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L'orrendo foco
di GaiaTon

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Recensore Junior
28/05/12, ore 20:18

guarda sto seguendo questa storia con l'ansia!!!!!
devo ammettere che mi piace molto...ovvio che spero in un bel lieto fine,anche perché immaginare questa poverina,ridotta in queste condizioni,pensando al moschettiere che era,mi dispiace infinitamente!!!!!
complimenti per come stai trattando il tutto.....e aspetto con trepidazione la prossima puntata! ^^

Recensore Junior
24/05/12, ore 20:45

wow! che bello
brava come al solito
per una volta ho letto anche le altre recensioni e qualche errorino c'è... se si possono definire tali! che cattiva che sono!
non ti preoccupare li ho notati solo perchè erano in una parte saliente del discorso, tipo la zona "Veniva da me la notte" e l'ultima parte su Athos( solo ripetizioni di parole)
adoro! adoro! adoro! questo capitolo! soprattutto perchè adesso sono curiosissima di sapere cosa ha detto Aramis su Athos nella discussione con il capitano!
mi raccomando per il capitolo 10 mi hai promesso una lunga disquisizione su Athos... le antenne puntano tutte in quella direzione!
complimenti ancora e riguardo alla suspance... non c'è un capitolo in cui non rimanga con il fiato sospeso ad aspettare il seguito

P.S. le mie unghie chiedono vendetta!
P.P.S. adesso ho realmente letto le altre recensioni e anche le tue risposte ops! piccolo lapsus. comunque continua imperterrita per la tua strada che sei bravissima!
(Recensione modificata il 24/05/2012 - 08:51 pm)

Recensore Veterano
24/05/12, ore 07:21

Hello! I hope all is well over there! ^ ____ ^, A difficult chapter finally meet the captain asked Aramis, he has a series of questions to ask, Aramis was working on another drawing when they arrived quickly and unseen hands, the captain entered but did not come alone, brought his three friends, he tries to make her feel comfortable, not working, apologized for him to remember, but you need Aramis details of their captors, to make them pay, sat beside her, his friends around the fire, replied Aramis upset, she was a soldier and it is your obligation to report, if your captain is ordered, the captain said Athos and Dartagnan released early to pursue his investigation of the traitors, so I needed a description of them , especially the Inquisitor, hearing the name Aramis shuddered, remembering only filled her with terror, she answered that he remembered it well, began to describe it, she paused to remember the man, his height, complexion, the volume of his voice, she said to his men feared him when he spoke, at that time asked Athos neutral tone while still writing identifying marks to Aramis was like a bucket of cold water, were his first words to her, were those of a soldier, to this she replied, that one night went to see her and tried to strangle her, the four men shouted surprised that this man was at night, she answered yes, he was alone, without the executioner, rarely Milady, who continued with their work, the captain tried to contain his anger, Aramis said that when I try to drown, he could see was missing a finger, he also felt rough hands, hands of a soldier, remembered only that the Captain asked about Milady, Aramis said I did not know she was not suppose that one of the monks was a woman, then sarcastically said Athos a NO?, Aramis felt bad, Aramis said the only time he saw her as a woman was, she was stopped, looked at the captain asking him not to ask that, the captain took her hand to comfort her, Porthos and Dartagnan looked the other way, but eager to continue Athos asked, Aramis described the woman, a dress like those used Milady, wig long black hair, she thought it was the witch, everyone thought dead, Aramis did not say what that damn him, she was a virgin who verify if, but when he did hurt her, leaving her wound, Aramis drink water and continuous with the executioner, was a tall, blue eyes, very strong, appeared to be a murderer, do not hesitate to cause harm, not wearing gloves, she saw his big toes, short and hairy, he just followed the orders of Milady he spoke English, always had their instruments in a box, he had leather cords and a shield with two crossed axes and a roll but could not read it, then fire and Aramis looked at Milady recalled threatening to red-hot tongs She was trapped in his thoughts, she returned the call when Porthos, she looked as Porthos, Dartagnan and the captain were worried about her, deep Athos with a face of annoyance, she understood the concern did not deserve them, Athos was right, it only causes problems, because they did not let the fire die?, because they risked arrest?, the three were concerned, the captain left the room, he was clenching his fists, Dorotee was anxious, I ask the captain as he was, he said it was painful, he kept repeating, he asked if he had something to calm Dorotee Aramis, she said yes, he entered the room followed by her maid with a tray of bottles, at the time the Gascon beg the captain to let him be with Aramis, could not bear to leave her alone at the time, I wanted Porthos calm, saying that Dorotee know how to care for her, the young man then asked to be captain, he said that it was Aramis upset with him, he did not want to see also reminded him that he had a mission to find these bandits, annoyed Athos wonder if you could go, the captain said that Athos was angry with him since the afternoon, he wanted to leave but I force to go with them, Dartagnan afraid that because of Aramis revive it and now Athos Francois, Dartagnan wonder if I could sail the next day, the captain said only if it was to make her happy, he said that if Porthos said would also, Captain Porthos told that his mission was as important as that of their peers, then Porthos Athos also would wonder if the captain said Athos did not matter, he went mad, they both said they would go to another day.

