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di L_Wolland

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Recensore Master
20/01/24, ore 15:14

Ciao, questo capitolo mi ha incuriosito molto. Sai che tutti i tuoi capitoli coinvolgono, ma questo da terapeuta mi è piaciuto particolarmente.
Conosco la tecnica dell’EMDR, l’ho sperimentata sia come paziente che come terapeuta e la trovo molto trasformativa e preziosa.
È stato proprio interessante vederlo da un punto di vista differente rispetto al solito, leggendo sempre attraverso le riflessioni del paziente, in questo caso Naruto, partendo dalla creazione di un’alleanza terapeutica, dalle sue resistenze e paure, i blocchi e i processi trasformativi con alti e bassi a seconda dei temi toccati.
Anche il supporto di Zetsu è stato molto importante, si è sentito non da solo ancora prima di stabilire un aggancio con la terapeuta.
Vado a leggere con piacere anche il prossimo capitolo curiosa di sapere come altro si approfondirà.
Ti segnalo gli errori trovati nel testo: “Lei sembrò rassicurata. Ma tornò subito sera.”, “Si chiama MDR.»” penso tu ti riferisca all’EMDR”, “Di convincerci nella mia quotidianità.”.
A presto, kiss

Recensore Master
20/01/24, ore 12:34

Ciao, so che è passato tanto tempo, ma anche se con tempi molto più diradati non abbandonerò questa storia, mi entusiasma ancora ad ogni capitolo e la leggerò fino al suo compimento, purtroppo faccio molta più fatica a starci dietro e mi dispiace.
Sicuramente un capitolo più soft, anche se per Naruto le fatiche sono insite in ogni momento. Il ragionamento di farlo disintossicare dai farmaci ci sta, ora che la verità è venuta a galla sembrano in questo momento star pensando al suo bene, però Naruto non ha mai voce in capitolo. Capisco che sia in parte coinvolto dalle emozioni e dalle sensazioni così forti che prova, ma penso sarebbe giusto spiegare a lui cosa avviene in maniera corretta nel suo corpo, i farmaci che prendeva, ecc.
Sono stata contenta di rivedere Iruka, Maito Gai una rivelazione.
Madara severo, ma capisco anche i suoi “interessi”. Zetsu che perde la stoicità in tutti i sensi.
Ti segnalo gli errori trovati nel testo: “Lui sia accorse subito del mio stato.”, “Anche le fusa si remarono.”, “Tenni gli occhi chiusi, rimasi immobili.”.
A presto, kiss

Recensore Veterano
09/01/24, ore 09:42
Cap. 86:

Buongiorno L.,
le vacanze sono passate tra un malanno e l'altro purtroppo, spero le tue siano state più salubri😂😂
Felicissima di questo aggiornamento flash, anche se più corto come aggiunta ci sta tutta.
Uno scorcio sul passato di Zetsu e anche una motivazione, abbastanza plausibile, per l'arrendevolezza di Obito al ricatto di Itachi.. Chissà se questo cambierà qualcosa in tavola.
Curiosa di scoprirlo.
Alla prossima,
Alis ❤️

Nuovo recensore
08/01/24, ore 03:30
Cap. 86:

"È Itachi." I read this and immediately felt my stomach drop. Even though I was expecting this, I did not expect it so soon, and on a cliff hanger! I am disappointed in you, L. How could you do this to us? I can't wait for the next chapter now that I am finally caught up.

Zetsu couldn't tell that Sasuke was pregnant when he was here, so I suppose there is a very, very, very small hope that Itachi won't be able to tell. But I have the feeling he will be able to tell anyway. The possibilities are straggering. If there's one person with the will and resources to force the child to term, it's Itachi. Zetsu left and said that next time Naruto leaves, he will do this. That gives me a small hope that Itachi won't notice. And, hopefully Sasuke will not be going with them. Then again, this IS Itachi.

"E mi fa pensare di star assistendo a un film di cui ho perso l’inizio." Don't worry Sasuke, I feel the same way. The letter to Obito has be conflicted. I understand it and why Naruto sent it, but wow that feels like a punch in the gut, especially when Obito later confirms they are soulmates. A huge part of me just wants Sasuke to be happy, but I am not at all sure how to feel about what's going on and what will happen as the story progresses. From the way things seem, Naruto and Obito are on track to get back together. Of course, I presume something will stop that from happening - likely something named Sakura - but I can't help but feel that forgiveness between Naruto and Obito is a good thing. Forgiveness, yes. Reconciliation, I am not so sure. They have so much trauma and tragedy between them. And then there's the whole mess of Hinata. Also, Naruto's evasiveness and calling Sasuke jealous does not feel as productive for their relationship as the last chapter. They went from sharing things to keeping them a secret. Then again, Naruto wants Sasuke to hear what happened during the phone call - even if he left early. I wonder if Sasuke missed anything important. That said, Sasuke's hurt and sadness at the end of the chapter in regards to what he heard is powerful. How can he compete with a soulmate?

Sasuke's jealousy and pettiness in this chapter also makes sense and it's nice to see. His attempt to protect Naruto is good. The best part of the chapter, however, is that Sasuke lets Naruto decide for himself what he wants. He actively decides he won't be Itachi or Obito, or anyone else who has chosen for Naruto. That is true character growth. Sasuke is breaking the cycle. He does not want to control others, and he does not want to be controlled. Beautiful. We also see Sasuke's growth when he does not ask all the questions he wants answers to with Obito. he is learning and growing and that is startlingly obvious here. I love it.

Obito's rage at what Naruto did, "Andando a spifferare tutto a Itachi?!", the fact that he had to deal with the consequences of Naruto being a spy by it being directed against him is great. I also like the little fight that breaks out between Sasuke and Obito, and Obito's passive annoyance that Sasuke is present. This is not the private call Obito hoped for.

The Zetsu revelation is amazing. Everything makes so much more sense in relation to Zetsu and his passive stance and unwillingness to change the system. It is how his parents died. The puzzle pieces fit here. Perfectly. "La Dama Bianca non è una mossa falsa. È, cazzo, un inciampare completamente in una vasca piena di squali." That also means that Sasuke's association with Zetsu is a powder keg. It's insanely dangerous for Sasuke to have been close to Deidara (and therefore Zetsu) if he does get publicly involved with the Dama Bianca. This makes the conflict all that much more interesting, especially if Sasuke is discovered. Is this why you changed it so we find out now? Is this one of the things that changes with Sasuke finding out now, rather than later in the story? I am curious as to why you chose to do it now.

Another critical thing I want to point out is Sasuke reflects that, "Non si tratta solo di mantenere il suo potere." However, with this information, Zetsu has no power at all. Zetsu has an illusion, a string he can balance on. One wrong move, and that illusion, that string of privilege vanishes. This changes a lot of our understanding of Zetsu and why Obito is still the top choice (besides being Madara's only biological son). Very curious. This does change a lot of the background political drama of the narrative. That said, Zetsu being able to frame Itachi for the explosion is awesome, and a way better tactic than killing him by their own hand. it does seem like a far better plan - like a Zetsu plan. And Itachi likely does have a lot of corruption all around him. B going after him for one thing, they may be able to find many.

Sasuke's pain in "Ho la sensazione che qualcosa mi stia sfuggendo dalle dita..." is sad. He is not aware of the strength of his feelings for Naruto, which is sad for a variety of reasons but understandable. Sasuke has never have any relationships before. He doesn't have any friends his own age, and it was unlikely that he was particularly close to anyone on the Farm. We never see him reflect on anyone there. Given how long he stayed, the fact he was 17 and most of the kids were what? 10 years old? There was a huge disconnect. It's sad. Sasuke has been isolated for so long too, and I doubt he could recognize love if he wanted to. He has feelings for Zetsu because Zetsu makes him feel safe, because he is not predatory. That's confusing the want for safety and security with other feelings. The way Sasuke keeps telling himself, "Naruto non è innamorato di me" in the eyes of the love Obito and Naruto have is genuinely heart breaking. All the justification Sasuke has to do to deny his feelings is also heartbreaking.

The fact that Sasuke takes a huge step back in ignoring the issue and staying silent, isolating both himself and Naruto to opposite ends of the house in his misery and pain annoys me. I totally understand it, but I hate it, as consistent as it is for Sasuke. I want them to talk about things, but know that they won't. That said, I am curious as to if Sasuke can feel anything through the bond. It always seems to be something he never thinks about, and given how Naruto felt his emotions through the bond, it seems important that Sasuke needs to learn control over his pheromones and how to use the bond effectively. Just a thought.

As for my theory on the letter, there are a lot of possibilities. First, I do not think Naruto would write Obito a love letter and not expect a phone call. However, I have two main theories that I am sure are both wrong.

The first option is that: Naruto wrote a letter, carefully worded, asking for answers and demanding to know what happened. Perhaps repeating that Itachi blackmailed him and he needed answers - he needed to understand by Obito could be heartless. Why would he give Naruto the life he promised that they both would have? The house, the pets, the sea? All of it was the vision for them, and yet, Naruto is here alone. He is essentially a doll in a doll house, in stasis, waiting. And now that he is working again, Obito is trying to get to him. In two decades, Obito finally learned their song on piano. Obito loves him. Naruto knows that. he must recognize it from the recount he gave Sasuke.

The section option is the first, but with an addition (that I personally think is a good idea). To start, this means the letter is longer, which is supported by the fact that Naruto was gone for such a long time in writing it. I am going to include this second option even though I feel that Obito could disprove it when he states: "Nella tua lettera… volevi delle spiegazioni. Lasciami spiegare. Per favore." However, this could be a test to validate that Itachi was not behind Naruto writing the letter and confirming it is actually Naruto who wants answers.

The addition is that based on what occurred in the last chapter: they discussed the Madara situation and the plot to kill Itachi. Naruto is not stupid and he knows a lot about what's going on in the world. I think it would be cool if the second part of the letter contained information about Itachi that Obito can use against Itachi. Not a lot, but just enough that Zetsu could take a closer look. Actually, it could even be a single sentence. After all, Naruto tried this approach with Zetsu once before. Any information on Itachi would make Obito suspicious. Years ago, Naruto sold out some of Obito's secrets to Itachi. Now, Naruto could be giving Obito information on Itachi that will help him discredit Itachi without having to kill him. It would be poetic, given the situation they are in, and it would also mean that Naruto finally gets some sense of justice. I think this because Obito sounds distrusting in the beginning, and he explodes about Itachi. It also explains why Naruto did not tell Sasuke what was in the letter. The emotional reaction that follows could be an indication that Naruto has chosen Obito, over Itachi, after all these years. Perhaps I am reading too much into it. Obito's distrust at the start may indicate that there was something in the letter that could be used, and, that could absolutely ruin Obito if it wasn't true, (meaning, if Itachi wanted the information passed along).

