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di L_Wolland

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Nuovo recensore
30/03/24, ore 13:10
Cap. 90:

Leggevo questa storia nel 2021, ero presissimo, personaggi molto profondi e tematiche forti e affrontate con intensità e serietà. Martedì ho scoperto che era tornata e ho fatto una full immersion di tutti i nuovi capitoli. La bellezza della parte di naruto racconta è il sentire, e vivere in parte, la catarsi della sua consapevolezza; si sente proprio che da ora naruto non sarà più una "bambola" inerte nella corrente dei suoi aguzzini ma lotterà per sé e per sasuke. Complementi sono sempre molto colpito dalla tua scrittura molto intensa e profonda. Grazie per questa bella storia. A presto

Nuovo recensore
16/03/24, ore 13:00
Cap. 90:

Hi! it has been so long since i last catch up to this fanfic, maybe around covid-19 era and here i am finally have the time to review it :)...i really like this story but it is understatement as I LOVE IT, i like how each character have their own personality that didn't tied to canon but didn't go as far from how they act in canon. this story is very different from others that i have read as the world building and the drama are far from the cliche' fanfic or maybe we are just used to fanfic w/o any deep on it. for now what im looking up the most is interaction between sasuke and zetsu, i really hope that they relationship can be explore more in future. im really curious about the black vomit and how the female alpha at the bookstore can still smell sasuke's pheromones eventhough the pheromones shouldn't attract any other alpha when he's pregnant. They are many questions still on my mind but i'll save it for later. this story do bring nostalgia from covid-19 era when i spend my time reading fanfic.To say the less, i really LOVE this story and hope you keep up the good work:) bye

Recensore Junior
15/03/24, ore 22:28
Cap. 90:

Non mi stancherò mai di dirlo... Sto amando troppo l'evoluzione del personaggio di Sasuke. Apprezzo moltissimo questo suo salire gradino per gradino verso qualcosa di sempre più completo e affermato. Lo percepisco in ogni capitolo e anche se la scalinata è ancora lunga, soddisfa molto per cui come al solito mi complimento per questo che, ad oggi, resta secondo me il tuo punto forte. Sai rendere i personaggi ricchi di personalità e sfaccettature che non è assolutamente una cosa scontata, anzi. Secondo me è tra le abilità più difficili da raggiungere nella scrittura e Sasuke è il tuo lavoro meglio riuscito fino ad ora.
Così come sto iniziando ad intravedere qualcosa in più in Naruto nonostante negli ultimi capitoli sembra esser stato messo in secondo piano, però quel poco che vedo sembra dire qualcosina in più. Non saprei bene come spiegarlo ma mi sembra più sicuro di se stesso, forse addirittura più stabile... Quindi inizia a soddisfarmi anche lui e non poco.
Parlando di questo capitolo nello specifico invece, Itachi mi puzza. Questa decisione di portarlo in biblioteca sembra nascondere una strana intenzione. Non ti nego che mentre leggevo avevo la sensazione che ad un certo punto venisse fuori che Itachi volesse mettere Sasuke alla prova. Non so, magari dandogli libero accesso a qualsiasi libro avrebbe potuto scoprire a cosa Sasuke si stesse interessando ultimamente e se così fosse, questo mi fa pensare che qualcosa inizi a sospettare. Potrei sbagliarmi ovviamente e magari gli ha solo fatto un piacere per farlo svagare, ma bho... ho avuto questa sensazione.
Per il resto, capitolo interessante. Le ultimissime riflessioni di Sasuke mi hanno fatto sorridere intenerita. Questo suo "non voglio perderti" mi ha commosso. Che bello, penso sia una delle poche volte che abbia parlato davvero col cuore.
Muoio dalla voglia di leggere il prossimo, lo attendo da ormai troppo tempo e non vedo l'ora.
Anche io come Sasuke ho una brutta sensazione ma prego la notte di sbagliarmi!
Attendo con ansia il tuo prossimo aggiornamento, buon proseguimento di scrittura!
Un bacione.

Nuovo recensore
15/03/24, ore 21:33
Cap. 89:

I like Gaara. He is an interesting and mysterious character.
And thank you for this story.

Recensore Master
13/03/24, ore 11:27
Cap. 90:

Ciao, eccomi finalmente a recensire!
Non mi aspettavo proprio il colpo di scena di Itachi. Sicuramente un piano B notevole, degno di lui e magari per rimanere anche più vicino a Naruto. In realtà una conversazione così aperta tra Sasuke e Itachi non capitava da un po’, mi domando anche quanto Itachi “la volesse” questa conversazione. Sicuro sa che Sasuke ama i libri, ma un uomo astuto come lui non poteva non immaginare cosa sarebbe successo per un Omega in una libreria.
Anche se sappiamo che lui non si fa molte preoccupazioni visto tutto il discorso di Naruto, però comunque la riflessione mi è sorta spontanea.
La scena di Sasuke che lancia i libri a Gaara mi ha fatto ridere, beh almeno ha trovato una valida alternativa per il momento. Quasi quasi mi aspettavo che si facesse allenare per tenere testa al rosso.
Ad ogni modo sicuramente la questione gravidanza è complessa da nascondere e anche su questo mi domando se Gaara magari sappia.
Sono naturalmente curiosa di scoprire come sarà la prova.
Al prossimo capitolo, kiss

Nuovo recensore
06/03/24, ore 04:22
Cap. 90:

Sasuke using books as weapons genuinely made me laugh. It is a metaphor and a reality in the story. Sasuke is who he is in part because of all the reading he's done and that's great. Another curious thing about this chapter is how quickly things happen and how the 'new' life that Naruto and Sasuke have keep them both isolated and apart. Sasuke is ushered around like a child with no agency, much like Naruto. The only real difference is that Sasuke is alone and in isolation. Naruto is in isolation surrounded by people. This is quite common for Naruto as well. Alone, surrounded by people who desire him.

"Tornati a casa, sono ugualmente stanco e irrequieto....Possiamo parlare. Peccato che non so nemmeno di cosa." This is sad. A part of me wants Sasuke and Naruto to be able to talk. It reminds me of when they were at the mansion and the few days that Naruto and Sasuke did not talk, which led Naruto to cutting himself. In some ways, the forced isolation and the emotional wall between them is hard to accept.

The Itachi thing was a surprise. "«Accompagnami a fare una passeggiata.»" At first, I assumed Itachi was up to something, but I was genuinely surprised he was just bringing Sasuke to the library. It goes to show that Itachi does genuinely see what people care about as a mechanism to manipulate them. It's time the play the 'Is Itachi being genuine or manipulative game'. Place your bets now.

Hell yes! "Prendo un profondo respiro. Fare una scenata qui non porterà a nulla." I am standing by my black vomit theory of Sasuke getting rid of energy that no longer serves him in a purge sort of sense. Done. Confirming my own theory in less than 3 chapters, with barely any evidence, haha.

The fact Sasuke is the only Omega in the library is not exactly a surprise, but it is curious, especially because Itachi leaves him alone essentially the entire time. The treatment of Sasuke in the library is also very, very interesting. It is rare that we see Sasuke be hit on. Yes, it has happened a couple of times, but it is rare to see others flirt with him. The interaction with the Beta girl is rather curious, given that I did mention Tarot a few chapters back in relationship to the runes. That said, I find it curious that she reacted to immediately and coarsely to Sasuke's bite. The way he is treated for the bite is quite different from what we have seen in the past. Then, Sasuke is grouped, "Finché non sento qualcuno schiaffarmi una mano sul culo." which is disgusting. Here we see Sasuke react genuinely for the first time and is then oppressed. This scene is hard to get through. It's sad and disgusting; the injustice of him being punished for standing up for himself when he is touched rather than punishing those who do it. Also, we see here that Sasuke seems to withdraw more and more into himself, making me more concerned for him. After all, before, Sasuke seemed willing to fight. Here, with one correction, he melts into himself and further disassociates. It's sad. The experience is echoed by the Alpha who gets on the couch with Sasuke later. I find it curious that all of those who assault him in the library are female. Nothing wrong with this. Women can be perpetrators too, I just find it interesting that all of them were female. In some ways, it's nice that we see the damage that alpha and beta women can do when they are entitled.