I think the questioning was not so hard to Aramis is good, just had to remember the characteristics of their executioners, while undergoing, Milady did most damage did was not easy for her and Athos made it worse, every gesture of hers was stabbed to Aramis, but was concentrated to give a report like the soldier he was, she's just waiting for the captain has all the information you need to make your final decision, reliving torture, revived the fault felt, the damage caused to feel that all was right in hating Athos, could cause the fall of the Musketeers, she did not understand why Dartagnan Porthos and Athos not despised as she had fulfilled her revenge, because it went? She was not why he had to go, was a musketeer, they were his family, especially that Athos loved, but now he knew he wanted it and that does not change anything, the man she loved despised, there is nothing, because they saved?, Athos is an idiot, blind, proud, when it reacts will be late, will mourn tears of blood, will apologize on his knees, but the person who asks, what may listen?, I thought that when the captain found Dorotee, she was screaming, demanding by what he was doing, which would give him a slap for making Aramis remember Dorotee was trying to forget, the captain just because of losing the work he had done, perhaps he wanted to kill her excellent chapter, I hope to update soon, thanks for sharing ^ _____ ^.

Recensore Junior
23/05/12, ore 23:47

Capitolo convulso, molto convulso. Sembra un flashback. Lei che si perde nei suoi terribili pensieri, lei che deve rivivere tutto, lei che crede di non meritare tutto ciò che sta succedendo. E che avrebbe preferito morire.
Alcuni passaggi non li ho capito. Per esempio: quando lei descrive la scena del boia e poi si mette a fissare il fuoco, ha una crisi isterica? Oppure sviene? Oppure si eclissa con la mente ma restando sveglia? E come si salutano loro alla fine? E perchè Athos, invece di rammaricarsi, nonostante tutto ciò che pensa, delle conseguenze della sua prigionia, fa lo stronxo ed è duro con lei?
E poi, cosa avrà detto il capitano ad Athos quando si mette a parlare della dote artistica di Aramis? E lui come avrà reagito? Cosa ha detto lei a De Treville di Athos?
"non si vede quello che non si pensa di vedere in questi casi, no?". Athos, questa è per te. Una frecciatina che ci voleva. Io dico, quest'uomo non prova pietà di fronte ad una donna che ancora per nascondere le sue mani tormentate dalle tenaglie e non ancora guarite mette i guanti? Che ha lo sguardo perso nel vuoto? Che probabilmente non si riprenderà mai? Ho il timore che lei tenterà di commettere qualche sciocchezza.
Un unico appunto, qualche forma verbale andrebbe aggiustata. Se vuoi ti do una mano io. Piuttosto, ci hai fatto aspettare, eh? Adesso?
Mi verranno altre domande, te le farò sicuramente. E' da rileggere. Brava.

