Leggo, scrivo, mangio fin troppi yogurt e amo qualsiasi esserino a quattro zampe ♥ Proud dog-mom, millenial-style. L’angst è il sale della vita (sob) |
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∎ Progetti in fase di
∎ SHIP: Cherik (X-men), Destiel (SPN), Megstiel (SPN), Reylo (SW), Spirk (Star Trek), Sphura (Star Trek), Yumikuri (Attack on Titan), Marta/Le Blanc (Knives Out), ineffable husbands (Good Omens).
∎ CURRENTLY OBSESSED WITH: Miguel O'hara (Spider-Verse), Stranger Things (necessito della prossima stagione).
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shoot for the moon even if you miss it you will land among the s t a r s |