Woah! The revelation that Sasuke is emitting strong pheromones that are drawing people in was a really interesting revelation. On the first read, I assumed, "«Appassionato?» mi sussurra. Trattiene a stento l’eccitazione." was in reference to what Sasuke was reading. However, when I reread it, I realized that she was asking in how he smelled. This is very clever and I love the fact that it comes across as partially innocent, but is clearly not when you see her own excitement in speaking with him. The reaction of "«Che cazzo spargi i tuoi ferormoni in giro così se sei già preso?! Troia.»" is surprising and unexpected. Again, we know very little about Sasuke's pheromones, how he controls them, what he smells like to others, and even how he uses the bond, as he never thinks about it or feels anything from it. The fact that he does not notice that his pheromones are spreading around also seems to directly contradict what Zetsu said at the villa when he told Sasuke that his scent was different. If I recall correctly, pregnancy should mean that Sasuke scent fades because he is no longer available for others. The fact his scent smells good is is drawing people in is curious to me. perhaps this has to do with him being the erotica section at the start, but given the shame, discomfort, and rage he felt for quite a while after the event, I doubt that's the case. One would think his scent has soured. This is very interesting and I wonder if there is more to this than just his scent.

Circling back to Itachi, Sasuke does not trust him and will not go to him for support. This is understandable, but he also thinks about humiliation in relation to Itachi too, "Affrontare Itachi su questo è troppo umiliante." This is a curious development. Sasuke feels deep humiliation and shame, so much so that he does not even do anything to get assistance from anyone, as if truly accepting that he is in fact alone. The fact that in the last few chapters, Naruto's presence has been less and less in the story is likely not a coincidence with how Sasuke feels separate and othered. Additionally, the interaction at the cafe is also interesting. Itachi is aware that Sasuke is upset, and yet he still wants to make the best of the situation. However, we also see that Sasuke is able to lie to him, much better than he was able to do at the villa.

"Per quanto io sia ancora convinto che questo matrimonio sia la migliore uscita per me e Naruto dal raggio di influenza di Itachi, non significa che mi piaccia quello che sta succedendo." is an ironic thought, because this turns out to be the exact opposite of true. The fact that Itachi will be adopted by Hyuga, have incredible political power, and be Naruto's adopted brother, and brother-in-law with both Hinata and Sasuke is kind of insane when you think about it. Forget the family trees. This is rapidly turning into the Habsburg family wreath.

<3 There it is. Sasuke is learning to become like Itachi, manipulating someone to get what he wants. Beautiful and satisfying in the best way. For a few chapters, we see that Sasuke is learning to play the game that everyone around him is playing and somehow, I love that he is able to play it with Itachi. Great development. mother great thing about this moment, is that Itachi is actually subtly teaching Sasuke as well, "Purtroppo non raggiungi il tavolo del potere se riveli apertamente l’intenzione di cambiare le cose. Bisogna essere sottili. Infiltrarsi, appunto." This is not the first time we have seen Itachi be genuine with Sasuke, and so it's incredible to see that in many, many ways, Itachi is giving Sasuke an accidental master class on how to manipulate others and get what he wants.

The background on Hyuga in this chapter is great. We finally get to learn about them and why they are such a power player despite the fact there are not many of them and Hiashi is not active in the government. I also like the way Itachi reveals information and how he uses information and confiding in Sasuke about things going on - in relation to Naruto - to earn Sasuke's goodwill. It wouldn't surprise me if Itachi planned this as a means of trying to get Sasuke to open up to him, having realized that Sasuke is mad at him or just displeased in general.

I sense something supernatural regarding, "Ma si dice che il Ministro della Salute abbia anche il compito di costudire un segreto. Un segreto così importante che solo il Re, il Primo Ministro e il Ministro della Difesa conoscono." Let's see some magic.

Sasuke's focus on his and Naruto's safety is great, especially the way he thinks about the two of them together, collectively. Beautiful, and it really shows that Sasuke cares for and wants to protect Naruto to the best of his ability. This may also be what Itachi intends for Sasuke to do as well. Again, it is great to see Itachi be both manipulative and genuine at the same time. Convincing someone to subtly act in a way that suits him while gaining their trust. Itachi knows that Sasuke will protect Naruto and do what is best for him, especially now that he thinks Sasuke and Naruto are having sex. The fact that Itachi is giving Sasuke this information is not totally accidental. He wants Sasuke to be on alert for information too.

The mention of a Naruto Hinata child is sad in many ways, especially what it brings up in Sasuke and the fear associated with it. Sad. I wonder if Itachi will catch Sasuke rubbing his belly. He is super observant, but I suppose he has no reason to be suspicious. Then again, he is a master of watching people to get what he wants, so it would not surprise me if this does not escape Itachi's eyes. "E Itachi lo sto mandando a dare figli per una famiglia di cui non desidera fare parte." This is another powerful line that cuts deep. Naruto wants none of this and he has so little agency and choice. It's ironic in a story like this to see an Alpha in the almost same state as an Omega. I recognize that's part of the point, but wow.

"Ma devo ricordarmi che è l’unico tra i nobili che sta cercando di migliorare la situazione sociale." this is a great thing to circle back to. Sasuke and Itachi both want change. This is one of the most fundamental traits between the two of them. Who knows, perhaps in a different system, Itachi never would have abused Naruto at all.

"Ho un brutto presentimento." Me too, Sasuke. Me too. I doubt this is going to go anywhere remotely according to plan. In fact, I expect it to absolutely explode and for something insane to happen. Who knows, maybe Sasuke will channel divine power and destroy the church. All jokes aside, I doubt it will be anything that dramatic, but I doubt it will end with Sasuke getting a pat on the head and going back to Naruto unharmed. As great as that possibility is, I can't help but feel it would also ne deeply unsatisfying as part of the narrative. However, perhaps I am wrong. Maybe some good news is what we need. Then again, my first thought when the High Priest was announced was that, given what we've seen with Tobirama, it wouldn't surprise me if Sasuke was raped. That is not what I want to happen, but I would not be surprised.

"Non posso permettere che la Dama Bianca lo lasci indietro." Hopefully the Dama Bianca will also appear, but I doubt it. Given her last interaction with Sasuke, I assume that she will not reappear. Something more supernatural may happen, like Sasuke metaphorically becomes her and she can only appear to him in dreams. You never know though. Possibilities are endless until we learn more about the magic system.

This chapter ends with Sasuke accepting that he and Naruto need to be together to continue forward. "So solo che ormai insieme abbiamo fatto troppa strada. Dobbiamo continuare insieme." And I love that. It seems like the perfect way to end the chapter, especially given that we are moving into the Trial. I also like the idea that this seems to show that Sasuke accepts that they are emotionally bonded. Perhaps he does not yet know what to do with their physical bond, but the fact he is accepting they have been through a lot and he wants to continue with Naruto is incredible. Can't wait to see what happens next!

On a totally unrelated note to the other comments, " Se adesso io, a quasi cinquant’anni, posso avere lo stesso aspetto e la stessa forza di quando avevo vent’anni è merito degli Hyuga." shocked me. I can't believe Itachi is 50 years old. Yes, it makes sense with how old Naruto is and all the other information we have, but damn. I never expected for him to be that old. That is a huge age gap between the two of them. It makes me wonder if the fact Itachi and Izumi being together and not married is offensive to the Hyuga, and conversely, if it is normal for them to have been dating for so long.

--Until next time
(Recensione modificata il 06/03/2024 - 04:24 am)

Nuovo recensore
06/03/24, ore 03:16
Cap. 89:

This chapter opens up with a strange sense of emptiness and normalcy, which in some ways shows the narrative tone shift and how quickly Sasuke can adjust to things. The fact it's been a few days max, the new normal has established itself, and Sasuke considers "Niente è fuori posto." That is eerie in many ways, especially given the huge shift made to their lives. I reread the first paragraph multiple times, the prose is beautiful and there's something incredibly powerful about it that stands out to me. Perhaps it is the way it reads when translated into English, but WOW, it is powerful and the tone shift is more apparent here. It is an absolutely beautiful way to open the chapter. Very few of my reviews focus on your writing style, but wow, this first paragraphs is something new and clearly indicates the departure from the previous sections of the story and into the new start of something darker and more supernatural.