Recensore Veterano
23/05/12, ore 23:05

certo che armis ha sofferto tantissimo...ora ha solo bisogno dei suoi amici ..peccato che però athos sia cosi cocciuto mi piace tanto ...brava attendo il continuo spero presto ..........penso che ora incominci la vera storia

Recensore Veterano
23/05/12, ore 22:00

ah ecco, la buona vecchia tattica della suspanse!!!!
funziona sempre, lascia ogni volta noi lettori con la voglia di saperne di più, soprattutto in questi casi, dove la tensione è tenuta magistralmente alta, la trama è ben congegnata, il ritmo incalzante e non c'è mai niente di noioso!

e ancora complimenti: stavolta non mi sembra di aver visto errori di nessun tipo! :)

Recensore Veterano
19/05/12, ore 09:14

Hello! like this? ^ _____ ^, A difficult chapter, there is a moral clash between the master and Athos, Athos finally challenges the actions of his superior, Captain expected this attitude from him, he hopes his confrontation of two gentlemen, both call for honesty, but the captain is the first to ask, he wants to know what's what Aramis said when the sack of the flames, Athos hesitates, but finally said that she apologized for lying and tells him that she loved him, the captain Apparently not surprised, seeing Athos there are no more questions, begins his interrogation, he admitted he wanted to know why a woman in the Musketeers?, the captain said that friendship and loyalty to a person who both lost, also the ordered Aramis anonymity to friends, Athos continued thoughtfully, as if he knew the truth, in the process denied knowing also ordered Dartagnan also denied it, Athos indignant and angry, said it was a shame, requested a explanation, the captain said, he was not proud, but just followed the plan of Aramis, he could not deny her confession did not want to drag innocent, so I ordered the Gascon to be silent, even though that cost him dearly Aramis, Athos annoying you claim, let Aramis said he lied for eight years on sex, the accused confessed to witchcraft and false things also permit a tortured without doing anything, I was upset because I did not know if she would recover, the captain said he felt guilty, but had to protect them three, the enemy wanted them at the stake, said Athos to Aramis sacrifice to save three of them, the captain could not bear his guilt, especially every time I looked Aramis, Athos did not say more but was not convinced, he did not say more, but the captain said there were more, the enemy Aramis wanted to use to reach the queen, Athos was surprised by this revelation, the captain said he went to court to change his confession, when Aramis was accused of witchcraft, but the trial was closed, was not allowed to be present, Aramis left alone at his mercy, then the real torture began, they wanted to confess Aramis, who helped the Duke of Buckingham to escape, when he came to Paris to see the queen, they told Aramis forgive his life if he confessed, but refused Aramis, Athos recalled that years ago Aramis was kidnapped by the same token, they wanted to surrender the Queen, in doing so France would fall in war, the enemy set a trap, had only two options, go to the gallows, being a traitor or be burned as a witch, Aramis chose not to betray his kingdom, captain shame he confessed happened later, Athos did not understand, the captain said they inspected to see if Aramis was a virgin, confirming that it was not, was accused of adultery, they wanted the name of the man who is at home that night, Aramis denied everything, the enemy showed false testimony, she denied it, but tortured, almost killing her, but eventually confessed falsely Aramis man was the devil, she was condemned to be burned, Athos started for the absurd, the captain said Aramis as a musketeer never betray his sovereign, besides his confession was enough to discredit the Musketeers, it was his great goal, but if in revenge, Athos wonder why not let the rescue before?, the captain said it was dangerous a rescue , he did not want to risk his men, Athos protest anyway did two months later, the captain asked him if he did in good faith?, Athos said, in a way yes, I question the captain, to be held meant, replied Athos not proud but it was to soothe his conscience and justice, because knowing who the executioners, had to save an innocent, but I honestly felt no obligation for this woman, Athos confessed that he wanted no part of Aramis The captain looked at Athos the musketeer he wanted and knew it was sincere but Athos hiding something but could not understand why he behaved well, but decided to continue, the release said Aramis treatment of a cage where they had, but was later the day of execution arrived, I could not use gunpowder or kill her, so could only do so at the time of execution, so the call last night for the bailout, then I notice the actions the false monk, this Athos replied with sarcasm, the captain said he did nothing until Aramis was safe, then hide them three, then try to clear the name of Aramis and of them, but to his surprise the Cardinal did everything, he did not want an investigation linking him to his former accomplices, as well as being accused of plotting against the crown, so had the gratitude of the queen and king, angry and more convinced Athos swear to find these criminals, the captain asked him to find, living to be judged, had to be arrested by the musketeers, Athos asked one last question, how he knew that Mrs. De Montsorot knew Aramis draw,