Those are my theories, but I can't wait to see what better idea you have in store for us. :D

--Until next time
(Recensione modificata il 08/01/2024 - 03:32 am)

Nuovo recensore
08/01/24, ore 02:21
Cap. 85:

Pregnant! I'm not surprised and did think that was the case. It brings on a rather terrifying aspect of the story, which is what to do next. The solution seems rather obvious given the situation they're in and the fact they are not people on their own. Somehow, I wonder if someone is going to ruin that. Like Itachi. The fact this comes up makes me laugh. When I read, "Sai, se c’è qualcosa che la nostra esistenza insegna», indica noi due, «è che è meglio tenere Itachi lontano dalle persone incinta." I genuinely laughed out loud and had to stop reading to recover. Keep Itachi away from babies at all costs. That said, Itachi can show up whenever he wants. Somehow, I get the feeling he is going to find out. The power of things happening in threes. I also like how Sasuke phrases Itachi's manipulation, "Era solo una contorta rappresentazione dei fatti a suo favore." Twisting of facts to suit his needs perfectly describes Itachi. Not to mention, the chilling line later "Sarà Itachi a decidere cosa farne."

One of the many things I like about your story is how all flawed all the characters are. They have consistent characterization and that often gets them in trouble. Sasuke being stubborn, opinionated, and strong willed is a great example of that. It mean he is quite vocal and basically never changes his mind about things. He can change his mind, but it takes a lot for him to do so. And his opinion of Obito and Itachi are two amazing examples of that. Even with Naruto and Kakashi, who Sasuke has definitely warmed up to with more understanding. I like this character growth for him and also like that he does not immediately start forgiving. He is still stubborn and rarely changes hid mind. But at least he's starting to see there are reasons to change ones mind.

That aside, I like that Naruto proposes reaching out to Zetsu. It's nice that he still feels safe with him and knows that both he and Sasuke are safe with Zetsu. It's also hilarious that despite being able to contact both Zetsu and Kakashi, neither one of them seem to ever pick up the phone. It amuses the hell out of me and does well to alienate the tension in the chapter. I also really like that they do not immediately get what they walk. They have to wait to hear from Zetsu and that also helps to build tension on who will find out first. The quiet tension in the story, the lack of control is visible in this chapter and I appreciate it.

A part of the story that I am glad has happened is that Sasuke and Naruto seem a lot more open after what's just happened. They share the key to the study and they both have access. This is a great development and I'm glad to see it. I hope that means they plan to work more cohesively as the story progresses.

The confusion and pain Sasuke feels in this chapter are real. The denial works well, as well as the numbness he seems to find himself in. it's realistic. I like the constant fears and thoughts he has around Itachi's involvement and the potential for him taking the child. I'm also curious as to how the Dama Bianc would react to the news as well. It's certainly not ideal by any means. "Il mio istinto sarebbe di lasciare questa villa e ucciderli tutti." I like this line. it feels aligned with who Sasuke is and what he wants. I enjoy the fact that he sees it as a potential option. Somehow, however, I wonder if this will solve anything. Sasuke doesn't have the stomach for violence. Not real violence. Seeing Azuma be murdered was a lot for him and he was overwhelmed by the sickness of it. Although violence is what he wants, I question if it is what this society needs. There is already so much violence.

Damn it. As much as I do not justify what Obito has done, I genuinely like him. The way he speaks with Sasuke and the rapport they have is great. I like how Obito teases him about Zetsu and how Obito recognizes Sasuke's voice and does seem to want to help him. I've mentioned before that it's a weird as hell dynamic, but I like it. I also like how the dynamic sours as Sasuke reflects on what he knows about Obito. Naruto knows this too, "Vai d'accordo con Obito." Again, I like the dynamic that is at play here and how Obito is genuine with Sasuke, even though they're not friends. The animosity between them can always be read as friendly disdain, rather than hatred. And I feel this deserves praise. It's so easy to write people hating on an ex or a current partner of an ex. This dynamic is quite powerful.

Another thing great about this chapter is Naruto. He explains why murdering Itachi is a terrible idea - it is - and outlines how Madara is and the politic situation. Naruto is often seen as stupid and most people underestimate his understanding of what is going on, so I love that he comes in and explains why the idea presented to Sasuke - which Zetsu might be lying or withholding information about because we don't know exactly when or how he's lied to Sasuke - is unworkable and will lead to more issues. Itachi is a major figure, well liked and respected. IT totally makes sense that the nobility would react to his murder, especially since Madara holds him in such high esteem. Itachi's death is going to make Obito look bad no matter who does it or how it happens. This is even more true if Itachi is better liked by the nobility than Obito, which seems to be the case, demonstrated by the Hyuuga incident. "Troverà un modo per rovesciare tutto a suo favore. L’ha sempre fatto. Ci è sempre riuscito." is a powerful warning that Obito and Zetsu would be foolish to ignore. The line "Sono pazzo, non stupido," in particular made me laugh out loud. I like how self aware Naruto is. A lot of people perceive him as stupid and he's not. Based on the things he knows, he's actually one of the smarter characters and many people underestimate him a lot. I hope this will come up as the story progresses.

Naruto pointing out to Sasuke why just killing Itachi is a terrible idea goes to show us how unreliable Sasuke is as a narrator and how his naivety is not necessarily going to be productive. Killing doesn't fix anything. If anything, it causes more chaos. How efficiently did the deaths of Rin and Sakura fix things? Not at all. They caused substantially more violence. When Naruto brings up the chess board, it makes me wonder what the other branches of Uchiha feel and if any of them are willing to get involved in this battle. If one of them went after Itachi for Obito to be affected in the fallout, then it opens up the path for someone else. Honestly, it's fascinating what a good old fashion family inheritance crisis can cause.

The conversation they have about Hinata is also great. Sasuke's desire to protect Naruto is great here, especially since he does not seem to understand the feeling he currently has for Naruto. Whether they are genuine or a result of the bond is difficult to ascertain right now, especially given the fact he's pregnant. still, it's a beautiful detail. I love how open and forthcoming they are in how they communicate and how it transitions beautifully in Naruto wanting to come with Sasuke to the cause of the Dama Bianc. Them planning some type of future together is an amazing development. Them sharing and being open with one another is an incredible development.

"Ho bisogno… Ti prego, Sasuke, ho bisogno di te." This is progress in the right direction. At least Naruto is starting to accept that he needs Sasuke. Now, we just need Sasuke to recognize that he can't continue to be alone, trying to figure things out on his own. Naruto being off the sleeping pills because of Sasuke is also a wonderful development. I also like that Naruto is starting to confront and deal with things. He asks Sasuke is he is sure about the abortion, I like how he follows up based on how things went. That said, Sasuke's explosion was a bit unexpected. Normal for him given the situation. Again, it circles back to the fact that Sasuke does not yet feel that he needs Naruto and is not being fully open and transparent himself. It's slow work and I am glad that Sasuke does not immediately forgive Naruto. I'm glad that this is a slow progression and it is not immediate.

Poor Zetsu. Let this man sleep. I do like how calm he is about this and how he does his best to support Sasuke and Naruto. The scene where Zetsu smells Sasuke is good. For some reason, it seems important. Not just because Sasuke's pheromones have changed, but because we actually don't know all that much abbot Sasuke's pheromones at all. He says here that he is good at controlling them, that is, masking them, but he has no idea how to use them to affect the emotions of others, like calming Naruto for example. This is something I would consider a weakness and when Sasuke isn't pregnant, learning to control his pheromones better - by masking or using them - would actually be something I can see working to his advantage.

The realization that Sasuke has not spoken to Zetsu at all in the face of what's happening was amazing too. I like ti as a form of character development for him. It actually feels genuinely like something that someone in this situation would feel. the numbness and silence throughout is powerful, especially because Sasuke breaks it to say he doesn't want to keep it.

The idea with the high priest makes me wonder if Sasuke will pass such a thing. Perhaps the Dama Bianc will show up before he has to, but as Zetsu points out, "L’importante è che tu riesca a tenere sotto controllo la tua boccaccia irriverente", somehow, I don't know if Sasuke would be able to stay quiet. And, in some ways, I have the feeling being involved with the high priest is not going to be all praying and fasting. We have seen what one priest is like and that's Tobirama. Somehow, I have the feeling that Sasuke could be in a very uncomfortable situation when and if this comes to pass. Exploitation is rampant in this story, and there's the underlying assumption that the highest order in the church here would be no different from the others, especially if he is considered a 'prince of the church', as the clergy were historically considered in Europe.

You know, as immature as Sasuke's crush on Zetsu is, this chapter is a huge moment for Sasuke in terms of character growth. Although he and Zetsu do talk, Sasuke wants to keep talking, but then feeling compassionate and empathetic for the fact Zetsu has not slept and lets him sleep. This is a rare moment where Sasuke chooses someone else well-being over his own desire to know and to have an idea of what's going on. Granted, he could have let Zetsu rest sooner, but I'm glad we got some answers in regards to the marriage. That said, it also means something that it seems that Zetsu lost a case and immediate threw himself into working on trying to help Sasuke, and then showed up to help Sasuke in person.

The most important thing I want to bring up quickly about Sasuke's reflections on the baby is the polarity of it, the two extremes: that it will be an oppressed Omega or a powerful, controlling alpha. The binary aspect of this, the black and white interpretation that Sasuke envisions is interesting to me because it still shows how he has not yet grown, that he is still a young, naive teenager who is stuck in a black and white system. He does not fully consider that Naruto is an alpha and Naruto has had a life worse than Sasuke's, with far more violence and pain. That does not diminish Sasuke's experiences, but the more likely situation for the child, should it survive is that it becomes a tool for Itachi. Sasuke briefly considers this and then abandons it for a future that is far too black and white.

Upon some reflection, I am starting to think my reviews are getting far too long. I apologize if they are too much.

--Until next time

Nuovo recensore
07/01/24, ore 07:01

Itachi's reaction at the start of the chapter seems to counter the idea I had that he planned the thing with the dogs. That said, it is possible that Itachi is just a good actor.

One change that's so welcome is the power dynamic change between Itachi and Shisui. Since standing up to Izuna and Fugaku, Itachi also seems to have more control and sway over Shisui, which is good. Does Shisui still love Itachi as much as he did before? Perhaps it's because of the focus of the narrative, but it the relationship between Itachi, Izumi, and Shisui seems to have changed rather dramatically from then they were young to this point in the story, and it seems even more static in the timeline of the main story. Maybe it's unimportant, but it is still a curious detail, given how in love Shisui was and how hateful he was (and is) to Naruto because if Itachi's love for him.

Again, I love the doctors in the story and how natural it is for them to give us information and backstory. I also really enjoy the line "Parlava del bond come se fosse una cosa vivente." It makes me assume that will come back up in the story later, especially after 18 or so years, Naruto's and Obito's bonds have not healed. It makes me wonder if the blankets and the love they clearly still have for one another is keeping them open. That said, I still wonder how on earth there could be any potential for Naruto and Obito for the future. Even if it was by Itachi's hand by blackmail, it does not change what happened.