This continues with "Provo il desiderio di urlare quando, nel pomeriggio, vengo fatto salire in macchina verso la casa degli Hyuga.", as Sasuke makes it clear the full irony of the situation. It is in the Hyuga house where Sasuke feels he is a prisoner, where he does not seen to feel quite the same way about Itachi's house. The irony.

So happy to see Dediara enter the story. When Deidara appeared the first time, I celebrated. At first, I was not sure if the story fell into the trap of 'not like other girls' faulty logic of making Sasuke seem extra super special. Deidara entering the story made me smile and cheer because you are such a fantastic writer and was aware that Sasuke fell into the common logical flaw of wanting to see one's self as different and separate in a way that demonizes and punishes another group. It was a perfect encapsulation of awareness and his character is such a welcome foil for Sasuke in the way they understand themselves and the world. So happy for him to return. The rapport that Deidara has with Gaara is also great. His presence seems to be one that adjusts well to connecting and being with others and it works really well throughout this scene.

Kakashi has been a great character from the start of the story with his complicated and difficult past, but wow. The line "«Kakashi ieri ha detto a Zetsu cos’è successo qui»" didn't surprise me, but made me smile. I am glad that Kakashi has done something. And, I am sure that Kakashi has his own ideas on what the right thing to do is and how to improve the lives of Sasuke and Naruto. I wonder if Kakashi and Zetsu are masterminding things in the shadows together, as that does seem fitting for both their characters. Kakashi is more 'opaque' than Zetsu is, in some ways, and the lack of information about Kakashi and what he wants is great.

The little we get from Gaara in this chapter also speaks volumes about what it seems like is going on. The fact he thinks Sasuke and Deidara are shallow and 'like other omegas' in a sense seems to be happening here and I think that totally makes sense for Gaara's character and life circumstances. Especially given that he is older than the others. I vaguely recall that he is around 30, if I am not mistaken? That said, the fact he seems Sasuke and Deidara as other from him is also a good under current of not just conflict, but intrigue. Given the way Sasuke appears - and the fact we know how bias Sasuke is as a narrator - coupled with the fact that Sasuke is not always aware of how he is perceived, it makes sense that Gaara would see Sasuke identically to how Sasuke saw the young Omegas surrounding Kakashi back in the hotel. it is an interesting parallel to make between Gaara and Sasuke. The outburst that Gaara has at the end is also quite interesting. It does seem like he is goading Sasuke to hate him, but I can't clearly figure out why. Again, bringing Sasuke to be able to fight is one possibility, but it almost seems too easy of an explanation. The idea of him resenting Sasuke for being a good little bonded Omega in love with his alpha, and the anger and rage surrounding that is more interesting and compelling and seems more interesting. I wonder if Gaara's outburst will mean no more Zetsu and Deidara. I also wonder if the reason Sasuke did not open up about his former abuse (discussed in more detail below), is because Gaara was present.

The fact Sasuke immediately sees this is also a great development for his character. I stand by my guess last time that part of what Sasuke experienced in vomiting the black oily substance was almost like him growing and purging things from his body that he did not need. He showed surprising growth in only a few chapter while still being Sasuke. This is great. We also see Sasuke seeming to internalize what Naruto said earlier when he called him out with, "«Sasuke, sai che vuol dire fare buon viso a cattivo gioco?»" Here, we actually see Sasuke being able to put on a brave face and make the best of things. He smiles at Deidara and knows that he needs to respond with something positive, rather than just saying what he feels. He internalizes what other people are feeling and their experiences before responding. He is learning. Love this.

The rapport Deidara has with Sasuke is also great. I laughed reading "«Ah-ah. Certo. Nessun doppio fine.»" and "«Questa cotta ti sta sfuggendo di mano.»" On the note of Zetsu though, I suppose I find it a bit strange the Deidara doesn't seem to have any issues with Sasuke liking Zetsu. It makes sense, given that he is not in love with Zetsu and is in love with Sasori, but I guess I also wonder if some of what Deidara shares with Sasuke - in relation to Zetsu - is entirely true.

There may be a chapter when I do not point out that Sasuke has so much baggage that he genuinely does not believe anyone can love him, evidenced by "Non riesco ancora a convincermi che Naruto pensi davvero di amarmi. Secondo me non fa che ripeterselo perché non è ancora pronto ad accettare di essere ancora innamorato di Obito. Quando lo accetterà, si renderà conto che quello che prova per me è solo amicizia. " However, today is not a day where I will ignore it. The dynamic of Sasuke denying people him affection and that he is worthy of affection seems to becoming more and more present in the story. Even the idea he has of bringing the child to term circled around the idea of worthiness and that the child would not be safe, partially because of Sasuke himself. The layered complexity of his character is quite interesting in the sense that even though Sasuke 'has a crush on Zetsu' as everyone else calls it, part of me now wonders if this is not just because Zetsu is safe. A much bigger part is likely that Zetsu at times appears uninterested. In some ways, Sasuke is chasing someone safe and mysterious that genuinely cares for everyone because it is such a few feeling. At the same time, Zetsu embodies the idea that Sasuke IS special by doing things for him, helping whenever he can, and treating Sasuke well; and yet, Zetsu also embodies the idea that Sasuke is NOT special by not expressly (openly) being interested in him sexually or romantically. It is a very clever dynamic.

"Io continuo a sentirmi rotto." Ouch. This sentence hurt. The comfort that Deidara offers and the fact that it's only really Deidara that can give Sasuke this information and comfort is great. Again, I am so glad that Sasuke has someone to help him process his trauma and pain outside of Naruto. The fact that it is Deidara, another Omega, here with him, helping and listening to him? It's beautiful and I really love the solidarity and Omega camaraderie shown here. This is further supported later, as Sasuke believes that he will never be safe, "Con tutte le complicazioni con la Dama Bianca, avrò mai un luogo sicuro? Ho paura che non sperimenterò mai questa catarsi." It makes me hope that perhaps Sasuke will have an opportunity to heal prior to joining / becoming the Dama Bianca.

Another incredible aspect of growth Sasuke has in the last few chapters - since the black vomit - is that he does not always react immediately. he actually spends a lot of time in silence, thinking and reflecting when he is asked a question. Sasuke has always been reflective, so this is not new, per say, but his ability to sit and think, and not immediately react mindlessly to ask questions or insult others is incredible growth for him and it seems to show in his conversation with Deidara, especially. "Trattenere nella gola ogni singola cosa che vorrei urlare." Backs this up as well. Sasuke does not scream, he does not storm off. He stays and endures the discomfort to have peace and start to heal. Beautiful. He also does not react with any actions or words when Deidara touches Zetsu's face, even though he is upset about the physical intimacy of them touching, and the fact that they've had sex in the past. The jealousy Sasuke has with Deidara and Zetsu and Obito and Naruto is so clear here and it's honestly quite heartbreaking for him. From his experience, it likely does very clearly seem that he is isolated and alone and is never truly special to anyone in the way he wants to be. It's just heart breaking. Sasuke's lack of reaction appears a third time at dinner, "Naruto passa la cena tenendomi la mano. Probabilmente è questa l’unica ancora che mi impedisce di scattare." Sasuke does not react with Naruto's physical presence as well. it gives me hope that he is going to do fine at the High Priest trial and something else will happen -- like it being revealed that Sasuke is pregnant or something along those lines.

"«Posso assicurarti che non hai abortito» " This leads to me assume that Sasuke still smells different to Zetsu. Perhaps his senses are more attuned to Sasuke's body. However, I find it curious that no one else has noticed, especially Itachi. The beard idea and how " un Uchiha non può mai essere trascurato." is actually curious here. It's small, but the idea that Sasuke likes Zetsu as he is, not as he is force to be is a subtle hint that their relationship could work if it was pursued in the future. I like the idea that there seems to be some potential for other relationships in the story, even though it is NaruSasu. It for sure works in the dynamic they have and I like the idea of Sasuke just being happy. Perhaps I am seeing too much here, but I like theme of accepting people as they are, rather than who they feel they have to be.

