand, she reacted aggressively asked him to let go, said he would return later and went, Athos could not say anything .

Athos is now clear his feelings for Aramis, thinks he knows hers, but he has done much harm, must now suffer the consequences, Aramis will no longer endure their rudeness, she loves him but is unwilling to anything compares to the love of François, Aramis will accept dressed man again, take the sword again, so easy, as is training in the barracks without anyone recognize?, Athos and understood the meaning of the title picture?, going to do about it?, did not see the other drawings not it, has understood the need to made when Aramis was wrong?, treating the fool of the worst, so everything he did in the passage was to silence his desire to be near her?, which gave him courage, play it everywhere now going to have to earn his forgiveness and his heart, has to do merits, especially has to overcome Porthos care if this jealous he won it, you have to act sooner rather than later, Aramis is preparing for life without Athos, is convinced he is going to lose, I hope the next chapter soon, thanks for sharing ^ _____ ^.

Recensore Junior
16/06/12, ore 21:37
Cap. 18:

Non ci riesco. Mi dispiace, non riesco a commentare. La bellezza di questa lettura rimarrà nei miei pensieri anche dopo, come dice citosol. Non riuscirò a leggere i seguiti delle altre storie perchè mi hai stregata. E le lacrime (Bay, sono personaggi immaginari!) sono spuntate anche a me. Ora lui deve dirglielo. Deve dirle quanto l'ama. E fallo presto, per favore.
Sono commossa. Grazie.

Recensore Junior
16/06/12, ore 14:46
Cap. 18:

non so bene esprimere a parole ciò che mi hai provocato.. ma puoi immaginarti benissimo gli occhi meravigliati di una persona quando osserva estasiata qualcosa di sublime... sono più o meno così in questo momento.
questa storia diventa sempre più emozionante via via che prosegue!
come descrivi i sentimenti di Athos... perfetto! poveri locandieri di Parigi... i loro affari caleranno improvvisamente se il moro finalmente ha capito di amare Aramis!
perfetta descrizione del suo turbamento, ho percepito distintamente quello che provava.
più leggevo e più immaginavo che alla fine Athos avesse deciso di curiosare tra i disegni di Aramis.. e ha fatto bene, almeno così un pò si tranquillizza su quello che prova lei..

la casa di De Treville come rifugio dei due piccioncini è sempre la carta vincente.. costretti a stare insieme, 24 ore su 24... wow!
ora però spiegami... è giunto il momento di Aramis ad essere scostante? anche se lei ha fatto di tutto per perdonarlo c'è riuscita fino in fondo? dalle sue parole sembrerebbe di sì che ha amesso di amarlo e desiderarlo ancora... però... non so... dici che si abbandonerà a lui o prima gli farà sudare sette camicie? e poi la iena è sempre libera... metterà da parte il suo amore per affrontare la sua nemica? lo so ti ho fatto una marea di domande ma questa storia mi interessa davvero.

Recensore Veterano
16/06/12, ore 13:09
Cap. 18:

Adesso spiegami come cavolo faccio ad andare a fare le tremiladuecento cose che ho da fare quando c'è questo popo di capitolo da recensire!
L'hai reso centomila volte meglio di quello che mi avevi dato da leggere! Veramente mozzafiato, bravissima! Mi sono immedesimata totalmente dapprima in Aramis e poi in Athos. Ed entrambe le volte mi sono commossa. Sei riuscita a toccare le corde del mio animo sensibile a quei due (personaggi immaginari, citosol, personaggi immaginari, ricordalo). :)
Ho adorato Treville che dapprima fa il capitano serio e controllato, ma poi, pensandoci meglio fa due conti e scopre che forse i due farebbero una bella coppietta insieme (adoooooooro!).
Per fortuna Aramis ha capito che stare con Athos non vuol dire dimenticare Francois. Brava! :)
E la cosa del ritratto! Bravissima, l'hai inserita e sviluppata alla perfezione! Ho avuto io un brivido quando Athos ha trovato il ritratto e gli studi su di lui! E sono stata orgogliosa di lui quando ha capito perfettamente quanto Aramis deve pensare a lui per poter disegnare così.
E adesso che Athos sa, deve rendere partecipe Aramis che lui sa. Del loro amore reciproco, intendo. :)
Mi è piaciuto rivivere il momento del "rapimento" al Louvre dal punto di vista di Athos, è stato tremendamente eccitante.