Again, this chapter has a lot of Itachi and I find myself curious as to his true nature. The chapter starts with him rather sympathetic and relatable. The way he expresses himself makes him seem genuinely remorseful. it could be an act, but why would it be? The lines: "Avrei dovuto insegnarti io» mormorò. «Invece non c’è mai stato tempo. E ho finito per insegnarti qualcos’altro…" stand out in evidence of this. Another is "Naruto, tu sei più importante." and "Itachi pianse di sollievo. Non lo avevo mai visto piangere in quel modo." Itachi's words and actions genuinely reflect what he is trying to reinforce. One thing that I question is if Itachi meant it when he said, "Mi disse che non aveva problemi a supplicarmi, umiliarsi." and what exactly he means by it. Humiliating himself to Naruto by begging or humiliating himself to the world? Itachi is so fascinating in the chapters where he is a focus and where he is loving, protective, and genuinely trying to do something good for Naruto.

As the chapter progresses however, Itachi shifts and the dual Itachi is visible once more. Itachi almost feels like Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde. He talks Naruto out of psychotherapy, repeatedly sexually abuses him, stays in the manor. As the result of the speech he gives Naruto is Naruto completely giving up and surrendering his entire life to Itachi. "Itachi è il motivo per cui sono vivo." That is not a good thing in the narrative. Perhaps for Itachi, it is a victory that he does not have to worry about Naruto trying to kill himself and now Naruto is docile and easier to control. But wow. What a blow to Naruto. And likely to Sasuke.

The fact that Sasuke is also alive also due to Itachi may indicate a loop where Sasuke need to repay his debt of gratitude to Itachi, which is chilling.

Again, I do not intend to excuse the absolutely disgusting things Itachi has done, but there is just something about him where he has genuine moments of tenderness and care intermixed with the savagery. It makes it difficult for me to hate him, perhaps because those mix of sour and sweet are what make him compelling, but also what make him dangerous. There was part in the story where I wondered if Sasuke would beg Zetsu to kill Itachi. Now, I question if that would be a good thing, if Sasuke wanting Itachi to die would be beneficial of if it would just cause many more problems.

I also like the constant cycle of threes. How Naruto went back to Obito three times. How he was with Itachi three times. How they do 3 things in this chapter, and it is in the third that things explode. It's a common plot device, but I feel you do it incredibly well.

Naruto chasing Obito hurts me. I can't imagine how he can forgive him for what's happened, how he can want to talk to him after last time. Wow. Naruto is filled with so much love and a desire to be loved. It is incredible to me. It makes me believe that the soulmate thing exists in this story. Yes, they had connection, love, and chemistry, but they have so much pain, and hut and baggage. Part of me genuinely worries that Naruto will forgive Obito and end up back with him again. Somehow, I am not sure that's the best outcome. Then again, Sakura seems to have made it clear Obito is going to die, so there's that fun addition to consider.

The attempted suicide scene is chilling. Feeling his pain, knowing Obito said he should kill himself, that he might try to kill him. Wow. It's dark and difficult to read. That said, it is profoundly well written and gripping. It's sad, in an understandable way. The metaphor of the merry go round is also very good. It s. symbol of childhood joy. Naruto never had a child hood, and the cyclical nature of his life, him always waiting to going back to being a whore, of being used, of feeling powerless, is also perfect here. He lives in a perpetual circle, repeating the same things, over and over, unable to get off, forced to ride the machine until the bitter end. His attempted suicide is him trying to take control in a situation where he has no control, much the way Sasuke's was.

Part of me doesn't understand how Itachi can comes and goes as he pleases while Obito cannot. Granted, the way the blackmailing works, it is likely that Itachi has more on Obito than Obito has on him. However, the power imbalance and what Itachi and the other Uchiha are able to do baffles me in some ways. For years they get away with it.

Iruka is such a lovely character. I'm glad to see him in the villa again, and him using animals to calm Naruto down is all the better. It's something. A distraction in the hole of his world. The fact that Naruto asks for the blanket and it's not something that Iruka uses outside of Naruto's consent is also good. I like that it is something Naruto chooses for himself rather than it being something that is forced upon him. It also explains why he has such trouble letting go. The blankets always smell like Obito.

Naruto's first birthday in the villa is incredibly disturbing. Everything about it. From him hiding to be safe, to the rape of the servants, to Itachi feeding him, to Itachi raping him. it almost seems like Itachi just wants Naruto all to himself and does not want to share him. Granted, many more years progress with the whole family, but of some of the scenes we get in detail, the first one at the villa and the first one with Sasuke, Itachi is alone with Naruto. Devastating.

Huh. Somehow I find it strange that Itachi just offers his Omega brother to Naruto. "Itachi mi guardò come se stesse mettendo la sua intera vita tra le mie mani. «Lo vuoi tu?»" I understand that Itachi likely couldn't keep Sasuke with him, but it's a little odd to me that he would give him to Naruto in the current situation. If Itachi was jealous of Obito, you think he could be jealous of Sasuke. Perhaps I am overthinking it. If giving Sasuke to Naruto was the only way to save him, perhaps the why Itachi did it. But I can't help but see what a profoundly stupid idea that is. I also don't understand why Uchiha would agree to it, given what they think about Naruto, how he is a broken and useless.

The fact Naruto named Sasuke was super sweet though. That said, the fact Naruto wants Sasuke to be "diventare la tua ragione di vita" is incredibly disturbing. Naruto wanted to recreate what his relationship was with Itachi from the very start of Sasuke coming to him and wow that's insanely disturbing. The fact that Naruto thinks that it will be like having an animal makes sense though. Naruto is very young and naive and has never been around a baby.

The way Naruto abandons Sasuke is heartbreaking, as if the fact Naruto doesn't remember what he did. This means that Naruto has fun away from Sasuke twice. The first time as an infant, and the second when he tortured him. Given your focus on threes, I presume that it will happen a third time. And that scares me a little. The fact Sasuke didn't cry when Naruto sees him again gives me chills. It also explains so much about Sasuke as an 'adult' and how stoic and unemotional he is. This is confirmed when Naruto says, "Nei referti che ricevevo ogni anno, ogni volta veniva riportato che non ti sentivano mai piangere." Naruto's emotional outburst was so traumatic that it shut down Sasuke's ability to express emotions and cry before he was really even able to form conscious memories.

Here, we get an idea of the duality of Naruto, which is also quite compelling. In some sense, we see Kurama and Naruto at the same time in what he confesses to Sasuke. Kurama, the child who was raped, abused, and abandoned by his family wants to repeat that rage, that trauma, that pain on Sasuke. And Naruto dreams of his life with Sasuke, of their incredible romance, of how they will fall in love. It's terrifying because there is no Kurama. It has always just been Naruto. And the dual nature of Naruto toward Sasuke is perverse and in some ways terrifying. "Sulla versione più sola e vulnerabile di Itachi. Sulla versione che mi apparteneva. Mi avresti dato tutto quello che Obito mi aveva promesso e su cui aveva mentito." Again, it just reinforces the idea that Sasuke is just a substitute for both Itachi and Obito. In some ways, it's disgusting and so incredibly sad. The fact Naruto also talks about Sasuke belonging to him is also frustrating. It makes sense given he is an alpha and the society we are in - I understand why he feels that way. And by saying it out loud it seems clear that is no longer what he desires, especially because of the last time, which really sticks out as the winner of this chapter: "Invece il mostro sono diventato io."

By accepting his own monstrosity, Naruto sort of stands a shot at redemption with Sasuke. Part of me hopes that they continue to move into this forgiveness together. I do not want Sasuke to forgive him right away. There is the empathy and understanding of what's going on, but wow.

This period of Naruto racconta has been dark. It gives me a new insight and understanding into so many of the characters. As dark as it was, I am glad you spent the time to write this out and give us a very clear idea in this section of the story of who Naruto is and what happened to him. Many things make more sense and I can see them with greater clarity.

On an unrelated note, at this point, I give up figuring out what the relationships will be at the end of this story. The seeds have been sowed for a few different possibilities, but the only one that even seems remotely healthy is the potential of Sasuke and Zetsu. However, I am not sure that is the best solution either. Perhaps the purpose of a story like this is that there is no ideal relationship in life amidst all this trauma.

I am glad to hear that from this point, we will be moving upward, moving back towards the sun and out of the hole we are current rolling around at the bottom of. You are an amazing writer L, and I enjoy reading your story very much. Thank you for your incredible work.

--Until next time

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07/01/24, ore 05:21

Wow. Wow. Wow.

I am amazed that the one thing in Itachi's story to Sasuke - the thing that I read and realized 'Itachi is lying', is apparently something that happened. I never thought Naruto was raped by dogs. From the moment it was said, I thought it was too difficult to accomplish and that Obito would never be able to manage it. And yet, it seems it had. Maybe?? Because Naruto passes out, so maybe he just thinks it happened and Obito was counting on that. Even so, as far as I am concerned, there is no redemption for Obito. There is no way I can see Naruto forgiving him in the future. Wow. To treat your (believed) soulmate like that? The fact that Obito hits him. Damn. The whole scene where Obito speaks Itachi's poisoned words are so incredibly... dark and painful. There were a few times I had to pause reading before resuming. It's a tough scene. Well written, incredible, and an amazing feat. As a work of fiction, it is incredible, but wow it is dark and painful as a reader attached to these characters.

One thing that is not clear is if the dog thing was Itachi's idea. He says it to Sasuke - and he is not in the room - so I presume it was. Somehow, I don't see Obito doing that on his own, but damn. Itachi must have done something amazing with the blackmail on the White Lady.

This chapter is dark and filled with a pain that permeates the chapter. Starting with the end, one of the most profound parts of this chapter is Obito's speech to Naruto. We know that Itachi told Obito what to say, gave him a script. And even if we didn't know that, Obito sounds so much like Itachi here. HE uses the same words, speaks to Naruto in the same way. It's strange and also poetic because it doesn't even seem like Itachi tried to make it sound like something Obito would say. Reading this, if you removed the tags, I would say 'that's Itachi talking,' because it sounds so much like his narrative voice in the story.

Oh boy, this one is sad. From the jump, we already know what Madara is going to do and reading the chapter does not make that fact any easier. It also makes total sense that Madara would do what he's going to do. Naruto is just a ward and Obito is his son. That said, I do like the detail of "Obito si lasciò prendere e portare via da me quieto." the fact that Obito goes and allows it to happen because he knows he messed up. The fact he doesn't make the scene worse is that much better. The resigned nature of Obito here is amazing character development. Even if he wants Madara to use his position so that he to get away with it and keeps Naruto.