A curious thing about the summary, and perhaps this is because it was omitted for not being important to mention, but I notice that Sasuke does not mention being raped at the Farm by a doctor. If anything, I would expect that to be the place he starts. He only mentions the incidents with Naruto and the fantasy about Zetsu. Perhaps Sasuke did include the violence done to him by the doctor, the gang rape by Uchiha, and the violence perpetrated by Naruto, but I can see that being something he does not want to bring up with Gaara around, in case Hyuga hears it. Given what we see on page, it seems that Sasuke only tells Deidara about the events that have happened recently. Then again, the focus of what Sasuke tells seems to explicitly start with "Sia del mio rifiuto a Naruto. Sia… della mia fantasia." this tells me that perhaps Sasuke has held back and did not in fact tell Deidara everything that would be relevant. I wonder if this means they will in future have a follow up conversation where more information is exchanged.

Huh, curious. In this chapter Sasuke actually reveals something I wondered about for a long time. Which is, how did an omega who grew up on the Farm grow into someone who thinks the way he does? After all, it was a quasi-religious indoctrination center. Sasuke reveals, "Dopo i dieci anni sono semplicemente stato abbandonato a me stesso." which I interpret as they just sort of ignored him and let him do whatever. So he had 7 years to come to these realizations, while reading whatever he had access to, to grow into the person we meet at the start of the story. subtle way to give an answer to a question I have pondered since the start of the story.

The rape fantasy thing with Sasuke seems complicated, but I do not believe it is "Sono così represso che riesco a lasciarmi andare solo se mi deresponsabilizzo?". Instead, it clearly seems to be "«Oppure è una risposta al trauma.»" The fact it is a trauma response is far more reasonable, given that Sasuke has been raped at least 3 times, depending on how you count. This is not addressed in the chapter and I am sure that he has good reason for not bringing it up, but it is very clearly not a religious thing as much as it is a response to trauma. After all, in books like the Body Keeps the Score, there is information regarding the body storing trauma. His mind wants to be connected and comfort Naruto. His body is traumatized and has not processed that trauma. Naruto is a walking example of that principle.

Obito's kindness to Deidara is also great. Obito is a great character in the story. As messed up as his actions are, I can't help but like him. You really are a wonderful writer to create such compelling, human-like characters that can do monstrous things and still have redeeming qualities. Amazing work.

Don't worry, Sasuke, I am also amazed to hear that Zetsu and Deidara had sex. Not what I expected when we showed up to this house party, either.

--Until next time
(Recensione modificata il 06/03/2024 - 04:24 am)

Recensore Veterano
05/03/24, ore 10:46
Cap. 90:

Per la rubrica recensioni a colazioni, eccoci!
Il fatto che Sasuke abbia preso come spirito guida Deidara e abbia lanciato i libri a Gaara mi ha fatto volare :')
Poi... La scena in biblioteca mi ha fatto una rabbia! Frequentata dalla fetta migliore di popolazione insomma 😒
La notizia data da Itachi, devo dire la verità, non me la aspettavo minimamente. È stata una sorpresa, ma il cervello macchinoso e acuto di questo uomo non smette mai di lavorare a nuovi piani d'altronde...
Non vedo l'ora di leggere della prova! Sono emozionata al solo pensiero. Per qualche motivo immagino che non finirà bene per Sasuke, e secondo me in parti eguali la colpa l'avranno la sua incapacità di fingere e Gaara.... Chissà!! Vedremo!
Per adesso ti faccio i miei complimenti. Tanto per cambiare eh.

Ma ho una domanda per te questa volta. Mi ricordo che nei primi capitoli di Iar avevi raccontato di non aver letto o visto direttamente Naruto (e che le tue conoscenze erano indirette diciamo). Sarei curiosa di sapere se, a distanza di anni, hai avuto la voglia di colmare questa lacuna, anche solo per la curiosità di scoprire come sono i personaggi scritti dal mangaka! Ovviamente lo so che tu hai sviluppato i tuoi a prescindere, prendendone in prestito i nomi e l'aspetto fisico. Sono solo curiosa.
Alla prossima!
Alis 🥰

Nuovo recensore
05/03/24, ore 06:43
Cap. 88:

Is it strange that I find it etherial and beautiful whenever La Dama Bianca appears in the story? Maybe it's because she's such a mystery, but I love when she appears. the mystery she introduces is great and perhaps that's why I look forward to whenever she arrives. The fact that Sakura is fading makes me wonder if Sasuke is gaining her magic or if in some way, she was the former Iar and he is the new one. Then again, you are such a fanatic story teller that I doubt the explanation would be so simple and surface level. Once I marinate on the topic, I may think of something more creative. La Dama Bianca does seem physical in some ways as she has murdered before, so perhaps there's that. All the same, it is great to see Sakura again. One thing I love is that she frames Sasuke's life as a prison, which in many ways is true. The fact that touch ends Sasuke's dreams is also quite curious from a narrative perspective, almost as a metaphor for the fact that Sasuke and Sakura cannot be in contact with one another. Perhaps I am reading too much into it, but I like it.

Although Sasuke is comforted by the fact only Itachi and Izumi live in the house, I can't help but wonder how safe Sasuke feels with Izumi, given that she also assaulted him. Then again, from what we've seen, she's not as masochistic as Shisui.

The magic introduced in this chapter is great, a welcome change that I was very anxious to see. The magic elements are quite curious to me and I m interested to see more. That said, I am a little surprised by how disinterested Sasuke seems. It does suit his character in some ways, but I didn't expect him to be so laissez-faire about the runes, given the amount of time that he put into researching them. Then again, there is no real indication that magic is a real thing in this world, so it works out.

The black, oily vomit is curious too. Not sure exactly what it is, but I can't help but wonder if Sasuke is summoning something into existence or if he is purging something from himself. In some ways, the imagery I see in this scene reminds me of purging under Ayahuasca. Also, the Eihwaz rune is sometimes compared to the Death card in Tarot. This is to say, that although it indicates 'death', it more in relation to a metaphorical death rather than a permanent one. It is about removal and shedding of that no longer serves, a purification through the 'death' of a part. This rune is also associated with eternal life, the will to survive. This likely relates to Sakura in some ways, but could also just be a means for Sasuke to purge what has been hurting him as a mechanism to heal and step into his new life and the role that La Dama Bianca seems to be priming him for. After all, he needs a teacher and perhaps there are still things he needs to rid himself of to be ready or that teacher to appear. He could have also brought something into the world that was not originally from it. All interesting ideas. Very interested in the magic!

Naruto's fear about miscarriage is rather curious. After all, from the perspective of Naruto and Sasuke, a miscarriage wouldn't be such a bad thing. They both stated they don't want to keep the child, and Sasuke losing it without medical intervention, especially with them living with Itachi, wouldn't be that bad. However, I can see why Naruto would be afraid. Part of the reason this is not what they want is because their lives are not their own. Naruto's worry does seem to indicate that he would want to have a child in some ways, so that's also a curious addition that I did not expect, especially given his immediate response several chapters ago to get rid of it.

Huh, you know, I had forgotten that Sasuke drew the rune for Iar before. I wonder if that has something to do with what's going on and the magic he has. He could have easily used the rune to summon something or bring something into his life. Very curious.

Sasuke's isolation in this chapter is also interesting, leaving him cast aside and forgotten. It's sad and realistic, and I find it curious to have him finally step into a role where he takes accountability for Naruto in the sense of wanting to protect him. The fact he concedes to go into the Omega room was a good development for him, and reinforces my idea that Sasuke has 'purged' a part of himself that was resentful and is growing and learning how to be in the world without being so transparent, although he is still Sasuke so of course it shows on his face at first. This feels like reasonable character growth in this moment and is great.

Another thing I strangely like about Sasuke is how he does not so a lot of socially normal things, like greeting Gaara when he enters, but also recognizes that his silence is not always normal and that people want him to respond. It's a small detail that I think shows how quiet Sasuke generally is, but also that the way he was raised and the isolation of the Farm did damage, even if it's not something we see in full detail.