the captain told the whole process and suffering endured by Aramis two months, he hoped that the attitude of Athos to Aramis change, but this did not happen, blame it all to do no harm to anyone, Aramis remained strong, as a musketeer who was taken prisoner, do not betray your country, king, or his friends, even if it cost him his life, she was a soldier to the end, Aramis not forgive if someone was injured because of him, unfortunately Milady was based on was a woman to do the most damage, Aramis was under to see if she was a virgin, they said it was not, I hope this is because they give to Francois, to Aramis was better so, if she was a virgin, violate them to say it was not (most calls Aramis is not violated), but now she lost all its strength, does not want and not have to live, now known Athos Aramis all he suffered, unfortunately, not change his attitude if he did something to help her, was for his honor and justice, could not let an innocent be executed by those wretches, besides being annoyed with the captain for having sacrificed for that was not honorable, but he did out of friendship for him was a woman lying, treacherous, he could not stand, he lost his best friend because of him and nearly brings down all the musketeers, Athos only thinks of his pride wounded, betrayed again by a woman, the worse the woman dared to say she loved him, he does not want to think about the suffering of Aramis, he is in a struggle with his feelings, I just hope that when he realizes his mistake, not too late, Dartagnan supposed them counted, Athos and Porthos, Aramis history, so why Athos asks the captain, why accept it as a musketeer, also knows that the captain told Dartagnan?, because when the captain replied, was careful not to say that I accept that he knew the promise of Aramis, Athos makes one last question, you're curious, you will answer the captain who is a distant relative?, the master is cruel, knows everything Aramis have suffered and want to remember every detail, if he wants to recover Aramis, that's not going to help, Aramis will want to act as a soldier and making his report, but it's going to hurt, she can fall, I do not Dorothee allows, would be a torture worse, I hope to update soon, thanks for sharing ^ ______ ^.

Recensore Junior
18/05/12, ore 13:53

che capitolo avvincente e getta anche nuova luce su quanto accaduto nei mesi di prigionia ad Aramis.
certo che il fanatismo religioso e le persone bigotte di quegli anni la facevano da padroni. che brutta cosa l'ignoranza!
ora più che mai hai il dovere morale di fare un lungo e intenso capitolo sui veri sentimenti di Athos e su quello che gli passa per la mente perchè giuro un Athos più contorto del tuo non si è mai visto e devo dire che mi aggrada, anzi, mi piace alla follia!
bravissima continua così!