Also, I have no idea why, but when Madara is holding his nose and says "Che il Nostro Sacro Sovrano mia dia la forza per sopportare un figlio così stupido» pregò acido" I genuinely laughed out loud. The scene is so serious and somehow, that one line cuts so much of the tension. I know that I probably shouldn't like Madara as a character given what we know about him, but I do like him. He's one of the better characters and my god, he's funny.

The whole scene with Madara is just fantastic. I love it whenever Madara shows up in the story because he's such a presence and he makes such an impact. He is absolutely fantastic. That said, I do like that he is not constantly in the story, as it would remove a good portion of the mystery surrounding him and what Sakura intends to do. But wow, he has so little 'screen time', and he establishes such a presence. Bravo, L. Madara has so little time in the story and he still manages to establish such a presence. Wow.

The way Naruto finds out that Itachi isn't his brother is not as Itachi depicted it and I like that. Obito's emotional reactivity causes so much of the conflict in the story that I presume this will continue when we jump forward in time to the real conflict. I can easily see Obito causing more issues. Maybe he learned some impulse control in 19 years, but given what we see of him in the main story, I doubt very much that's the same. I also like that Madara tells Obito that he has to tell him now that he ruined it. And, of course, in comes Zetsu to explain and clean up the mess Obito made. Again, love the progression of this, despite how sad it is.

Hmm, given what we know about Kushina and Minato, I find myself more and more curious about the truth of their lives. For starters, we see that there is a lot of bias in the telling of the story, and the short story presented here is believable and I do believe that it happened more or less the way it is described here. However, there has to be more to the story, and I find myself curious as to if there is more truth that Zetsu did not tell Naruto, or, something Naruto is not telling Sasuke. This scene plays out differently than the others. Naruto's desire not to say anything about is parents makes total sense. I understand why he holds back and gives short, fragmented details. However, we do not 'hear' what Zetsu shared with Naruto and the additional details that may be helpful. Also, we know that Zetsu does not always tell the truth. It is unclear if Zetsu would be able to lie to Naruto or not, however, I do like the idea that Naruto cannot tell when Zetsu lies, in a similar way to how Naruto does not seem to have a sexual effect on Zetsu (outside of the one instance with his pheromones that we see).

"I suoi genitori erano stati condannati alla ghigliottina dal Governo, da Madara." Oh, wow. I don't think this has been revealed in the story! Talk about learning something about Zetsu. That makes sense.

One thing that is very powerful in this chapter is something Iruka said, how Naruto and Sasuke were very much alike. The line "Mi avevano fatto nascere solo per quello." is true for Naruto, but in some sense, it is also true to Sasuke. Sasuke was born specifically for Naruto. Or, that is what we are led to believe. After all, it is entirely possible that Itachi had other intentions and Sasuke ended up with Naruto as a matter of convenience. Still, the fact that Sasuke was meant for Naruto likely means that Itachi had to use the same tactic to keep Sasuke alive, but that Sasuke is basically also just a person for Naruto to have sex with. This line stands out to me in the tragedy of Naruto's life, and the fact that Sasuke was essentially subjected to the same fate.

Curiously, we also see how Naruto's lies to Itachi seem to influence Itachi's lies to Sasuke. I find it remarkable that some of the lies that Itachi told to Sasuke are actually caused because Naruto lied to Itachi. This is not necessarily important, but I find it fascinating that almost all of the lies and inconsistencies in Itachi's stories actually originate in Naruto. That makes me wonder if Itachi is actually honest and forthright with Sasuke. He said he always wanted a brother, didn't he? And that is chilling in knowing what Itachi is capable of. Wow. Incredible attention to detail.

The first scene with Itachi is one of the many reasons I like him in the story. He does genuinely seem to want what is good for Naruto. Again, he seems to be doing his best and even gives Naruto time in his room, alone, to accept what's happening. We know that the goodness in Itachi won't last, and perhaps it is a manipulation tactic, but I like that Itachi is not always doing terrible things. There are moments were Itachi is good and genuine in the story, even if his moral framework is damaged. And I think that's part of the purpose of him in the narrative. Itachi does terrible things. He thinks that he loves Naruto even though he hurts him and pimps him out. And yet, in the system that they are in, this disturbing, corrupted power struggle... it almost feels like Itachi is just as powerless as Naruto at times. That does not excuse Itachi of course, but he is an interesting character. I like that he is not just evil.

Izumi reappears in this chapter and is living with Itachi, they even have a house together. I find myself wondering again why they are not yet married - is it Itachi's choice? Is it Izumi's because it's clear that Itachi doesn't love her? Is it Shisui because she is so in love with Itachi that he will not allow Itachi to truly marry his sister? Is it Izuna because he wants to be sure Itachi will be worth something before marrying them? Or, if Alpha females have limited fertility windows, is izuna delaying as much as he can to prevent Itachi from having his own heir to surpass him and potentially trying to cause another succession crisis? Perhaps that's more detail than needed, given what we have seen. Itachi's obsession with Naruto could very well be the answer, but if it is a political marriage, then a delay seems strange. Unless Itachi is trying to end up in a situation like Naruto to Hinata, where he lands a much better specially advantageous marriage. This is a minor detail, but I find it strange that they have been engaged for what? The better part of a decade? And almost two more decades will pass and they are still not married in the main story. A thirty year engagement. A part of me wonders if this is normal in universe of it if it really strange. Someone else - I believe Kakashi? - points out how long they have been engaged, so I assume it's not normal.

Naruto hitting Shisui is nice. It's a good form of catharsis. However, we also see Naruto taking on one of Obito's worse traits, violence. This gets into dicey territory, because we could say Naruto defending himself and being able to fight is a good thing. However, this is just reacting. We see Naruto later has many of Obito's not so great mannerisms. At first, when I read it, it totally make sense to me that Naruto was finally reacting, that he was protecting himself, that he was having emotional outbursts and destroying rooms. Now though? Really focusing on what's happening to him, he's swinging from one extreme to another and I'm not sure the violent outbursts are that good, especially with what we see him do later in the story, especially to Sasuke. And upon reading, "Perché tutto è sbagliato, va distrutto." I feel empathy for Naruto. He has nothing else. He has no tools to express himself, no ability to healthily regulate his emotions. I totally understand why his only way of coping is to destroy in this case, but that doesn't mean it's a good thing.

The scene where "Tutto tornò come prima." is also insanely interesting. Itachi tends to be expressionless and emotionless in most situations. I find it curious that in situations where Naruto shows emotion, Itachi associates that with a crisis and that's when he rapes him. Perhaps I am giving Itachi too much benefit of the doubt, but that genuinely feels like a learned behavior to me. Given the fact that there's a family orgie on Naruto's birthday and the fact that Izumi, Shisui, and Izuna raped Sasuke together - someone who is related to all of them. Say nothing of the fact that all of them are related, really does seem to indicate that incest is not a big deal in Uchiha at all. Not publicly, obviously, but in private? It seems totally fine in Uchiha. That makes me wonder if Itachi is repeating the same things that happened to him on Naruto. This in no way excuses Itachi, but it is a thought I have had so many times. Another possibility is that Kushina was supposed to have raised Itachi instead of Mitoko. So, it is not outrageous that Minato or Kushina also did something to Itachi. After all, Itachi did all he could save Kushina's son. Part of me feels there has to be a reason behind such affection, especially since Itachi seems to have been sexually attracted to Naruto from the start. The only real evidence I can point to in this chapter is that Itachi thinks Obito taking care of Naruto requires sex. Granted, that could be something Itachi assumed given how he diagnosed Naruto with nymphomania to suit his own needs and desires, but it could also indicate something else. The fact that Itachi conflates love with sex seems like something he learned. It just feels like Itachi needs to be needed, that only by others relying on him does he feel loved. This fact makes Sasuke so much more susceptible to Itachi's manipulation.

One part of Naruto racconta that stands out to me if when Naruto breaks from his narrative and starts talking directly to Sasuke. This one simple narrative device is so powerful and reminds the reader that this is a story he is telling. You told us that this is the truth and that Naruto's POV is not reliable, and these moments when he speaks directly to Sasuke show that. The breaking down, the apologies, the uncertainty in this chapter is incredible. I love the moments when he speaks to Sasuke. It's been forever and I am excited for him to return. But wow, this is a powerful narrative device.

Oh man. Naruto betraying Obito and revealing everything to Itachi. Again, I totally understand why Naruto did what he did, using the only thing he had, sex and information, to get back to Obito. But wow. It hurts. Part of me is glad we don't see the detail of the betrayal. It is likely something Naruto wouldn't have been able to detail, so I do appreciate that we don't have all the details here. I also love that he apologizes to Sasuke, almost like he wants to apologize to Obito. It's sad and almost painful to know of the betrayal and that as much as Naruto regrets it, there is nothing he can do. In some ways, I can say this is an example of Madara making a decision without fully understanding what Naruto was and what he knew.

-- until next time

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07/01/24, ore 02:40

Perhaps one of the hallmarks that Naruto is recovering is the fact that he just wants Obito to kiss him. It's sweet and I genuinely love that this is his motivation. Yes, he wants Obito to see him as a companion, as a partner, as an equal, and when he 'earns' that again, he will be kissed. It's such a subtle and childlike way to see things and I enjoy it because it feels so realistic to Naruto's character.

The fact Obito can cook is a nice detail that I like. When he has the chance, he likes to be with Naruto alone, without the servants there as a distraction. Somehow, it is beautiful.

In other ways, it also goes to show the constant isolation Naruto has. He has no friends. he has no connection with anyone his age. Even in the main story. He is so isolated and alone. It's incredible sad. Sasuke has the same perpetual isolation, which makes it even more difficult for him and allows him to so easily fall for Itachi's manipulations. It also explains why Sasuke so easily falls in love (or gets a crush on) Zetsu. Zetsu is the first person who is -mostly- honest with him, who talks to him openly, and is intelligent and genuine with Sasuke. of course he has feelings for the only who people who give him the treatment of an equal (whether or not they believe that Sasuke is their equal).

"Perché Obito ha dovuto rovinare tutto?" This line feels so powerful for so many reasons. It genuinely does feel like Obito ruined things. We know the violent murder is coming. It's just sad in many ways.

This chapter also sees the return of Naruto's photographic memory and the fact he was a spy for so long to the Uchiha. And I like that in this way 'old habits die hard,' and he returns to that and then has a breakdown over it. I also like the way Obito handles it. The saddest part here is that it is foreshadowing. Naruto knows so much about Obito and we know from Itachi that Naruto is going to give him a ton of information later. So, it's going to be tough knowing that it is likely Naruto who brings down Obito, and, in a sense, how both Naruto and Obito have a hand in the eventual downfall of their relationship.

I love that in this chapter, Naruto gets to explore who he is on his own, wandering out in nature, being left in peace - sometimes with the dogs. The balance of them together and apart feels especially important in this chapter. The way Obito handles Naruto's breakdowns is also much better in this chapter as well. it almost makes me realize that Obito should be in therapy for having experiences what he did, but also so that he could be a better partner for Naruto, the one who needs. it likely also would have prevented the violence we know is coming.