Grazie per questo bellissimo capitolo!
(Recensione modificata il 16/06/2012 - 03:07 pm)

Recensore Veterano
14/06/12, ore 02:33

Hello! here we go again! ^ _____ ^, Aramis was ready to return to Porthos, after his visit with the queen, when I take a hand from behind, covered her mouth and made him his arm back, she saw the fight when dragged to another passage , but the dress was in his way, when released, the man advance his movement and caught it, put against the wall, holding the whole weight of his body, covered her mouth, then came face to face, Aramis was surprised to see that Athos was, she claims, Athos said the servant with whom she was in was one of the traitors, she shuddered, had not noticed, Athos asked if he did not recognize him, Athos said I had but escaped, returning to Paris that had contacts to help them escape, money, and ways of escape were blocked, only Paris could do damage, all had to come up with your contacts, Athos said they had to leave, he separated from her and began walking through the halls with a torch in hand, to Aramis was hard to follow, with a dress, shoes, in a dark, slippery, suddenly took Athos's arm to get more fast, Aramis asked where they came from, he replied that Tour, fought with the man two days ago and returned to warn, but were told she was in Paris, Dartagnan was with the captain, Athos was the Louvre to meet her Aramis hear his story, realizing that Athos was wounded, she asked, he replied that it was only a scratch badly bandaged, went their way in dissent, Athos was relaxing its grip, arm wrist move to finally take it gently hands, eyes uncrossed, Athos under the rhythm of his walk, he was tired from the wound, but he did not let go, the road began to open, the let go, but Aramis wished to stay together, they finally reached the exit Athos pushed the door, the light slowly enter, Aramis is scared, but he could see as Athos is tired, he saw that had a beard, his jacket torn dirty, fight, ax they ran back, have not slept in days when they went to leave Athos asked if he was armed, Aramis answered no, to hear his refusal prevented him from leaving Athos, Porthos will allow him to claim that ride like a helpless damsel, Aramis replied that while not able to hold a gun as not need before, Athos was mad saying it was a mistake, look at his jacket Athos dagger, Aramis was distracted looking at the face of the musketeer, when he was surprised to feel his hands inside the brace up to the chest, carefully I put a knife between her breasts, staring at her, he said he felt more at ease, the term of the door, they ran when they heard the voice of the Gascon, he was ready and waiting for Porthos, Athos and Aramis ran to the carriage , the four went in the direction of the barracks of the musketeers, Athos in the coach laments his weakness, Aramis looks at him, forcing him to lie down on her knees, she wipes the sweat with a handkerchief, the Musketeer is relaxed almost faints, when the carriage stopped Athos rose kiss the hand of Aramis did not know what to think, she prepares to leave, covering her face so no one recognizes it in the barracks, Aramis good plans will have to wait, the threatening enemy is near, Aramis realizes that the first concern of Athos, on reaching Paris she is, no matter what he had to be on time, but you're thinking Athos, scare gave Aramis, ok no I wanted to scream, but toserle arm?, what happens, aside from wanting to pull her into a room, of course she would resist, but to look fear that by Aramis Athos had not failed him, had he not intervened who knows what the enemy would have made Aramis, Athos react to something that never doubted, Aramis asks if this army, in the past was a silly question, but now, he's upset that Porthos is a damsel, take some liberties that would have cost to be pierced by a sword, but Aramis is not the same, she has the guard, who gave courage Athos, find a place to hide the knife, Athos is going to claim Porthos for this?, the fool is still to show their feelings freely, Aramis doubt his intentions, when it is tender then it is very cruel, but now that will happen, with the enemy at home can not walk freely, I hope the next chapter Thanks for sharing ^ ____ ^.