The interaction with Gaara is quite interesting and I like the fact that there is some antagonism between them. Having a source of conflict in the chapter is great and somehow, I like that Gaara's first instinct is to fight and perhaps even try to bait Sasuke into fighting him. This makes me wonder if Gaara will have a hand in helping Sasuke train in future and help him to grow stronger, perhaps even strong enough to fight an alpha. It's hard to say. La Dama Bianca did say that Sasuke was exactly where he needed to be, so it's possible. That said, it does seem too much of a coincidence. You have never introduced a topic in a chapter and had the answer be in that chapter, so I doubt it is that straight forward. It's too easy and you're too good fo a story teller for me to believe that Gaara is Ur, but I do think he has a part to play in Sasuke's journey. After all, Gaara is a powerful, fighting Omega.

When Gaara says "«A te daranno molte particole da mangiare.»" it made me wonder if that was because Sasuke and Naruto have had a sexual relationship, and perhaps Gaara and Hinata have not? Perhaps it's me overthinking things, but given how Hinata is in cannon, I somehow can't really see her in a sexual relationship. However, she is an alpha in this story, so perhaps she has had sex with Gaara, but somehow, I just don't see it. In the scenes we see Hinata and Gaara interact, she treats him more like a child or a pet than a sexual partner. Again, perhaps that is just the reality of the setting, especially given the traditions of her family, but this stood out to me more than I would have expected and that's the first thing I thought.

Given how Gaara is acting, I wonder if Sasuke's assumption: "È chiaro che Gaara mi sta facendo queste domande per conto di Hinata. " is true. Then again, it is followed up with the question "«Ha altre anomalie… biologiche?»", so perhaps I am just too suspicious with some of the things Sasuke thinks.

The line "«Ah, quindi è questo il tuo superpotere» considera con ironia. «L’onestà.»" stands out to me strongly and I am not sure why. It does make sense that Sasuke is seen as honest in this scene and that Gaara wants to test that. There does seem to be many, many layers to this, however.This is followed up by the fight and "«Reagisci» ripete. «Fammi vedere se sai fare qualcosa.»," which leads me to believe that Gaara is trying to train Sasuke to react rather than freeze. We have seen Sasuke's reaction to trauma be freeze and paralysis, so him learning to fight or at least react would be great when things get hard. Gaara has also had a hard life, so it makes sense that he may be able to see the lingering affects of trauma in Sasuke as well.

"Kakashi ha portato la sola propria e fastidiosa presenza. " This sentence genuinely made me laugh.

Sasuke missing Zetsu is sweet. Sometimes I question his true feelings for Zetsu, as it mostly seems that Sasuke is drawn to Zetsu mostly because he is safe and did not have any real interest in him at first. Not to mention, Zetsu is one of the first genuinely nice characters in the story that hasn't done anything to hurt Sasuke and has always acted for the benefit of others over himself. In short, Sasuke has no real to fear him, so of course he would be drawn to that. Zetsu's intelligence is also a major thing that Sasuke is drawn to, evidenced by "Uno dei suoi piani." However, the mess of confusion with love seems to be a common theme. Toxic love could be said to be an Uchiha trait, because man do Uchiha have toxic love in spades. Just look at Itachi.

All the same, the disassociation Sasuke experiences in the story, especially in this chapter is quite profound. It is partially the writing style, but also his way of coping with uncomfortable situations. All he can really do is disassociate and it's quite sad and a common response to high levels of trauma. And his life has been quite traumatic. He witnessed a murder and was almost killed during the bombing when leaving the theater not too long ago and there has not been much acknowledgement to that, or the fact that Sasuke was also raped as a teenager. I forget exactly how old he was when the doctor attacked him when he was in heat, but that was never something that was dealt with. Sure, Naruto knows about it, and maybe Itachi has figured it out, but no one else really knows.

As for a guess on all the runes together, I will ponder on this a little more before giving a full idea of what is going on, as your writing tends to pile and I am behind on a few chapters, so I feel when I catch up, my analysis will be better thought out.

--Until next time
(Recensione modificata il 05/03/2024 - 10:54 pm)

Nuovo recensore
05/03/24, ore 03:07
Cap. 87:

This chapter is an interesting addition to the story, as it shows that Sasuke is not conscious that he lacks introspection on himself and how own actions in relation to others. The fact he is introspective to himself - with prompting from Naruto - is a resounding success in this chapter. Sasuke's directness in how his emotions are presented and how it's "Troppo evidente." what he feels is also something I like about his character. As guarded as he is, he is not infallible, and that is quite interesting to me. Sasuke is transparent and also distrusting, which is a great combination. One of the best things about this is the fact that Sasuke is forced to confront how other people see him and how he is perceived, which is the strongest foil between Sasuke and Itachi; Sasuke doesn't care (or isn't aware) of how he is perceived, whereas Itachi is hyper aware of his perception and uses it to manipulate. Honestly, it would be a resounding success if Sasuke learns to copy or mimimic Itachi in this way, especially given the potential for this character.

When Naruto asks, "Sasuke, sai che vuol dire fare buon viso a cattivo gioco?" it really made me think because the interesting thing here is that Sasuke was never really taught any of that, but Naruto was. So in a sense, Naruto teaching Sasuke more soft skills and how to better interact with people would actually be a great addition to the story. This is further supported by Naruto's later line: "Ma non ti viene in mente che farglielo credere è a tuo vantaggio? Itachi ti sottovaluta. Così non ti considera una minaccia, un nemico. E, fidati, non vuoi avere Itachi come nemico." Then there's also the fun week with the high priest that Sasuke will have to do, which gives me a sense of dread to even consider. That said, Sasuke does manage to lie to and manipulate Itachi later, so that's great.

The discussion later is also interesting too, especially when Naruto reflects to Sasuke what living with him is like. "Sasuke, quando sei arrivato qui ho quasi avuto un tracollo nervoso nel tentativo di stare dietro a ogni tuo cambio di umore." encapsulates this well, and the circling back of Deidara's comment about Sasuke not being special and 'not like other Omega's' is not a compliment. I love that this came full circle in the sense that Sasuke is exactly what he is most afraid of in a sense. Somehow, that works perfectly with the story and I like that he is confronted with the idea that 'not being like other omegas' is a manipulation tactic and one that is fundamentally one of hierarchy and privilege. I can't wait to see where this goes in the story. The line "O meglio, se gli altri Omega fossero esattamente come me?" was great for the same reason, wanting to see where this plot goes in future and how exactly Sasuke will make peace with the idea of being like all the other Omegas.

Another thing about this chapter that stands out is that Sasuke got insanely lucky with Naruto. he could have easily ended up with the type of alpha that would abuse him, similar to what we have seen happen to Naruto. Although this admits the detail that Uchiha does not allow their Omegas out into the public, Sasuke's like could have been so much worse and I don't think we ever see him reflect on this fact. Again, his lack of introspection to the situation is profound.

The note about Sasuke's thinking pattern and how he thinks of Zetsu first often is also interesting. "I libri, purtroppo, appartengono a Zetsu, Madara." Here, he thinks of the house as Zetsu's in some ways, even though we know it belongs to Madara. That is interesting too and I am rather curious to see how Sasuke and Zetsu's relationship evolves, because that's always been one of the most curious parts of the story to me.

Multiple reviews I have posted have detailed writings about Itachi, but the way he is in this chapter is fascinating as it relates to Sasuke. " Il problema è che lui sembra fin troppo voglioso di passare del tempo con me. Mi cerca sempre." is a good example of Itachi's curious character. I genuinely wonder what Itachi intends with Sasuke and what will happen to their relationship. Not knowing what Itachi wants is fascinating, but the fact he seems to genuinely care for and want to be around Sasuke is interesting - even if it just another mask Itachi wears. In reference to this mask however, Sasuke also wonders "Non capisco cosa potrebbe guadagnare dall’avermi dalla sua parte. Perché ci tiene così tanto al mio affetto? Quale utilità può dargli?" and this is a question I have too. What exactly does Sasuke have that Itachi wants? Perhaps it is just that they are brothers, but given how Itachi has been known to act, I presume there is some other reason behind him conceding to Sasuke, which I did not expect.

"Una brutta ansia mi avvelena il sangue." Is an absolutely beautiful line and does so much. I love it for many reasons, a truly beautiful way to capture how Sasuke feels in a moment where Itachi is being monstrous.