The singing, back in the story! This is something I am still very curious about. It's not something I expect an answer on, necessarily, but it adds to the mystery and I like it.

The real betrayal in this chapter, and the trend of characters telling other people things before the original person can is curious to me. I like that the feeling of this is betrayal, the sense many characters feel robbed of being able to tell their own stories because it was told to them by someone else. I love that in the previous chapter, the opposite is also highlighted. That Shizune tells us that we can tell you own stories because our truth is different than the truths of others. I like the fact this repeats in the narrative, that Naruto did not get the chance to tell Obito or Sasuke the whole truth first. Additionally, Itachi tells the story with too many details. I wonder how truthful the account he gave to Obito was, given the truth he version of the truth he told Sasuke. Just a reminder that Itachi is an unreliable narrator and that Itachi has been shown to be wrong in many, many instances. Not to mention his obsessive love for Naruto. In summary, the way Naruto speaks of Itachi, the long monologue he gives about Itachi in particular is fascinating because it shows that Naruto is much more aware of who Itachi is than he lets on. It also makes me wonder how much of Itachi is false, is a mask. How much of what we see is constructed as a means to get what he wants, how much of Itachi is a broken child just trying to get by in a skewed and broken world, and how much of Itachi is true and genuine. There is a mix of these three parts - and many more - but it is a constant consideration. Who is Itachi, really? How did he become such a monster?

"Perché Obito non era Itachi." This is true and we see a lot to contrast the two of them. However, I wonder how much of Sasuke is a substitute for both Obito and, also for Itachi. It genuinely makes me wonder if this is going to be addressed in the narrative. Naruto loves one Uchiha (obito) with his entire being. Naruto is loved by another Uchiha to his destruction (Itachi). But where does that leave Sasuke in the grand scheme of things? What is Sasuke's place in Naruto's life?

As someone who also loves Aquariums, I love that scene. It is beautiful and it's so easy to lose yourself in them for hours at a time. This is also the case where Naruto 'loses time' in something he loves, experiencing the joys of the moment and lets go of time - something he has always clung to. it's beautiful. And, the fact Naruto gets a birthday that does not involve rape at the mercy of his family is also such a reprieve. It break my heart all thatch more than he must return to it - and that Sasuke is also subjected to it.

The fact Naruto wants to go out and wants to be part of society and in connection with others is logical. I hate that in the moments were Naruto advocates for himself, bad things happen. Although Naruto takes the blame for this, it is undeniably Obito's fault. Obito violently murdered an innocent because he is over protective and stupid. So much of the blame for all this is entirely on him.

On the note of the Beta, we hear once again that Naruto smells like an Omega, which is interesting every single time it comes up. This is one of the mysteries that I hope is solved in the story and that we learn why Naruto is so special and if he is like some of the others in the story -- like Gai and Gaara.

--Until next time

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07/01/24, ore 01:54

Another amazing chapter. I enjoy how Naruto introduces the theme of the chapter, his feelings about his own failings and the flow of the narrative. How he sees the world in a distorted light. "E quando le cose sembravano diventare felici, era il momento di stare attento." is a great example of that distortion. It also fits the themes of the narrative. it makes me wonder what caution must be taken when we return to the main narrative.

"Non puoi farci niente, mi ricordò la voce di Itachi." This line feels powerful in this chapter and stood out to me. Perhaps because Itachi did so much justification on why Naruto is the way he is and basically enabled him throughout. However, the focus of Itachi just passively accepting this is the way Naruto is and that he cannot help himself is perfectly foiled later in the chapter by Zetsu and Obito. Zetsu demands that Obito take responsibility, and, Zetsu also does therapy himself, taking responsibility not just for Obito, but also for himself. It's a nice through line that I felt was worth pointing out because it's so fantastic.

The full crisis Naruto experiences when he is not distracted by sex is difficult to read. It's sad, confusing, and choppy in a way that makes total sense. The fact he doesn't remember everything is realistic and I like the way he seems to collapse in on himself in the moment he is retelling the story. The extent of the break down - and the physical release of his body - is remarkably interesting. The confusing nature of time also works out well because I sort of like that we don't get told what's wrong with him. Naruto never just says 'oh I was diagnosed with this and that's why it all happened.' Naruto doesn't know something so critical about himself and that works out so well in the grand scheme of the narrative.

Ironically - and likely intentionally - this scene seems to parallel the situation where Naruto left Sasuke alone and Iruka found him. (We never get an idea of how long Sasuke was in the position he was in either, and the information is not needed and unnecessary). The parallel is a good one and somehow, I like that both Naruto and Obito are unable to face what they have done. The power in this scene is the it parallels Obito and Naruto in a really incredible way, of abandoning someone at a critical moment, although the circumstances are quite different.

One again - Zetsu proves himself to be the best character. In the way Zetsu cares for Naruto, we see that in Naruto's best moments, he reflects to Sasuke the care and love that Zetsu gave to him. This whole circle makes the dynamic of Zetsu, Sasuke, and Naruto's dynamic so much more interesting - like wow this one scene sets up so many critical questions and is yet loving and genuine. This scene is one of the best in the chapter because it is so small, but has such a profound impact on so many characters in the story. Not just the three mentioned here, but also on Obito for his inability to be present. The fact that much of Zetsu's rage is directed at Obito also really works. We never see Zetsu completely lose control, like the way Obito does. That said, I like the fact that Obito seems to be the only one Zetsu is physically violent with. It works for this character, especially since they were raised as brothers. The most realistic portrayal of brotherhood is shown between Zetsu and Obito. They love one another. They're ride or die, but they are physical with one another in a way that totally makes sense. It's never a drawl out brawl. With Zetsu, one act of violence is enough. He's a true one punch to show how far someone can push him. It works incredibly well and I appreciate it.

This also reinforces the interesting dynamic of Obito running away from his issues, which seems to be a constant theme for him. It works for his character. In this way, Naruto deserves so much better. The way that Zetsu forces Obito to take responsibility here is great. Much of the dualism of Obito's character is he hates that he is an alpha, that he has his position of power and yet he abuses the hell out of it and is entirely selfish with the position he finds himself in. It totally makes sense and I love that money doesn't change him. It just makes him more of what he already is with both his positive and negative traits, but especially his negative traits.

Brokenness and the real belief that those with trauma can never be fixed, that they will always be damaged is well represented in Naruto as a character. I love this about his portrayal. There is always hope in him, but he has good and bad moments, and in those bad moments, we see that there is a child who believes that they will never be enough, that they will never be okay. One of the reasons I like this story so much is due to the fact that the portrayal of trauma and 'recovery' is non linear and feels realistic.

This chapter confirms that Zetsu is in therapy, which is a great additon to the story. When one of the best characters in a story undertakes something like this, it helps to remove the stigma that therapy is only for those that are broken. And, it actually explains how Zetsu can be so well adjusted. (the chronic workaholic thing aside. He is well adjusted compared to basically everyone else in the narrative). It also sets up his character as someone who looks for the rational when there is none. He avoids emotion and dealing with anything he feels. It's such a common coping mechanism. It explains a lot about his character, especially his dynamic with Sasuke. The other interesting thing here is that this confirms that Zetsu's twin is dead, which was a surprise for me. I assumed his twin was somehow still alive, like they had gotten him out and he was in hiding somewhere. Then again, Uchiha don't seem to allow Omegas in their line, so I can totally understand why Madara would just be rid of Zetsu's twin. Anyway, this is interesting to me and I like that Zetsu is dealing with the trauma of losing a twin, as the bonds twins have are often different than other siblings.

The portrayal of EMDR is great too. I like the way it is written about and the general flow of the sessions. Shine is great and it's nice to see her in such a profound healing role that is so critical to Naruto's journey. Hopefully Naruto can return to therapy at some point in the story - that he can actually recover from all he went through then, and is currently experiencing now.

--Until next time

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06/01/24, ore 05:02

The start of this chapter is quite heavy as well. The realization that comes to Zetzu and Obito from Kakashi is well written and shocking. However, I marked this review as neutral because I am not sure why Kakashi didn't say anything to them previous to now. Given your diligent you are as a writer, and how many questions I have had throughout the story have been addressed in various chapters, there may be a logical answer to this, but I can't imagine what it is. We know that Kakashi knew Rin, and even if he does not believe that Rin is Naruto, I find it a little odd that after all this time, and as close as he is with Zetsu, he would have remained silent. Especially given he also suffered and has a clinic for abused alphas like Naruto. The parallels between Kakashi and Naruto are not often highlighted, but I find myself wondering why Kakashi did nothing for so long. He's known about Itachi for a long time. Perhaps it was his own shame, but once he confessed to Obito that he raped Naruto, he could have been open about everything. Perhaps this will be addressed, but I am curious as to why he did not say anything. It seems like a huge mistake of Kakashi's part.

When Kakashi says, "Naruto è stato addestrato bene", it reinforces the idea that he knows how much of Naruto is an act. Again, if Kakashi knew that Naruto was trained for this - and presumably Kakashi is smart enough to know Naruto is a spy - is there something else that could have kept him from coming forward? Perhaps it has to do with the settlement he made with Itachi for raping Naruto in the first place.

The fact that Obito doesn't know about Kurama makes sense to me, given his distain and hatred for the nobility. It seems to me that he would keep himself far, far from that. The fact Zetsu knows exactly who Kurama is doesn't surprise me at all. Zetsu knows everything. That's essentially his function. This may sound strange, but I also like that when Zetsu does show any type of emotional reaction that ends in violence, it is usually caused my extreme circumstances and injustice toward someone else. It's incredible that injustice is what motivates him. This also aligns with the fact he throws himself into his work as a lawyer. it's just a nice little detail.

Iruka! It's nice to see his introduction. He's a great character. It would be amazing for him to return to the story at some point, but I understand if it's not possible.

"La mia maschera era caduta." I like this line a lot because it has a lot of nuance and understanding. It's not just the mask of Kurama, but the dishonesty, and the veil between full transparency that Naruto and Obito have. In a sense, Naruto and Sasuke have a stronger relationship because - even though it took almost a year - their relationship has a stronger foundation because of the genuine honesty that Sasuke and Naruto now have with one another. Again, it's curious to see. By sharing all of this, Naruto is being open and honest with Sasuke in a way he never has with anyone else. And, I might argue that its may have been slightly inappropriate for him to tell Sasuke everything from the start. Yes, he should have said something, but this level of detail did not match their relationship.

This chapter genuinely paints Obito in a good light. He gives Naruto his own room, his own space, it's clear he took him away from Uchiha. What a kidnapping, as Itachi called it. The fact he refuses sex, the fact he forcibly puts distance between them and does not lean into the temptation is also great. I like the fact that Obito is able to stay strong in this. It shows remarkable progression for his character, given his previous actions.