Recensore Veterano
13/06/12, ore 17:38

Ho bisogno di una sigaretta post-orgasmica, E io non fumo.

Recensore Junior
13/06/12, ore 16:28

le tue lettrici resteranno tranquillamente in attesa,non devo preoccuparti!^^
magari si vivessi di sola fantasia,ma purtroppo...c'è il mondo reale!!!!
comunque,tornando alla storia,fin'ora non hai tradito nessuna aspettativa,la storia è interessante,ti lascia quel non so che...che ti fa aspettare il seguito....davvero complimenti!!!!
come sempre,aspetterò i prossimi aggiornamenti!!!!!

Recensore Junior
13/06/12, ore 15:16

mi piace! mi piace! mi piace! ( ci manca solo tuca..tuca..)
scusa sono un pò esaurita perchè sto tentando di scrivere due capitoli contemporaneamente.. ma il tuo mi piace tantissimo!!!
bello! un pò di azione e la tensione giusta che ci fa lecare i baffi!
finalmente si sblocca un pò quel ghiacciolone di Athos.. forse anche troppo vista che allunga le manine
visto che "ravana" così tranquillo ci voleva un " scusa cara, non sono sicuro che sia posizionato bene.." con mezza lingua di fuori tipo fantozzi!
adesso chi sa cosa inventerà prima di aprirle il suo cuore e rompere quella sua testaccia dura..
spero che la vita vera non ti rapisca troppo a lungo perchè adesso le cose si fanno mooolto interessanti

Recensore Junior
13/06/12, ore 14:31

Wow! Non posso ogni volta che iniziare un commento sui tuoi capitoli con un'esclamazione. Ho trattenuto il fiato tutto il tempo, mi pareva di essere sott'acqua. E' stato breve, veloce, ma intenso, come solo un incontro del genere può essere. Lui che si preoccupa per lei, la mette in guardia, le dona un pugnale, dicendo si sentirsi più tranquillo (però le mani lì ce le ha messe, eh?), la guida inizialmente strattonandola, poi dolcemente si insinua nelle dita di lei, intrecciandole con le sue in un gesto di grande amore. Beh, adesso lei dovrebbe cominciare a capire cosa passa per la mente di Athos, adesso lei deve cominciare a comprendere lui, che ha iniziato un percorso personale irto e lungo ma che arriverà all'amore. Perchè lui non riesce a dichiararsi? A dirle quanto gli è mancata?
Ps: con il commento di ieri non intendevo metterti strane idee in testa, sai com'è, noi già saremo costrette ad aspettare i tuoi aggiornamenti, sì, per motivi più che validi, certo, ma metterci pure che lei se ne vada a vivere sola e che sparisca da lui no, è troppo crudele. Ps2: ma reputi di essere oltre la metà del tuo romanzo?