Recensore Junior
18/05/12, ore 11:13

Chissà se il capitano è riuscito un po' a sgretolare il muro eretto da Athos sulle donne, e soprattutto sulla sua amica... come mai il capitano non gli ha fatto molte domande? Qui a condurre il gioco è stato il moschettiere, volendo sapere tutto, e pur essendo sconvolto, non sembra aver fatto minimamente un passo indietro per la donna. Ok, lui non tollera le menzogne delle donne, ma sta scoprendo cosa le hanno fatto, le confessioni false che le hanno estorto, e lei, pur di salvare i suoi amici, il suo capitano e la Francia intera, non ha avuto remore a sacrificarsi per loro. E lui questo, nonostante tutto, ancora non lo capisce. Stava per morire, diamine! E lui stesso dice che forse non si riprenderà più da ciò che le è stato fatto... e ho realmente timore di ciò che ancora lui le farà, del male psicologico che le potrebbe infliggere. Aramis è debole, ma durante tutta la sua prigionia è stata forte, mai arrendevole, disposta a tutto per non recare il minimo danno ai suoi amici. La menzogna, pur imposta dal capitano, non è niente in confronto a ciò che ha dovuto patire. Lei è stata costretta, ma lui non se ne cura. Lei è in qualche modo morta sotto il peso di indicibili torture, insanabili rotture psichiche, ma lui no, è imperterrito nell'accusare la giovane.
E mi chiedo come abbia reagito sapendo che lei è già una donna e non una fanciulla. Spero che lo sia diventata per "colpa" di François e non di qualche violenza, ancora non mi hai tolto il dubbio, spero che tu lo faccia. E inoltre, perchè tutta questa curiosità nei confronti del disegno? Io non so davvero cosa tu abbia in mente... spero solo che duri tanto e che riesca a conoscere il seguito presto.
I complimenti sono tutti per te, mi stai davvero appassionando, nonostante bellissime storie ben raccontate e articolate, questa è davvero unica nel suo genere, sembra davvero di stare a vedere i loro dialoghi, non sei mai banale, non sbagli una virgola, non sei scontata. Senza nulla togliere alle bellissime storie di questa sezione, trovo, in questo momento, che la tua e quella di Jenny (fughe) siano le mie preferite. E se riesco a fare commenti lunghi, io che sono solitamente avara di parole, è anche e soprattutto grazie agli spunti che ogni volta mi fai trovare, sicuramente avrò altre domande da farti e altri commenti.
A prestissimo, spero.

Recensore Veterano
16/05/12, ore 07:57

Hello! like this? ^ _____ ^, A chapter with lots of information, Aramis was escorted back to Paris, will be cared for by the royal family?, I do not feel happy to return to Paris, Porthos and Dartagnan kept looking at Aramis in the way, his heart was going to pieces, the musketeer there was nothing reckless, but Athos remained unchanged in his attitude, it does not pass over in Dartagnan, the Gascon wanted to talk to his friend about his attitude, at night the captain call the three to give new orders, after looking at your documents the captain observed the attitude his men finally told them the reason why Aramis was released, the captain said thank Cardinal, Prince, Queen and he research could achieve, everything was wrong and illegal, Aramis used in a plot to destroy the Musketeer, the king and France, the judge who interrogated and Aramis was an imposter, the real was killed months ago, the imposter disappeared when Aramis saved, but managed to find out who is the captain said the name of the imposter still looking at Athos, this man was an accomplice Milady, this means that she is alive and attacked again, the Musketeers were furious to hear this showed his displeasure to Athos, the captain said Milady was present at all times of the interrogation, trial and the day they were going to run, she disguised monk's assistant, if Aramis could do that for seven years she does not, at that time Athos recalled that it was she who lit the fire, thought that it was he who caused the wounds of torture of Aramis, who at trial was who cut the jacket to show that Aramis was a woman, the captain failed to see the few emotions that showed Athos, Porthos angrily wonder how Milady discovered the truth about Aramis, the captain concluded that perhaps I talk to Manson, Milady expected to Aramis torture she would talk and hand over all their accomplices, but Milady Aramis did not have that, knowing that this could happen, he said nothing, as well as his friends knew the truth, when asked would not commit perjury, in the end had to settle Milady destroy only a Musketeer, now the captain told that their orders were to find these criminals and bring them to justice, furious captain said they had to be the Musketeers who do justice, but that was all he said he had to separate them, they protested, but he said this mission was even more important, so I had to choose the right person, not doubting that they could find Milady, what could any of those three, the captain said he needed one in Paris to care for her company Aramis and The captain told them that she was very hurt physically and emotionally, I mention that therapy was drawing hands, but the drawings he made of herself age of terror, wonder what surprised Athos drawings, the draw did not know she , Dartagnan asked if he had seen the portrait of her medal, she had drawn, Athos said he had never seen him, the captain continued, Aramis could not allow that to sink into melancholy, could have tragic consequences, the captain after said Porthos would think he would care for her, the giant Athos thought he would choose, but the captain answered that Porthos was the only one to make her smile, this confession Athos I look bad, when the captain gave his orders they were all ready, Porthos would be in the morning with Aramis, and Athos Dartargnan would leave Paris, but the captain said that night had to go with Aramis, unfortunately had to ask him questions he knew would be painful, I wanted to remember details about their captors after the meeting ended , were about to leave when he stopped Athos, knew but several times I forgot to ask, where is the medal of Aramis?, she had it when she was caught, where they stay?, but as the captain wants to remember the torture? Aramis will be forced to remember, will want to give a report like the soldier he is, but it would be better if only present the captain, your friends can wait outside, particularly Athos, the master is aware of the attitude of Athos, which is going to say?, Athos is upset because he was not chosen, I think I was the best option Porthos, Athos would choose as a punishment for Aramis, Dartagnan will use the time will be with Athos for talk about their behavior, I fear they will see a fight, I hope the next chapter soon, thanks for sharing ^ _____ ^.