The removal of the medications is interesting to me, as I like the idea that Itachi was using them as a weapon against Naruto and I suspected that perhaps he doesn't need them, or perhaps does not need as many. The ignorance he has around them also makes sense. The other critical thing that is worth pointing out here with the consistent theme of those who trauma who are too paralyzed to ask logical questions to others - about their intentions and what they want, why they are doing what they're doing. This same dynamic - Naruto refusing to ask question or communicate in a meaningful way - also leads to huge conflicts with Sasuke and why Sasuke was pushed to seek answers and comfort from Itachi, and then, subsequently Zetsu.

"Non avrei dovuto raccontartelo» sospirò. «Zetsu aveva ragione." When Obito realizes he shouldn't have told Naruto, that Zetsu was right, it felt so obvious. While I do understand that Obito likely assumed Naruto was just so in love, it's still disgusting in some way. Obito say what he wanted to see. Obito believed what he wanted to believe. I appreciate that he is trying to make amends now, but it still almost feels like too little too late.

Helping Naruto aside, I find that there is a more compelling part of Obito that is interesting. For starters, he says "«Rimedierò a tutto» mi promise." and although he is Madara's son and he has all his wealth, a fantastic position, all of that, he doesn't seem to do anything with it for anyones good. Granted, Obito is impulsive and has his own issues, so his personality is not suited to this. However, given what we know about him, I find it incredibly interesting that he doesn't ever seem to indulge in any sober reflection to get his act together and actually do more to ensure that he follows Madara. If we believe that Madara is using Itachi to force Obito to do more, then Obito genuinely needs to do better and be more present. Maybe that's what he's done since losing Naruto, but his actions in the main story also don't support that. He skips events, is belligerent, Sasuke finds him covered in blood in a bathroom after a murder (which we could debate if such violence is justified given the circumstances), and yet he seems considerate and kind to Sasuke - which really surprised me. So Obito uses the money and privilege he has for what he wants, which is fine and aligns with Obito, and the other aristocracy for that matter, but it also feels unsatisfactory because he could be doing so much more and he's not. Again, perhaps he did something in the main narrative. After all, someone planted that bomb. And Obito being the one to do it makes sense as even if everyone suspects him, he's not stupid enough to do something so obvious as to make himself the target. Right...?

I am still not sure about the soulmate thing with Naruto and Obito. There is something poetic and cathartic about lost love, and the idea of a destined love. However, I wonder if in this case it leads to so much more pain and suffering. While part of me wants to root for them, another part of me does not see them as compatible in the main narrative. After all that has happened and all that will continue to happen, can Naruto really just forgive Obito? I doubt it. I don't know that I could, but then again, we have not yet seen Naruto's truth behind the dog situation.

Strangely enough, Madara continues to fascinate me. His self control, the way he reprimands Obito for not learning better control, it's great. Part of me knows that Madara has made mistakes in the past and who knows, maybe he was involved in Rin's death. But the thing that really sticks out to me is how much I genuinely like Madara. Without knowing more about what happened to Sakura, from everything we have seen - on page - in regards to Madara, he is one of the better characters in the story. Yes, his past is an issue, but whose past isn't? Naruto's past is insanely problematic and him bringing Sasuke into the situation he is in is absolutely indefensible. That said, especially given the modern day fascination with punishing people for something they said when they were young, and for never accepting that someone can grow and change, I think the way Sakura's death changed Madara. Granted, he is not fixing the system that he is in charge of, he lets the other nobility do whatever they want, he doesn't stop Hashirama or help Naruto. He is the peak of the system and allows it. Madara is an industrial strength question mark in the story and I find myself wanting to understand more about him.

I love the way the bond is painted in this chapter, about how it seems to fill Naruto up and help him with his emotions, how it calms him down. The line "E mi stupii come una persona di solito così arrabbiata potesse contenere così tanto amore." in particular is quite beautiful. It's curious to see the way that Obito uses the bond with Naruto in this way, as we have never seen the bond used in this way before. It's incredible and beautiful to have something so powerful. The strength of an adult, who is control of their emotions, knows themself, and is able to comfort another. It's emotional. The way their emotions balance out, how it feels like a flow of water. Amazing imagery.

Leave it to Zetsu to very easily sum of the problem present in the entire narrative: "Non potrà mai esserne libero» replicò Zetsu amaro. «Non quando tutto il nostro mondo funziona così." ANd yet it is all the much more curious that Zetsu will not do anything to intervene in societies many, many issues.

Huh, so Itachi told Zetsu and Obito what I suspected, and they even use the same language that Itachi did, about not being enough. "Ci penseremo in quel momento. Magari non succederà nemmeno! Magari è tutta una stronzata inventata da Itachi!" Rather than seeing that Naruto started to go back to sex to get what he wanted to be with Obito, it seems Itachi took the ungenerous approach and said that Naruto would go back to others. And to some extent, we do see that in this chapter too. After all, Naruto does seek some relief in the servants before Obito stops it.

And I will continue to point out that I like how Obito is a foil for Itachi, how they both show love from two different perspectives. Obito asks Naruto what he wants about his body and his treatment. Itachi never really did that.

It's so nice of Madara to ruin the subsequent chapters for us: "Non mi importa che patto hai fatto con suo padre» disse gelido. «Se quel moccioso sarà di intralcio, non esiterò a riportarlo a Itachi." I m not at all surprised by this statement. he is trying to project his son, and although Madara loves Obito, and did allow for Naruto to go to Obito in the first place, I can for sure see the conflict this brings and the issues this poses for Madara, especially in relation to his goals with Obito succeeding him.

Gai genuinely made me laugh. The more characters that are introduced, the more it seems like the true Alph, beta, Omega dynamic is fading from the world. There seem to be a lot of characters that break the standard molds if you look hard enough for them in the world, which is interesting and I wonder how that will continue to develop as the story progresses. And, more importantly, how these changes come about. I also love that Gai steals from the house, showing that he is not someone they know well. It's funny and honestly, it made me laugh. Gai was a great, light hearted addition to the story.

- until next time

Nuovo recensore
06/01/24, ore 03:51

Wow. This is a very heavy chapter. The scene where Naruto is raped until he falls unconscious and is found by Kakashi is heart breaking. I find it quite interesting how the story relates. It is very clear to me that as a writer, you had all of the details for Naruto's backstory filled out very early on, perhaps at the start of the narrative, because the entire story is so clean and organized. All of the plot elements intersect with it, all of the character motivations and actions. it is a level of detail that some professional writers do not have. Kishimoto 'retconned', or changed the story constantly and it gave me whiplash when I read the manga. Your story feels more professional in that way. Bravo.

This chapter is so surreal and it almost doesn't feel real. All of Naruto's pain, numbness and drive to return to Obito are so abundantly clear in this chapter. It's so painfully sad. The tone of this chapter also feels different. Reading it, this chapter almost seems to have a different narrative style, more desperate, detached, and factual. The start of the chapter almost feels like a listing of all the things that are happening in a way that the other chapters did not have. To me, it shows desperation, detachment, and isolation. It's chilling and a perfect way to encapsulate Naruto's mental state. The sluggishness, short sentences, it embodies the painkillers that Naruto is on. It sounds so strange to write, but it does come across in the narrative voice of this chapter.

When Obito appears, that tiredness and sluggishness goes away and Naruto's narrative voice returns to what it is at the start, which is interesting. There is a theme of Obito being able to break through to Naruto, through his pheromones, lust, and even him being drugged in a fascinating way. Obito more than anything seems to tether Naruto to the world.

"I had been forced." This is interesting because I think for Naruto, in the point in the story that we are in, this is the first time he thinks about himself as being forced. In the narrative, he is reflecting what happened and narrating his thoughts - and he tells Sasuke and speaks in hindsight about things being wrong, about not wanting to do what he is doing, about how he has no control. However, this is the first time he uses "constred" or forced. This is actually a huge breaking point for Naruto because he is accepting that this isn't normal, it's not okay, and this is not what he wants. It is a huge moment and it's so subtle and small. For Naruto in this period, it's not until he reunites with Obito that he understands what he has consented to and that he has never really consented to Itachi or the Uchiha. He simply endured all that occurred before.

The scene with Tobirama reinforces my previous theory that Naruto using sex to get what he wants because Itachi is blocking it just fuels Itachi's belief that he is not enough for Naruto and that Naruto will continue to sleep around no matter what he does. At this point in the story, Naruto is still free, but he is still using sexual favors - the only currency he understands with the nobility - to get what he wants and ensure loyalty. It's incredibly sad, but also insanely realistic. It's a detail that is easy to overlook, but this dynamic is exactly the fault of the Uchiha more broadly (rather than just Itachi specifically). I can totally see Itachi taking it personally. Despite what he has done, despite standing up for Naruto and leaving the family to protect him, Naruto is still essentially having sex anyway, but for his own benefit (which Itachi is blind to), rather than the benefit of Uchiha. And Itachi resents him for it and blames it solely on Naruto's nymphomania. Naruto is using the major thing Itachi weaponizes against him - the nymphomania - as a weapon against Itachi. It's an interesting role reversal and it totally works. Itachi's weapon has become Naruto's weapon. And nobody wins.

The bleeding bite scene is an interesting one, as it's curious that it's Hashirama and Mito that are there for it. Also, it's incredible that there is a consistent thread of Naruto and Sasuke being paralleled to one another. Naruto refused to confirm Itachi's bite, just as Sasuke refused to confirm Naruto's. In the end, Sasuke did confirm it, whereas I assume Naruto did not (but there's still a ton of open time available). It's interesting. It's all the more curious as to Naruto's desire for the bite with Sasuke when he arrives. it's one of the first things that Naruto says to Sasuke. It's almost as though Naruto is trying to heal his own bite with Obito with a bite with Sasuke.

In the previous chapter, Naruto does not ask why Obito (nd Zetsu) are so angry with what has happened, but this chapter, we are expressly told by a doctor exactly what the problem is: "It does not change that he is younger than the age indicated to tighten a bond." Essentially saying that it is illegal to have a bond with someone who is not of age totally makes sense as it robs them of the change to develop fully on their own: emotionally and physically. I suspected this was the reason and entirely understand Naruto would not ask because he has been masquerading as an adult for years and seems to genuinely consider himself an adult.

"Do you know that a human being can have more than one mate?" This actually genuinely surprised me. The idea that an Omega could have six mates without there being an issue genuinely shocked me. That was not at all what I expected, but it makes sense. This seems to be reinforced by the idea that Sasuke is bonded to Naruto and has genuine affection for Zetsu. Some stories use the bond to strictly and painfully force monogamy, which is definitely not a theme of Iar. That said, it is absolutely fascinating to learn this and see how it develops in the future, especially back within the main story. The idea of consent and acceptance is key here. "He could accept them both." The bond must be affirmed by both parties or it dies. That's amazing and a critical piece to this that I love. Consent is key.