Recensore Veterano
13/06/12, ore 07:27

Hello! like this? ^ _____ ^, A decisive chapter, the captain observed as Aramis has improved their mood and health, is so happy she sobbed, as I watched her ride as before, Dorothee had scolded for failing to visit Ibo, Porthos had said Aramis was practicing riding, fencing and shooting, she was dressed as a man, his hair was long again, he was also informed that in the company of Porthos had gone to a dance in disguise, returning were drunk and happy, captain was happy that the friendship of Porthos was the perfect cure, he remembered that two months ago, after the visit to the executioner, she fell into a melancholy state, to the extent of not eating, not talking, just the dedication of Porthos and Dorothee achieved the miracle, he was proud of his men each did his job, and Athos chasing Dartagnan traitors, but the captain is disappointed Athos, Aramis was no coincidence that went bad after the visit of Athos, the Captain felt guilty for reading the letters he sent to Dartagnan Aramis, but wanted to see if there was any mention of Athos for them, but there was nothing, it seemed that the Gascon was alone, besides the captain suspected the young man wrote the letters in secret, the captain thought Athos needed time to accept the facts, but he had not changed his attitude Aramis cold, had tolerated much but it would not, Aramis returned to Captain after his ride, the captain was proud to see her, she was red for the ride, Aramis salute the captain, he said that the queen wanted to talk to her, Aramis did not seem very happy to have to go to the Louvre, did not want the recognition, the captain noticed his discomfort, but said that the view would be brief and would be disguised, Aramis smiled the captain, Queen Anne made preparations to be asolas with Aramis, only Constance was aware of the guest of the queen, also had to calm the queen, was very nervous of what he had to say, at that time called the secret door of the hall, Constance opened with the switch secret, a trusted servant to Aramis indicated the time to come, when she greeted the queen did as a musketeer, to see this queen indicated that she wanted to be alone with Aramis, she was scared and stayed on his knees, Queen knelt beside her, the queen began to mourn, she only saw the woman whom he had affection and gratitude Aramis seeing her helped her up, took her to a chair, she wanted to apologize to the queen, but she did not leave, the queen thanked him for what he did, his sacrifice for her and France, he owed his honor, life, peace of the kingdom, no one had, Aramis said he was not worthy of anything, it was a criminal, the Queen scolding his behavior except to France, apart from what he suffered in prison, Aramis said he made a oath when the king musketeer named at that time the queen asked him how he wanted to call her, Aramis or Renee, but she said that people who used those names are dead, she did not have a name, the queen said that it was Aramis, because it was her that he owed all, the queen got up took out a handkerchief with jewels and gave them to Aramis, he felt that it was the rejection, the queen said he did not like paying what He did for her, but the honor of a queen was priceless, with the jewels she could buy their freedom, a new life, thank you for giving Aramis a great gift and their friendship, the queen wanted to give a new name given the title of "Countess of Serrand" Aramis thanked the queen for what she needed to understand, to give his friendship, and freedom in a new life, got up, bowed and left, as he was about to meet Porthos outside, she hid the jewelry is going to happen now?, Aramis has the opportunity to start a new life, a new identity alone can finally bury his past that haunts her as well is almost recovered, she will escape?, only going to tell the captain and Dorothee?, we must therefore he will tell Porthos?, when Athos and Dartagnan return it and will not be, Athos comes back with the idea of ​​conquering Aramis , but it's too late?, she is gone, Athos will shed tears of bitterness, for being stupid?, how long will it be to meet again?, yet two enemies to catch missing, later going to bother ?, I hope the next chapter, thanks for sharing ^ _____ ^.

Recensore Veterano
12/06/12, ore 20:41

Se non sapessi cosa accade dopo, penso ti verrei a cercare per costringerti a postare al più presto il sequel!

Hai reso bene la complicità tra Porthos e Aramis, benissimo i timori di Treville, ancora meglio il fatto che Aramis si è ripigliata e meravigliosamente bene il comportamento di Athos, che con la sua assenza forzata è più presente che mai!

Recensore Veterano
12/06/12, ore 17:09

aramisa or ha la possibità di avere una nuova vita con una nuova identità, mi chiedo se avrà il coraggio di abbandonare tutto ....nooooooooo non puoi farmi questo.....

Recensore Junior
12/06/12, ore 15:27

bello questo capitolo!finalmente le cose iniziano a girare come devono!!!!!!
però un certo conte non si da una bella principessa se ne fondo si sa che dall'amicizia può sbocciare l'amore,no?e porthos passa mooooolto tempo con aramis!^^
no dai...tifo sempre per athos!!!!
ora veniamo a che si finisce un capitolo così?non puoi!
ora ho la curiosità se magna!!!!!ahahahahaha!

Recensore Junior
12/06/12, ore 13:09

Wow! Capitolo inaspettato... e chi ci pensava più all'incontro con la regina? Adesso diventa tutto più complicato: Aramis si sta riprendendo, la Regina le ha dato la possibilità di essere libera donandole anche un blasone, lei sicuramente non vorrà più pesare su Madame Montsorot e vorrà stare lontano anche da chi ama ma le ha fatto tanto male. Per Athos si annunciano tempi molto duri. Chissà se la rivedrà, se le saprà davvero aprire il suo cuore... e se lei riuscirà a perdonarlo.