Naruto's guilt in this chapter is also quite curious, how he is almost allowing himself to be with Itachi as retribution for what he put Sasuke through, shown in the line "«Io ti ho abbandonato con loro» sussurra." I like it and it totally makes sense for Naruto's character. Not that he has any hope at disobeying Itachi.

The bedroom scene between Naruto and Sasuke is sad fo a variety of reasons. Sasuke is allowing something he doesn't actually want and the reaction of not wanting to be touched, the fact he won't open his legs is perfectly reasonable and normal. One part about this chapter that is subtle and that works so well is the reaction to rape and abuse that victims so often experience, Sasuke's feelings of hatred toward himself: "Mi odio per aver reagito così." and even the fantasy about Zetsu. Rape victims imagining themselves being raped by someone they trust is a common rape trauma response that many psychologists are conflicted on, and I like that it appears here. It is dark and discomforting that Sasuke both trusts Zetsu and has these thoughts, which are linked to control of their own bodies; that Sasuke mentioned at the start of the sexual interaction with Naruto in "Ho tutto sotto controllo." the portal of Sasuke's reaction to abuse in this story is good for many reasons, namely that even after all this time, he is not over it and the trauma shows up in many different places in his life. The best example of that is when Sasuke thinks, "E se sono stato rotto troppo a fondo per funzionare come le altre persone?" and later, "Mi hanno rotto troppo e ora non funziono più nel modo giusto." Then there's him comparing his trauma to Naruto's. The scene is complex and evolves incredibly well, showing their growth in many ways, of their relationship and trust.

Additionally, the fact that Sasuke was raped when he was younger adds a layer of complexity to this, which make me curious how he will react to being around a doctor later when the abortion is done. (I know Zetsu mentioned having it done, but I don't think he intends to do it himself).

Naruto's confession in this chapter feels true, like he genuinely does love Sasuke. Prior to now, his confessions never felt truly genuine, but wow. This one was great and you can tell he genuinely means it. He loves Sasuke now that he knows him better, and more importantly, now that Sasuke knows him. It feels more real and it's a nice development. The gut punch here is that we see Sasuke denies Naruto's love because of Obito, and Naruto's response is perfect, "Ma so cosa provo per te adesso» scandisce. «E posso assicurati di saperlo meglio di te.»"

The shame that follows is great. One thing that constantly frustrates me about Sasuke and Naruto is the fact they never seem to have a full conversation. It fully makes sense in terms of the story and I totally get it, but wow do I just want them to talk about their feelings from start to finish. I recognize that the fact I want that is a testament to what a wonderful writer and story teller you are.

The line "«Altri cinque minuti» " gutted me. Naruto said the exact same thing to Obito all those years ago when Itachi was there for him, and seeing it here with Sasuke is also heartbreaking. Again, the parallels between Obito and Sasuke in this story are amazing and they're so powerfully strong whenever they appear. It's incredible.

The line "«Sono sicuro che i domestici se ne prenderanno cura» cerco di consolarlo." reminded me of something important for this story that was a change from the start. This has been on my mind for a while, and perhaps this is a good chapter to bring it up in. The servants are an ever present presence in the story, and they are all around. An important aspect of servants is how much they know about the family they serve. They have all the secrets, all the gossip, all the truth. They're such a perfect idea for a double agent - like Mitsuki - or spies in general - like Iruka. The idea that the servants are not shown more and are sort of faceless in the background does make sense. One of my favorite aspects of the story was that Sasuke went out of his way to learn their names and even went to the servants quarters to speak to them. The fact that Sasuke spends so much of his time isolated - and his class as an Omega is a constant source of oppression - I liked that it seemed like he was going to start to form his own source of power with the servants. However, that did not happen. In the start, Sasuke developed relationships with other people in the house and that legitimately paid off for him in many ways. I wonder if that;s something he will do when he goes to the new place and when Naruto and Hinata move in together - presuming that happens at all. Sasuke is curious and genuinely seemed to care for people like the servants and other omegas. It makes me wonder if a good direction for his character would be to make friendships and connections with more 'underdogs' and help bring others into the fold. It seems like a logical progression for Sasuke to make given the influence of the White Lady, and could help him mirror Naruto in the sense that he can gain all this information and intelligence but does not have to use his body or sex to gather than information.

Continuing on the thread of the servants, one of the things that really, really annoyed me about Sasuke in the early chapters is that he did not understand the insane amount of privilege he had. Yes, he was an Omega, but he was essentially privately owned from the time he as young, and it totally makes sense to me that he was spoiled and blind to how good he had it, all things considered. when we hear of the plight of other Omegas, like Deidara, Rin, Sakura, and those in the orgie that almost cost Naruto his life, we really get the impression that Sasuke got lucky in this system. And, Sasuke suffers a lot. I do not want to make light of his sufferings. But wow he is lucky. And for this reason, I feel that a logical development in his character would be to grow and start to see the others who are oppressed and start to do what he can connect with them. That seems to be the case in this chapter especially, given that he recognizes that Omegas are like him. It will also decrease the likelihood that he is manipulated in future. It would give him more of a support network outside of Naruto, which Sasuke desperately needs.

Sasuke running to the beach scene is also great, I love the urgency of "Qualcosa sussurra al mio cuore di andare lì prima di partire." The way Sasuke gets the bag of runes is also great. I can't wait for the reappearance of the White Lady.

--Until next time
(Recensione modificata il 05/03/2024 - 10:54 pm)

Nuovo recensore
04/03/24, ore 19:24
Cap. 90:

Hi L

First about what happened in the library, I had thought about Sasuke being taken to the library but I never imagined something this horrible.For many years, books and the library were Sasuke's refuge, but this time it became a bitter memory.

The news Itachi gave, this man has thought of everything. But I can't guess if Sasuke will tell this news to Zetsu and Obito or not.Maybe they themselves know this and think of a solution for it.

And most importantly... the test. I'm so worried and stressed about Sasuke as if I'm going to take the test myself. I hope everything goes well.

And I feel that Sasuke's feelings for Naruto have deepened.I hope they can continue together‌.

Thanks for the update
Catch you later
(Recensione modificata il 04/03/2024 - 08:32 pm)

Nuovo recensore
04/03/24, ore 07:14
Cap. 89:

Hi L

Light chapters always remind me of the calm before the storm, and the storm is sure to come
The test that Sasuke has to pass,With his penchant for arguing and punching, I am very worried about him.
Regarding his crush on Zetsu, Deidara's description was the best : "You are so cute. All in love."
I just hope it doesn't cause any embarrassment

Naruto and Sasuke are very lucky to have someone like Zetsu to help them, "I can find solutions to everything."
We all need one of these ;)

And Gaara Ah Gaara. What is his problem? Even if he is preparing Sasuke, he is doing it in a bad way.
He is more like a small child whom other children do not play with and he beats them out of jealousy or speaks ill of them in front of their mothers.
Of course, Hiashi's words about Deidara were not much better than his.

See you soon
(Recensione modificata il 04/03/2024 - 08:32 pm)

Recensore Master
02/03/24, ore 20:16
Cap. 89:

Ciao, eccomi a recensire.
Capitolo più leggero degli altri anche se si è parlato di paure e temi importanti.
Sono contenta che Sasuke sia riuscito ad aprirsi con Deidara. Il biondo è davvero unico, con la borsa piena di pietre mi ha steso e ha quasi steso anche Gaara. XD
Abbiamo conosciuto anche qualcosa in più della sua storia e sicuramente può essere un buon amico anche per Sasuke.
L’attrazione di Sasuke per Zetsu gli sta un po’ sfuggendo di mano, sembrerebbe proprio travolto da questo sentimento anche se è stato molto interessante leggere le possibili riflessioni in merito legate al trauma e alle sue possibili fantasie.
Da capire sempre il ruolo di Gaara, se probabilmente stava testando Sasuke potrebbe essere per prepararlo a qualcosa che lo attende, come se sapesse di più sul suo futuro, sulle rune, sulla Dama Bianca?
Perché un conto in sospeso con lui per ragioni passate non saprei.
Sono naturalmente curiosa di sapere come sarà la loro prova.
Ti aggiungo su Instagram.
Ti segnalo gli errori trovati nel testo: “Da domai a tre giorni, verrete trasferiti nel Monastero Celeste.”, “Zetsu cerca mi rivolge un cenno mentre elenca:”, “Tra te giorni. Zetsu aveva ragione.”.
A presto, kiss