On another note, I am sure Itachi is going to react wonderfully to being rejected (obvious sarcasm). The fact he sends Naruto away to sleep alone for the first time, a little later, seems to support the joke on how well Itachi is taking all this. Rejection hurts, and for someone like Itachi, I bet it hurts more from Naruto.
Honestly, one of the biggest mysteries to me is what sort of pills Naruto is taking and why. They don't seem to do much good and I wonder if there will ever be a time when he doesn't have to take them. "My primary care physician was completely succube to Itachi." clearly tells us that the doctors are in Itachi's pocket and do as he demands. That said, I am very curious if Naruto will be able to break free in the current timeline and if they can find a way to get Sasuke and Naruto their own doctor outside the influence of Itachi. I doubt it though! The mention of the afrodisiaci side effects with Naruto's medications make me all the more curious as to what the medicines are.
"Stop lying to me." The fact that Naruto is lying to Itachi more consistently is great, but this is the first time that Itachi brings it up. It's beautiful in the sense that in most cases, this would feel like a normal teenager rebelling and trying to assert some boundaries and independence. However, this is not a normal dynamic. I like that Naruto is starting to play society's games of lies to get what he wants - even if it is not healthy at all given the current situation.

"I'm not enough for you. I can't be enough for you, can I?" This line cut me. There seems to be a fairly clear theme that whenever Itachi feels rejected, he lashes out and things get pretty bad for Naruto. I have the feeling that is going to be the case here, given the content warning of the chapter and we have not seen the orgy that Kakashi intervened in.

Of course it's Shimigachi, that piece of shit. I should have known that something vile and terrible would happen under his direction. It likely also explains why Itachi has the setup he does when he reveals Kurama to Sasuke. He wants to make sure nothing happens like what is going to happen in this chapter. I'm sure Itachi regrets tonight more than he regrets anything else. Perhaps that guilt is why he doesn't mention this period to Sasuke, because it is ultimately Itachi who destroys everything. It seems that Itachi is making Naruto suffer for rejecting him.

A felt conflicted at the line "What a fool to believe that those things could really end." because while I understand that Itachi had done everything to stop this from happening, it was Naruto who ultimately chose to keep doing it. He even sought out Shimigachi. While I understand that Naruto is 14-15 years old during this time and that he did not in any way consent to this, given all he has been through, we are getting to the point in the narrative where the choices Naruto makes start to reflect on him. So much of this spiraling mess sucks because we the reader can see how these choices resulted in the current situations, even if the characters can't. And it's just so incredibly sad. It makes me sad that things ended up like this. But such is life. Our choices can define us, in our good and bad moments. So I didn't think that it was going to be a drug filled orgie that gets Naruto so hurt, but it totally makes sense, especially given how he tells Sasuke he would never use 'afrodisiaci' on him because of this experience. It totally makes sense. It does raise some huge questions as to why Sasuke was given them by one of the betas and by the cook, but that's not totally relevant now.

"Kakashi too? You promised me." The fact that Kakashi is going to be here surprises me a lot. Somehow, this doesn't seem to be his thing, but then again, all of the nobility are kind of trashy at this point.

-- until next time

Nuovo recensore
05/01/24, ore 18:49
Cap. 86:

Hello L

In this chapter....Sasuke's emotions are like a rollercoaster, one day he's in love with Zetsu, and the next he's jealous of the feeling between Naruto and Obito, of course it could be because of his young age. He's a teenager after all.
But the description of his feelings in this chapter for Naruto was much deeper than his feelings for Zetsu. Deeper and more real.
And we couldn't find out what Naruto said in response to Obito's declaration of love, could he have rejected him? I know you're not going to spoil the story and you're not going to answer me, but I'm still asking ;)

Naruto had made a lot of progress during this time, bravely telling Sasuke everything, admitting that Itachi had taken advantage of him, and talking to Obito. He finally spoke to him.

About Sasuke's Ur.He is most likely be Obito. But it cannot happen as easily as it happened for Obito. Zetsu won't let Obito get himself into trouble and risk his life again.

And something has caught my mind, Does Kakashi know about Sasuke's secret?
Sasuke asked him about the meaning of Iar and showed him rune shape.
I don't know why, but from his reaction to Sasuke's question when he said he saw the word Iar in Iruka's letter, I guess that he also knows or at least made some guesses.

Well then, I won't bore you with my questions anymore XP

Thanks for the update, until the next chapter

Recensore Junior
05/01/24, ore 17:25
Cap. 86:

Oddio che bello.
Non credevo avresti aggiornato così presto!
Caspita che bel capitolo. Ti confesso che spesso mi sono sentita come Sasuke, ero sempre lì lì per urlare ""OOOHHH E CHE CAZZO C'ERA SCRITTO IN QUELLA MERDA DI LETTERA". Mi stai facendo morire, mo' lo dobbiamo sapere.
Ci rimango molto male se Naruto è sul serio ancora innamorato di Obito, sto sperando che non sia così da molti capitoli... Al contrario la "gelosia" di Sasuke fa intendere la presenza di sentimenti che lui nega ma che noi facce di merda vediamo benissimo 😎 spero arrivi presto il momento in cui si capirà meglio la situazione fra loro due... Sono curiosissima.
Questo capitolo ha fatto trapelare tanto distacco fra i due, molto angosciante devo dire ma è il bello di questa storia. Se tutto fosse prevedibile, non aspetterei con ansia i tuoi aggiornamenti.
Ok spero che il prossimo capitolo possa mettere a tacere anche solo un po' il turbine di domande che mi affollano la mente 😂
Un bacione e alla prossima!

Nuovo recensore
05/01/24, ore 05:49

Your writing style is so in tune that I always say things like, 'after this chapter, I will make dinner, or go to the gym, or something'. Then I finish the chapter and it's as if I'm possessed and have to keep reading. The fact that I am reading a translation and take my time to validate that the translation is correct by cross taking makes it all the more time consuming and just makes me want to charge ahead and read until there is nothing left. I say this to express how powerful your story is and how much I enjoy it. My god, I can't get enough.

"Le imperfezioni del piano di Itachi iniziarono a mostrarsi fin da subito. " I pray that this is also foreshadowing, because while Itachi has been incredible and I feel far more empathy for him than I expected to (I feel more empathy for Naruto and Obito than I do Itachi). The fact that his plans come crumbling down is a hope not just in the situation with Naruto at this stage in the story, but somehow, it seems fitting that it will happen when we return to the main narrative as well.

The strangest thing about Itachi in this chapter is that he seems genuine. I find myself often going back and forth with Itachi. There are times I find him genuine and compelling and he is being truthful. Not everything he told Sasuke was a lie. It was not all manipulation. This does not seem like a false ideal or a whim. He seems genuine. His love for Naruto is wrong and his obsession is a huge source of strife and pain for them both. But wow. Itachi feels genuinely human, allowing Naruto to have an opinion. Maybe this is the part that is genuine. Maybe losing it is what detaches him completely.

The mark is rather interesting in this chapter as it raises a lot of questions. Naruto thinks that Obito knows what's going on, and I believe that's likely the case, given what we have seen Sasuke experience through the bond, especially when Naruto is with Itachi, or when he is otherwise distressed. That does raise other more interesting questions in regards to Obito, Sasuke, and Naruto. Like if Obito can feel Sasuke, or if Sasuke would be able to feel Obito if the bond opened back up. It's so crazy interesting, especially since the there of them have already slept in a bed together. There is such a strange peace between the three of them that's so strange for so many reasons. Lots of interesting ideas and possibilities in terms of world building.

One thing I have not commented on is how the pills are almost another character in the story. Their presence tells us so much about everything that's happening while saying so little at the same time. It's a small detail that speaks volumes. It tells us how Naruto is, how bad things really are, even when we don't have an exact number like we do at the start of the story.

The rigid logic that Itachi falls into, the way he needs to understand and explain the world is also fascinating. In fact, the logic Itachi has here, the way he can spin a story, the way he can see all the pieces together and weave them in a way that suits him? Wow. I had to stop reading when I hit "E tu… sei una carte vincente in questo." And I had to just sit there and think for a second. It felt like Itachi was also manipulating me. Even though I had seen Obito's reactions, how genuine he was, how loving. I had to pause and ask 'as reasonable as this sounds, is it true?' And I don't think it is true. Or, perhaps it is better to say, this is Itachi's truth. It is what he must believe. Because Itachi believes what he says, it makes it easier to believe him. The narrative is so compelling and he is so compelling that you almost want to believe him. Because everything Itachi says has the potential to be true, it's just a matter of where the manipulation is. And the weird thing is, the most ironic part, is that Naruto IS Itachi's carta vincente. We see that in the aftermath for Fugaku's death. Itachi needs Naruto - in more ways than one - and his behavior with Naruto becomes so much more out of control. He becomes more unhinged.

"«Stai mentendo.»
In realtà non riuscivo a capirlo. Itachi mi sembrava così sincero. Come se fosse davvero quella verità." I am of the impression that Naruto can't tell when Itachi is lying because, as highlighted above, Itachi is speaking his truth. What he is saying is true to him, even if it's not true in reality. It is also possible that Naruto has a block around Itachi and just doesn't notice when Itachi lies, especially when he's in pain and so emotionally charged after such an emotional beat down. Itachi is essentially telling Naruto that he is unworthy love. Adults would cave under that pressure. Never mind a child.

The addition of the doctor was nice. I get the impression that this is the first time Naruto has been allowed to see a doctor without Itachi calling the shots and generally being in charge of the situation. So it's nice to have some background on this, both in the world. I also love the doctor themselves. They're flippant, as if they don't care who Itachi is and is just telling the facts, almost exasperated.

"Era lui a controllare l’intensità del mio dolore." would be the story summary if it was written from Naruto's point of view. The entire theme of Naruto racconta seems to be exactly this.

"Perché ero ancora convinto che se mi fossi dimostrato bravo, alla fine l’avrei vinta io." This is heart breaking too. Naruto is using the only leverage he has, his body, his charm, his love, his affection to get what he wants. It's so sad.

Signora Pavlidis is the real winner. She managed to have a baby.

Shimigachi is garbage and I ship him with a casket.

I like the recurring theme of Naruto hiding things in books. It's so in line with him and genuine.

"Il primo peggioramento." You know, the realization hit me as Naruto started to trade sexual favors for parts of Obito. In the story that Itachi tells Sasuke, this comes up. That Itachi wasn't enough, that Naruto wouldn't stop, that he needs sex. That he liked it. That he wasn't forced. In Itachi's mind, Naruto going after other people couldn't possibly be because of Obito or Naruto's love, or the fact they're 'soul mates', it seems more likely to me that it's because that's what Itachi needs to believe to justify why Naruto would be free from that life, retired from having sex for information and favor, and so willingly return to it. But, without therapy, without help, it's not surprising at all. He has no other way to express himself. No way to empower himself. This is all he knows and all he has.