Recensore Junior
15/05/12, ore 21:23

Ho passato una giornata veramente tremenda e una volta a casa, volevo liberarmi dai miei pensieri sperando di leggere un aggiornamento. E devo dire che non mi hai deluso!
Sono molto molto molto soddisfatta di ciò che ho letto.
Tecnicamente, il capitolo è ottimamente articolato, i dialoghi sono veritieri e tieni sempre la suspance alta. Nessun errore di sintassi né di ortografia (poi magari rileggendolo ne trovo :P ), mi sono appassionata davvero a questa tua fic.
Passiamo al commento vero e proprio. De Treville è il secondo padre di Aramis, e il fatto che dica di voler prendere questi aguzzini per il re e la Francia mi lascia alquanto perplessa. Lui la vuole fare pagare amaramente a chi ha fatto del male alla sua pupilla, vuole infatti vederli vivi. Poi ci penserà lui. Guarda, questa volta Milady deve ricevere il peggior trattamento possibile. Il capitano ha capito perfettamente ciò che muove il cuore dei suoi uomini, ha notato tutto di Athos, ha sempre saputo che lui e Aramis erano uniti nello spirito, ha colto il gesto di Athos non appena ha avuto tra le braccia la donna morente, ha notato il suo essere così distaccato nell'incontro con lei.
Sa che lui è ossessionato dall'odio per le donne, ha capito che con lui ci deve andare cauto. E mi è piaciuto quando l'hai fatto tremare al cospetto dello sguardo del militare.
Passiamo ad Athos, che ho qualcosa da scrivere. Lui non si è affatto stupito della scelta del capitano, oppure siamo noi che non sappiamo cosa muove il suo cuore? Perchè non l'hai scritta la sua reazione, sono curiosa di conoscerla. Athos ha dei sentimenti fortemente contrastanti verso la donna sua compagna d'arme, le vuole indubbiamente bene, è assolutamente sconvolto da ciò che le è stato fatto, ammette dentro sé stesso che la punizione per quello che lui pensa essere un tradimento è stata eccessiva, sa che Aramis ha subito qualcosa di irreparabile fisicamente e anche psicologicamente. Però è un egocentrico egoista, non gli importa di ciò che sa sulla storia di Aramis, non gli importa che lei si è sacrificata solo per amore, quello che Athos stesso non ha mai ricevuto, non gli importa che lei sia stata violata nel corpo e nell'anima (a proposito, spero non violata sessualmente), lui non riesce a perdonarla. Guardarla inerme, dolorante, l'ombra opaca di quella che era una volta lo ha scosso ma non lo scuote del tutto, prova pena ma non rabbia. E non capisco poi perchè non debba provare rabbia, considerando il fatto che chi le ha imposto quelle torture è stata la persona che odia di più al mondo. E sono sicura che fino a che lui non sapesse che Aramis era una donna lei stessa era la persona che amava di più al mondo. Chissà cosa prova, poi, al sapere che lui è la persona che Aramis ama, ma come uomo, non come amico. Credimi, è il carattere sicuramente più difficile, come lo rendi tu sempre di più, ma spero tanto che riesca a togliersi quella corazza di sopra e soprattutto spero che non faccia del male alla povera nostra Aramis.
Ps: spero che non ci farai attendere tantissimo per il prosieguo, magari lavoraci adesso! :P Citosol!!! Aiutala tu!!! Così posta presto!