Recensore Junior
29/02/24, ore 20:27
Cap. 89:

Questa volta recensisco molto in ritardo rispetto al solito, colpa di vari impegni lavorativi ma ora che sono riuscita a trovare una buona mezz'oretta libera, ne approfitto.
Prima di tutto ti informo che ho iniziato a seguirti su Instagram e sono molto felice di notare che hai un profilo molto attivo! Ho letto le anticipazioni nelle storie e questo genere di mini micro spoiler mi piacciono un botto, mi entusiasmano! In più mi fa percepire i tempi di attesa fra un capitolo e un altro come molto più brevi. Spero che con un post o con le storie ci informerai poco prima della pubblicazione dei capitoli, così mi tengo pronta per la lettura hehe.
Ad ogni modo, torniamo a noi.
Il capitolo è interessante. Non contiene chissà che grande passo avanti nella storia ma mi è piaciuto molto leggere qualcosa di più su Deidara. Ti confesso di averlo trovato da subito un personaggio molto intrigante. Ero e sono ancora sicura che non sia da sottovalutare. Ho come l'impressione che ci sia ancora molto da rivelare su di lui... staremo a vedere.
Mentre da un ottica più generale, credo che la conversazione fra i due sia stata molto utile al fine ultimo di capire meglio l'oscurità nel cuore di Sasuke, si sono schiarite un pochino di ombre sui suoi dubbi e le sue paure. Mi è piaciuto davvero.
questa prova mi mette ansia quasi come se la dovessi fare io. E ho ancora più paura all'idea che possa non superarla.
Vedere Naruto e Sasuke separati credo sia il mio timore più grande insieme alla possibilità che Itachi scopra la gravidanza. Che angoscia.
Riguardo alla storia del possibile aborto ci sto capendo sempre meno aaaaahhhhhh!!!!! Ma questa cosa che Sasuke si ostini a non crede alla possibilità di aver abortito solo perché "non è così che avviene un aborto", bhè... Tesoro. Vorrei farti notare che è da un po' che accadono cose fuori dal normale 😂 non ci scommetterei tanto... E in tutto questo, averne parlato con Zetzu ma "a metà" è stata una stronzata. Cosa si aspettava di sentirsi dire? "si, è possibile che tu abbia vomitato un feto?" 😂
Vabè dai, le delucidazioni al riguardo solo tu puoi darcele, salvaci!
Attendo con ansia il prossimo capitolo. Mi è dispiaciuto un botto quando ho letto del salvataggio perso! Ti capisco, so quanto è snervante dover riscrivere da capo dopo tutto quel sacrificio... Spero vada tutto bene 😘
Un bacione e alla prossima!

Recensore Veterano
23/02/24, ore 18:07
Cap. 89:

Bene, ho deciso di fare una recensione, probabilmente non sarà la più brillante che ho fatto, ma c’è abbastanza materiale per cui io possa tirare qualche somma.
Giusto, prima di tutto: Ciao. Grazie per i capitoli, sono stati fonte di infiniti meme, da un lato mi dispiace che tu spenda tempo per scrivere una storia complessa, che tratta di temi importanti, con personaggi ben delineati e la giusta dose di mistero ed io sono qui a fare i meme.
Ma che ci posso fare? Ridiamo per non piangere.
Come sempre, procediamo in ordine sparso:
Cosa? No, niente, devo fare un piccolo appunto per il fegato di Itachi ormai sul punto di esplodere, che probabilmente dovremmo metterlo in una lista di trapianti.
Lo abbiamo visto abbastanza scosso per il matrimonio (al punto da desiderare che Naruto dicesse di no) e decisamente sconcertato da tutto questo sesso. Mi fa morire dal ridere che Naruto e Sasuke li facciano questo gaslight, sembra una cosa super stupida, però è indicativa.
Si ricollega un po’ al suo modo di vedere le cose:
a. Naruto è suo e non lo ingannerebbe mai
b. Sasuke è il suo fratellino omega e pende dalle sue labbra e non lo ingannerebbe mai.
E ora è sconvolto da questa svolta nel loro rapporto – in cui sa di non potersi intromettere (infondo l’accordo per la vita di Sasuke era proprio questo e lo scopo di Sasuke era proprio questo).
Giuro, nonostante non stia facendo attivamente nulla negli ultimi capitoli, questo è il momento più di tutti in cui vorrei sapere cosa c’è nella sua testa.
Mi sa di no. Credo che la cosa sia possibile, ma non in questo caso. Semplicemente Sasuke ha interpretato la domanda in un modo diverso da quella di Itachi.
Uno intendeva sessualmente e l’altro sentimentalmente, possiamo dire. Sasuke si stava prendendo cura di Naruto, solo in un modo diverso da come lo intendeva Itachi.
In un certo senso mi intriga anche questa differenza tra i due fratelli, questa accezione del ‘prendersi cura’.
Invece, ritornando al tema: la risposta di Sasuke mi da pensare che effettivamente si possa comunque resistere alla ‘Voce’ magari inizialmente interpretando diversamente gli ordini (in realtà questa idea mi è venuta da un’altra omegaversa che ho letto, dove l’omega si accorgeva di questa cosa) e credo che in futuro si possa proprio sfuggire. Sospetto che l’allenamento di Sasuke preveda anche questo.
Penso che debba riguardare queste tre cose.
Sulla prima non ho idee – spero che, quando arriverà a prenderlo, Sakura possa istruirlo su questo, in realtà credo che i canterini abbiano già i loro mezzi o basterebbe, banalmente, dire: FERMI TUTTI.
La magia – la lascio per un posto a parte.
La forza: Sasuke è una ‘chiavica’, me lo aspettavo. Nella mia testa è tipo uno stuzzicadenti per intendersi.
Inizialmente il comportamento di Gaara lo aveva inteso proprio per questo.
Avendo una teoria mezza folle su un paio di cose (LE STREGHE SONO A NORD DOVE SONO GLI HYUGA, HINATA VUOLE OSTINATAMENTE SPOSARE NARUTO E KAKASHI E’ PALESEMENTE UN CANTERINO E GAARA LO SA, PERCHE’ CHIEDE DI NON TRASCINARCI HINATA) avevo pensato che lo scopo di Gaara fosse proprio valutare il livello di Sasuke e da dove partire per una parte dell’allenamento.
Non ne sono del tutto sicuro, ma aspetto ulteriori sviluppi.
E’ stato davvero tristissimo, spero che in qualche modo possano tornarci. Particolarmente mi ha straziato vedere Naruto nella serra, sapendo quanto significava quel posto per lui.
Dopo tutto quello.
In un certo senso la freddezza di Itachi anche davanti a questo me lo fa odiare ancora di più, da non capire quanto suo fratello fosse felice in quella piccola nicchia.
Ah Itachi.
Sono sicura che Obito abbia già portato i pappagallini a casa sua (ps – chi sa se cambieranno colore, lol, i miei lo hanno fatto quando ne ho spostato uno dei gabbia ahah).
Allora da brava fan dei libri di Riordan - che ha scritto una saga sugli dei nordici – e una tesi sui vichinghi, devo dire che quando Sasuke e Naruto si sono messi a giocare con le rune, stavo per avere un mancamento.
Poi ho pensato a Sakura che è cento anni che aspetta questo momento e il suo messiah tanto atteso è un ragazzo di diciassette anni impulsivo e troppo razionale e il suo compagno emotivamente compromesso. Proprio un lancio di dadi sfortunati.
Comunque prima di parlare della profezia/incantesimo che hanno lanciato, vorrei parlare delle tre rune che sono spiccate di più nei capitoli precedenti:
All’ora: Iar lo sappiamo, è Sasuke, è il serpente e tante care cose. L’Ur è l’uro, lo dice Sasuke, lo avevo già detto è rimango convinto che Obito sia l’uro, visto che era presente lui nel sogno.
Yr invece è il TASSO, non l’animale, l’albero: la pianta della morte. Ma anche Yggdrasill, l’albero che sostiene tutti i mondi e dove Odino ha dovuto scontare il suo sacrificio (l’impiccagione). E chi in quel benedetto sogno era legato alle piante?
Naruto stava annaffiando una pianta. Certo in quel momento sembrava più un riferimento al fatto che è molto legato alle piante – vedi la serra – ma poi mi sono detta: non vuoi vedere che anche l’amore di Naruto per la natura sia un riferimento a questo?
Quindi per me Sasuke è lo IAR, Obito è l’UR e Naruto è l’YR.
Sasuke comunque che nega la realtà e continua a fingere che la magia non esista, che tutto possa essere chiuso in un piano razionale (se agli omega fosse concesso di studiare, sarebbe un ottimo ingegnere) nonostante tutti gli indizi che ha avuto:
- I sogni mischiati con Obito;
- Sakura non-morta e viaggiatrice di sogni
- Le rune che compaiono magicamente
Ma no lui e stoico e razionale e nonostante Sakura abbia detto che le rune sono magiche, lui insiste: sono solo sassi. Lo amo.
Mi piace che invece Naruto abbia la capacità di accettare di più la realtà per quanto poco plausibile sembri: però è così, queste cose stanno succedendo e razionalizzarle serve a poco. Inoltre, non dimentichiamo che Naruto ha dalla sua già la magia – questa ossessione che sprigiona non legata solo ai feromoni, così come quando canta.
Non è un caso per me, che loro due si siano trovati – anime gemelle o meno.
Comunque, Sasuke con il suo desiderio di ignorare l’elefante della stanza e Naruto con la sua ingenuità – ah sì, dimentichiamoci della voce – lanciano un incantesimo.
Ora il problema delle rune e che io non sono un ergi: anche se mi impegnassi nell’interpretarle dubito che ci riuscirei, infondo CAVALLO E RICCHEZZA sono la stessa cosa. Help.
Sicuramente qualcosa è successo e quel che è successo non è un aborto.
Sarebbe stato esilarante ma no (in qualche modo mi ha ricordato: Al nuovo gusto di ciliegia – dove accadono tutto il tempo cose irrazionali e magiche di questo genere – la consiglio).
E’ stato bello scoprire che Zetsu non è davvero asservito al sistema, ma in realtà è solo una povera vittima, che aiuta come può, camminando su uno strato di moscovite perché non può permettersi errori.
Anche se, bho, penso che il lavoro che lo stesse distruggendo fosse veicolato comunque dalla Dama. Jiraya a parte, Kakashi a parte, Zetsu ha stretto un accordo con Sakura e non credo possa rimangiarselo, forse può evitare Canterini e altro, ma non la dama in persona.
Ma attendo.
Comunque adoro quanto sia supportivo.
Ed io lo so che questa è una ff NARUTO/SASUKE (che mi piacciono assai, che mi stanno piacendo assai di recente) ma il mio cuoricino si stringe in ogni interazione che ha con Sasuke.
Niente, ormai vedo Zetsu dal filtro rosa di Sasuke, quindi lo amo. Quando spezzerà il cuore a Sasuke lo spezzerà anche a me.
Comunque povera stellina che pensava di essersi liberato delle accuse di impotenza e invece no, anche se immaginarlo a livello sessuale è stato super divertente. “Be, è meglio che fare burocrazia”
Comunque, Deidara: stai male con la barba; Sasuke: sei tipo bellissimo, sposiamoci.
Davvero, questa ship mi ucciderà.
Perché è sempre bello parlare di Obito (e la sua attrazione sessuale a persona singola). Ho adorato quando Deidara ha raccontato come si è comportato con lui. Lo vedi che tutto sommato dietro tutte le cose brutte e stupide è una brava persona. Ma adoro che Sasuke lo continuerà a negare ad oltranza, perché sì.
Mi è piaciuto molto, comunque, il suo discorso con Naruto, la sua confessione particolarmente – ci sto ancora pensando – e le scuse.
OBITO SI E’ SCUSATO – ed è importante perché ancora una volta era stato rimarcato che Itachi non lo ha mai fatto e che Sasuke era stato l’unico fino a quel momento.
Ora che lo ha fatto vedo proprio benissimo la DEATH FLAG sulla sua testa.
Niente per me gli Hyuga vivono sulla luna. Cioè capisco l’eccessiva religiosità ma il non indagare neanche un po’ sugli Uchia no.
IL MIO FIGLIO BELLISSIMO, comunque approvo utilizzare la borsa come arma (avrei una storia carina su questo – ti dico solo che ho un bellissimo cartellone che dice: IL BAULETTO E’ LA MIGLIORE ARMA).
Adoro il suo personaggio, è fresco e divertente, ma anche molto empatico ed adoro il suo rapporto con Sasuke, la loro amicizia.
Adoro come Sasuke abbia ammesso la loro amicizia.
Oltre questo, ho amato davvero la sua capacità di leggere la situazione, di essere intimo e assertivo e divertente all’occorrenza.
Inoltre è la spalla romantica per eccellenza, aiuta Sasuke con Zetsu perché Sasuke ha una cotta per lui e lo aiuta a capire i suoi sentimenti per Naruto – anche se va contro i “loro interessi” – perché è buono per Sasuke.
Mi è piaciuta la sua spiegazione della relazione con Sasori – anche se ora sono curiosa di sapere: come ha rimediato l’artista?
Niente mi è piaciuto moltissimo lui in questo capitolo, come si è comportato con Sasuke etc.
Super supportivo, super delicato.
Meno nel raccontarci le disavventure sessuali di Zetsu (mi ha fatto riderissimo però Sasuke che ha questa fantasia super intensa e lui è tipo: oh, tesoro, preparati ad essere deluso).
Trovo le due ipotesi proposte da Deidara per Sasuke abbastanza plausibili (in realtà non ci avevo mai riflettuto sul fatto che probabilmente le donne ne hanno per lo stesso principio: non posso sentirmi in colpa per le mie fantasie sessuali se sono costretta – probabilmente c’è uno studio dietro che non conosco, ma di cui probabilmente dovrei informarmi) aggiungo anche, che, per quanto tragico: Sasuke non conosca altro modo per l’intimità mentre è lucido. Il che resta ancora piuttosto orribile per lui.
Sono contenta che abbia deciso di approcciarsi all’intimità, diciamo che è il modo giusto per cominciare a guarire.
Sasuke è geloso di Obito e di Deidara e non so questa cosa mi è piaciuta moltissimo.
La verità è che chiaramente i sentimenti di Sasuke e Naruto sono evoluti, hanno condiviso tanto, hanno raggiunto un grado di intimità che va davvero oltre il legame, sono amici e hanno vissuto molto assieme.
Però, penso che Obito sia una presenza che esisterà per sempre tra loro.
La gelosia per Deidara invece è super divertente.
Finalmente parliamo di lui; pensavo all’inizio che fosse un collaborato della Dama, ma adesso inizio a pensare sia un JOLLY PAZZO e potrei amarlo per questo.
Credo che inizialmente, a parte l’apatia dimostrata, Gaara avesse visto qualcosa in Sasuke: quella scintilla, che Sasuke ha, ma che sappiamo tenta di nascondere e per questo voleva testarlo, ma credo che ora si sia convinto di essersi sbagliato.
Ha visto Sasuke comportarsi da omega ben educato, “innamorato del suo alpha” e lo ha sentito un pomeriggio intero parlare di sesso con Deidara.
Per questo quell’uscita a cena, temo che voglia mettere in cattiva luce Sasuke.
Anzi, temo farà il necessario per cacciare Sasuke dal quadrilatero, perché mi sembra evidente che voglia tenere Hinata protetta, potrei anche azzardare che voglia far saltare il matrimonio.
Comunque, potrei sbagliarmi.
Riguardo al suo ruolo: paragonare Gaara all’omega dell’attentato, mi fa pensare che Sasuke debba incontrare finalmente l’altro lato della mela.
Ha conosciuto Deidara è il mondo degli omega venduti e sfruttati ed ora deve conoscere l’altro lato.
Niente, per me una settimana, quei due insieme finiranno per bruciarla la chiesa, cielo, non vedo l’ora!
Probabilmente ho dimenticato qualcosa, ma credo che alla fine possa andare bene.
Un bacio