"Il sesso era molto regolare. C’erano dei momenti precisi della giornata in cui andava fatto." This is also the same routine Naruto gave Sasuke, so it seems clear that the intention to punish Sasuke for Itachi happened at this moment in time. Granted, this schedule is also brought up in earlier chapters, but the repetition of it here reinforces that idea.

"Scalciai Itachi." As difficult as this chapter is, I was strangely happy that Naruto finally hit Itachi. While I do feel a great part of sympathy for Itachi in this chapter, and in small locations randomly sprinkled through, this moment felt good. I was glad Naruto hit him. The whole thing feels so incredibly pained and sad. You can never force someone to love you, and it feels like so many in the story force love, force connection by misusing sex. It's such a sad cycle. Itachi to Naruto. Naruto to Sasuke.

The tying scene also makes me think. No one can tell Itachi no, it seems. And part of me wonders if this is something he learned as well. The fact he does not allow any disagreement and always has to be right seems like a clue to me. perhaps I am reading too much into it, because there is a lot of Itachi in this chapter - a lot of both vulnerable and cruel Itachi - but I think perhaps Itachi could not say no as a child either. If Minato went after Kakashi for revenge, who knows. Maybe Kushina had a similar strategy of manipulation.

The fact that Naruto does not want the bond with Itachi makes total sense. It is also nice that he does not want it, and despite what Zetsu said, he was not compelled to give another. It's also worth noting that Itachi is the most uncontrollable and violent when he feels rejected or slighted. It is in those moments where he well and truly becomes the worst form of monstrous.

When Mikoto shows up saying «Non potete starvene chiusi qui dentro e basta!», I really wonder what Itachi's plan is. How can he do all the things he wants if he's there with Naruto? Did he really give up all the ambition he had? It seems rather strange that he'd give up his dreams so quickly. Then again, Naruto was always his dream and he just endured the rest. Makes me wonder if the reason he and Izumi aren't married is because Itachi needs the security from Izuna but doesn't actually have any desire to marry her, which is so painfully obvious, even from her first scene.

"«Non mi basti.»" Yeah. That was a blow to Itachi for sure. And I think that more than anything is why he punishes Naruto so much later. Naruto is his entire life, and it's also Naruto that can hurt Itachi so badly. Ironic, given how much pain Itachi has caused. And yet, as with everything, this chapter also ends in Itachi getting exactly what he wanted.

The through line of Itachi always getting his way, of him always coming out on top is sad for many reasons. Perhaps because it makes me wonder if he will also get what he wants, or if that luck will some day suddenly change.

-- until next time

Nuovo recensore
05/01/24, ore 02:11

This was not something I commented on in my last review and perhaps I should have. It seems that Sasuke and Naruto's bond mark happened under similar circumstances. I vaguely recall that the bite was not something that was particularly planned and did seem quite quick in terms of what I recall since it happened a while ago. Also, Sasuke was not particularly happy that it happened, since I believe he bit Naruto when he was asleep. It seems like this draws another parallel between Sasuke and Obito in the sense of losing control. It's interesting and a nice little thing to keep in mind.

The question of Naruto's pheromones and why they're so strong is a huge question. Again, I think this has a lot to do with Kushina since she is rarely mentioned in the story. That tells me Kushina is and has always been the key to the mystery, and further indicates Naruto is different than other Alpha in more ways than one.

On a deeper note regarding the bites and Naruto more broadly, Naruto's pheromones, which I am more and more convinced are related to him being 'different' like Garra, and the protagonist of the novel. It's almost like he has the pheromones of an Omega and the body of an alpha.

The way Naruto always assume everyone's negative reactions are a reflection of him, that he is bad, and the constant rejection he forces on himself by interpreting the experiences of others is so sad. it makes so much sense he wouldn't ask Obito 'Why are you upset?" and just continues to spiral into a self hating pattern. It absolutely makes sense and it's just so sad. The way Naruto sees Obito as a source of true freedom, love, and connection is heartbreaking given what we know is going to happen. My god, it's beautiful and tragic.

Naruto's desire to control is ironic too. His lack of control in everything in his life leads him to use control as a weapon against the only person who does not want to control him. It's devastating. The desire for control and forcing bond with Obito - Naruto's own form of manipulation - is what cost him everything. So sad, so realistic.

The way Naruto seduces Obito is also indicative that there is way more going on with him. It really is a red flag that Naruto has more experience than he lets on. Then again, we do not see things from Obito's perspective. We have seen the effects of the pheromones on Sasuke though, and they seem quite powerful. That said, Sasuke is a lot younger, sheltered, and much less experienced than Obito. So, personal responsibility is still important.

"Dovevo fare in modo che Obito non scappasse da me. " Heartbreaking. Int he only place Naruto uses force, the only time he insists on control and manipulation over another, it destroys exactly the thing he wanted.

"Eppure… c’era qualcosa di così sbagliato. Obito non sarebbe mai stato così brusco." Huh, this brings up another curious parallel between Sasuke and Obito and the rape that happened when Sasuke was last in heat. It directly related to an event that happened between Naruto and Obito, so it seems to me that when Naruto does use his pheromones- intentionally or accidentally - it takes away someone's focus, their care, their focus, their love. It makes them run automatically. In a sense, they are not even present to the events taking place. Obito didn't seem to remember biting Naruto either, which supports the idea of a loss of time or awareness.

The whole bite confirmation is sad. The way it builds, the low engagement from Obito, his unresponsiveness up until "Era terrorizzato", stops Naruto from biting him, fights against it, and then begs Naruto not to bite over Rin's mark? Ouch. It's so powerful and goes to show the desperation Naruto has and how a lifetime of having no voice, no say, no ability to consent has robbed him of the ability to see a lack of consent in others.

Wow. This is actually a moment that would be interesting from Obito's perspective. He's so defeated and dejected afterward. The perspective is not necessary for the story, but it would for sure be interesting to have insight into how he feels in this moment, laying on the bathroom floor, lucid and defeated. The whirlwind of emotions he feels - desperate, fear, anger, and resentment. And there adult emotions that a child has to experience too.

As always, Zetsu is the best part of the chapter. His ability to get things done, his rage, his demand for Obito to take accountability. I also like the little detail of "Mi spaventò ancor di più la luce di sospetto che balenò negli occhi di Zetsu." How Zetsu is always watching and listening, how smart he is and how he notices and hears things in what people say and do that is not obvious to everyone. He knows a kid this young using "sedotto" is wrong, that something isn't right. It really shows how differently Zetsu and Obito were raised - how far away from the rest fo society that they are that they're not even suspicious. It makes me all the more curious about Madara.

"Su questo tu sei ancora immaturo. Soprattutto con gli abusi che hai subito! Non hai potuto crescere in un ambiente sano! E per questo, no, tu non sai cosa vuoi. Stai cercando di indovinarlo ma ti mancano tutti gli strumenti" ... oh good, someone finally said it. I said it once and I'll say it again, Zetsu is one of the best characters in the story. It came as a huge shock to me. I love whenever he appears. He's such a light in the darkness and I appreciate the effort you put into his character. The fact that it is Zetsu that takes responsibility for what is happening, despite the fact he is an observer is amazing and one of the many reasons he's one of the best characters. Amazing. the contrast between Obito's wild, out of control, violent and emotional whims and Zetsu's calm, attentive, calming responsibility is great.

Vote Zetsu to replace Madara 2024.

Huh, maybe it's puberty and the influence of Obito, but we are starting to see Naruto become more aggressive in this chapter.

"Un abbraccio vero, caldo. Di quelli che non mi dava da così tanto tempo da averli dimenticati." The reappearance of love from Itachi is also heartbreaking in this case. His reaction throughout this entire thing has been quite strange and his emotional range has been all over the map. It's almost like he wanted Naruto to be happy and was trying to let him have love outside of himself.

"Io due fratelli ragionevoli che decidevano per i due fratelli problematici." Love it! I mentioned the parallels between Itachi and Zetsu before and this one is explicitly stating them as foils to the younger, more emotional and reactive brothers. I like it.

A big issue I have generally with Itachi is that it feels like he is enabling Naruto a lot more than needed. His constant excuses of "Sei malato. Seduci le persone perché non puoi fare altrimenti. Perché la tua ninfomania ti costringe a farlo. O soffri o fai sesso." constantly putting this all on "ninfomania" and not on Naruto being able to self regulate - and deal with his trauma - bothers me to know end. It almost makes me wonder if it's just an excuse for Itachi to manipulate Naruto or if Itachi was abused too. Children who are sexually abused are far more likely to direct that to other children, and given the family dynamic we see, the fact that Itachi is forced to be with Shisui and Izumi even though he doesn't want to be, speaks to something also being off with Itachi. This is NO way excuses Itachi's despicable behavior, but it makes you think. Everyone in the story is complicated and nuanced. I love the nuance that Itachi has, even if his behavior and actions are disgusting and reprehensible. In any case, I don't know that Naruto is incapable of controlling himself. He has moments were it seems he can, so this just feels like an excuse.

"Naruto non lo farà più." Wow! I did not expect that to be where the story went. Itachi didn't say anything about his to Sasuke. Of course it fails, so perhaps guilt is why he omitted it. But wow. Seeing Sasuke stand up to his father and to Izuna was incredible! A huge boost and it felt like something that finally happened. That's absolutely amazing. I love Itachi in this chapter. Hell yes! The way Itachi digs into them and says that everything they have is because of him and Naruto. Wow. They're so right and somehow, this feels like a win for Itachi.

Another curious thing about Itachi's rage is the way he rapidly talks about himself, his grievances, and then abruptly shifts to Naruto. "Mi sono umiliato, ho leccato il culo, calpestato i miei ideali… Naruto si è fatto sempre più male per voi!" This is interesting to me in mny ways. First, Itachi shares very little about himself. Almost as if to hide how vulnerable he feels, how much he has given, he redirects and focuses on Naruto. In this moment, it genuinely feels like Itachi is hiding himself to advocate for Naruto. It's quite poetic and beautiful.

I am still of the opinion that Itachi had something to do with Fugaku's death. It would make sense for him, but maybe that's the bias from Kishimoto's version of Itachi.

The house is amazing. Their own little castle. Even though Itachi does terrible things, at this point in the story, he is loving and considerate. He did do somethings for Naruto that are genuinely admirable. And things that are disgusting. But overall, this chapter makes me feel warmth for Itachi in a way I did not think I could feel. It makes me feel empathy and compassion for Itachi in a way I did not think was possible given the whirlwind of things we have seen him do.

In your notes, you mention there is a reason that Itachi avoided saying anything to make himself look good. I am curious and can't wait to learn more. I wonder if it's about the fact that Itachi and Naruto seem to have a bite too. Itachi sometimes touches his collarbones when the bond Naruto has is mentioned. So, it's entirely possible that Itachi wants to bond with Naruto so he forgets Obito.

-- until next time