Recensore Junior
15/05/12, ore 17:40

wow! che bello! mi sono presa una pausa e intrando nel sito..sorpresa! un tuo aggiornamento!
fantastico! sono felicissima!
emozionante come sempre! brava!
hai fatto la scelta più giusta affidando Aramis a Porthos ( il mio Porthossino! che carino che è) ci ho sperato dall'inizio!
in fondo adesso Athos è un muro, non certo la persona più adatta per questo compito fondamentale!
hai acceso ancora di più la mia fortissima, viscerale, lancinante curiosità. Chissà cosa dirà il capitano al morettone... che dici gli farà un cazziatone?
in ogni caso le cose si complicano sempre di più e questa trama assume sfumature a dir poco contorte.. mi piace!
quindi è quella brutta megera di Milady che ha fatto del male ad Aramis? brutta cattiva e antipatica!
spero che quando Athos la trovi prima di riportarla a casa per essere giudicata le faccia passare un brutto quarto d'ora! come minimo!
come al solito divago... ma la tua storia mi appassiona moltissimo quindi abbi pazienza!

Recensore Junior
11/05/12, ore 16:53

nooo! non pupi terminare così! mi sono letteralmente mangiata le unghie per la tensione di quest'incontro!
che dire... bravissima!
e anche strepitosa! addirittura due capitoli di fila! sono felice visto che mi divoro ogni tuo aggiornamento
carino D'Artagnan è tanto tenero con le sue attenzioni verso la sua amica
e Porthos non perde mai la sua verve... semplicemente lo adoro!
Athos è quello però che mi lascia maggiormente col fiato sospeso.
ho quasi paura se immagino cosa tu abbia scritto nel capitolo dedicato a lui! sicuramente nel suo animo c'è una battiglia ed è difficile stabilire quale parte di lui prenderà il sopravvento.. tu hai dato molti indizi contradditori! però io tifo sempre e comunque per il suo lato migliore ovvero quello che capisce che senza Aramis non può vivere!
sono un'inguaribile romantica lo so non posso farci nulla!
è anche vero se se fosse stato proprio lui a denunciare Aramis, questo sarebbe il colpo di scena più ecclatante ed inaspettato!
magari era a conoscenza da tempo del segreto dell'amica e non dicendo nulla ma, covando in seno un odio profondo alla fine ha compiuto questo gesto estremo. ma quando si è reso conto della crudeltà del gesto se ne è pentito. ma sto divagando! non farci caso con due storie da scrivere ormai me li sogno pure la notte!
ciao a presto!
(Recensione modificata il 12/05/2012 - 08:48 am)

Recensore Junior
11/05/12, ore 16:12

ooh! ma è a dir poco accezionale! non solo scrivi benissimo ma le tue parole sono pregne di significato!
non è un capitolo statico, anzi è molto intenso e ti lascia carico di emozioni!
e poi con me vai alla grande con l'arte! la mia piccola vacanza di fine Aprile è stata a Firenze per la seconda volta in un'anno!
sono una patita di arte, storia e cultura.

Recensore Veterano
11/05/12, ore 13:20

A parte tutto ciò che ti ho detto in altre sedi, devo aggiungere che mi piace particolarmente la parte conclusiva di questo capitolo: i tormenti di Athos e di Aramis sono resi alla perfezione in tutta la loro complessità.

(Recensione modificata il 11/05/2012 - 01:20 pm)